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Abra Geroni

A member registered Oct 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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i dont understand what to do with these "tracing route" things

all 15 found, it was super fun:>

can't wait to see more:>

also when you choose "wait", you get into a loop. Is it a bug or on purpose?

character changed to oenoth, but you still interact with objects like Mors

it's the most interesting HC-inspired game I've seen:>
i found a bug, but since it's an early demo, i guess you know about it

i will be brutally honest - i can't get past the second monster, they're too strong... ...Or i'm too week...

glad for you! I'm thrilled to see what's coming:>
i get it about sudden inspirations - i tried to participate in jam, but i absolutely can't work with time limit:((( Even if i had 6 months i'd still not make it in time. But then i thought - what if for the next jam i make a really tiny game? And after 2 days it's 90% finished lol. I immediately came up with the story and concept. I think it's a progress for me - i used to be really bad with making short stories.
(sorry i'm rambling about myself so much😅)

pretty interesting gameplay for RPGmaker game:)

thank you so much😭 means a lot to me🖤

oh, i'm intrigued😊 How's the development going?

oh btw, you improved the font so much it's perfectly readable but still pretty unique:>

where did TWSTM go?😮

love this classic rpgm horror vibe, never get tired from it🖤

too late on that, but:

5 stars is not enough - here more⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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isnt it... Aka Oni?😊 Or Beni Oni...

it's fun:>
but i noticed that "level 2" is too easy - you can just walk around the last 2 chikens at the right bottom. And you can do it with the first 2 chikens at level 3. The last one is much harder to beat.

i played it about 3 years ago, and i dont remember details, but i remember it was great!<3


the commentator's not at all disguised narrow-mindedness❤

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i don't see any ghost anywhere...

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chase scene in a regular RPGM horror: run away from the f***ng monster, fast!😭😱
chase scene in Axel's game: run towards it to see a cool death animation!😊🥳

i already found it and finished the game, but glad it helped:3 Is there only 1 ending?

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they are as empty as they can be🙃
I mean there are no obviously-interactive objects. Wandering there and clicking every pixel is very tiresome... It's just my opinion, sorry if it's rude. Other than that this game is amazing🖤

i'm not sure where i'm supposed to look for coat...

SO loud😱

i def can't wait for release💖

yes there are cirillic characters in layers names, try to replace them with english:>

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so it's impossible to open that "idontneedtogotherenow" door?..

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it's when you go outside, then go to the right

wowwowow it's so beautiful❤

great art requires time, deal with it

would be great:>

but at first it didnt eat the cursor, i think. I could even move the creature...
we need a cursor eating creature eater then:>

it has a bug - when you click, the cursor disappears and nothing moves. Until you press esc.

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i found it and i regret it...

I can't achive the true ending... Probably there is a correct combination of answers for that...