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(Looking For Work) Music Producer/Composer Free Music Available

A topic by CharlieArmour19 created 42 days ago Views: 164
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I am Charlie Armour, a music composer from Liverpool. Growing up I had a love for video

games, and the music behind the classics. This was my career path for me, composing pieces

on the Amiga 500 Computer. Later on, I upgraded to a PC with a little more processing

power, composing pieces of music on programs such as Fast Tracker and Pro Tracker. Not

only was I composing pieces on the computer but I decided to take piano lessons to learn

more about music composition.

University was the next stage, completing a Bachelor's Degree in Music and Sound. Learning

a lot about sound design and music arrangements for Film/TV projects and with this

experience, skills, and knowledge I began working as a film and video game composer for

many different projects, winning awards along the way.

Would love a chance to show you my portfolio and one day work on your new projects. 

Thank you and I hope to hear back from you

Retro tunes



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