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Could I join?

A topic by Forever Lotha created 14 days ago Views: 108 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Just started looking at some game jams and this one popped up. is anyone in need of a 2d artist? 

Do you know how to make carton drawings

depends on the style but yes

So will you want to join my team?

sorry i was asked to join another and i greed to that one

(2 edits)

Hey,were a team of 3 (coder, artist and sound designer) and our game is a 2d platformer,so you'd be perfect for this, we dont mind another artist joining us, as this can speed up the process, discord: hadielzeinh

I sent a friend request to you, I'm not sure if it went through. I know you were looking for a pixel artist specifically, and I've never worked with pixel art.

I entered the wrong username while typing the message,did u dm hadielzeinh or a different username

im not sure but ill try once more