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Virtual Nomad

A member registered Aug 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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thanks! and, kudos for noticing tiny details like the spinning debris :)

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hi, maxidev.

it seems that you mistakenly suggested that Epic Shooter be included in the Creation bundle which is for Tools and Assets. If you would please re-submit and choose the Shine bundle, it would be appreciated.

Otherwise, we will be reviewing each entry once the Jam is complete and properly assigned them to the most-appropriate Bundle.

Sorry for any confusion.

Thank you.

nice work, and thanks for submitting so many great assets.

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Bundle Everywhere is proudly accepting Submissions for (3) different Co-Op Bundles this Summer:

Roaring Summer Bundles

  • Shine: This category is for submissions that might bring Light into darkness, evoke Happiness, Joy, Victory and Success! It can include Games, Books, and more. Most items typically fall under this category.
  • Shadow: This category is for Games, Books and more with Darker overtones that might solicit Fear & Fright and includes themes such as Tragedy, Sorrow, Blood and even Death!
  • Creation includes all Game Assets, Music, Tools and Templates and any other items used for Content Creation.

As usual, NSFW content is prohibited while all Revenue will be Split Equally amongst each Bundle’s participants.

Submission Deadline is Wednesday, 12th of June, 2024.

For more details or to join up and Submit your projects, see the Roaring Summer Bundle Jam.

Co-Op Bundles can be a great way for your projects to receive exposure while making a few $$ in the process.

Hope to see you there!

please approve the bundle: you are the only one who hasn’t.

welcome, pd. i just checked out your bitsy games and they are fun little gems!

i’m looking forward to what you might put together for OlyGames :)

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10 shots, 19 kills

Axitomix community · Created a new topic First time playing
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once i turned the timer off it was a lot of fun (tho ~200 moves seems like a lot!)

thanks for sharing :)

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Venagon has recently updated the bundle jam to allow Free games which could help the bundle’s success.

I’ve added a couple of fun but free/pay what you want games that i believe are of good quality/will help with the bundle’s value and hope that you all do the same.

Let’s try and maintain the quality level of the contents for the sake of the Relief fund which should be the priority here.

@Venagon, if you believe any of my submissions don’t meet the level of quality you’re looking for, please feel free to exclude them. i only want the bundle to succeed and won’t take offense :)

clever concept and all-around great game, BC. congrats!

not sure why numerous short-term invites are posted vs 1 that lasts but i’d like an invite?

welcome, ceph. i’m looking forward to what you come up with. as long as we keep it simple, we should be fine :) Community » General » Game Jams · Created a new topic OlyGames 2024
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OlyGames 2024 is a Ranked but Casual Game Jam meant to bring developers together to create games in the Spirit of this year’s Summer Olympics that encourage friendly competition across a variety of events, Real or IMAGINARY!

Along with Jam Co-Hosts, game developer Yoeria Staal and YouTuber & #IndieFan Rheia Gaming, we invite you to bring the fun, no matter your dev experience!

For more details (including an optional Post-Jam Co-op Bundle), please visit:

OlyGames 2024 Game Jam

clever mash-up. tweak the balance and add a fullscreen button? :)

wonderful. please add a license?

not sure how to play but i do like a twist on Classic games so please offer some instructions?

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nice sokoban-type game. currently stuck on B3 so thanks for saving progress so that i can revisit and pick up where i left off (i played on WIN; unsure if save works on HTML version). consider tagging as Sokoban so that it gets some well-deserved exposure, adding a little sound to polish it up? otherwise, plays well & nice challenge. thanks for sharing :)

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Hello and Welcome!

I’m a hobby coder that enjoys the Olympics AND Jamming alongside other #IndieDevs and have wanted to combine the 2 for some time now as a Host; NOW seems the perfect time to make it happen!

I’ve gathered a couple of friends to kick this off and look forward to what you all bring to the arena.

I invite participants to get to know one another, find teammates and share your thoughts and ideas as I hope to foster a friendly competition for #OlyGames 2024.

So, let’s be creative and have some FUN sharing what we love to do!


thanks for sharing the nostalgia. i’m digging this :)

retro goodness! are the scores online? thanks for sharing!

i missed the shots wrapping but otherwise a nice asteroids offering. check out my own spin in this great classic here? and, thanks for sharing :)

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any tips on getting BE to run in fullscreen on WIN10? i’ve tried various compatability modes, disabling FS optimization, etc, (on all exes) and it transitions, then crashes silently.

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This pack was just what i was looking for, SBS. I put one of the great textures to use HERE. Thank you!

Click the Exit button (lower right) before trying to view the character sheets (see my comment re: that small issue) and take your time when exploring the game as there’s much to learn :)

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i’m glad you’ve enjoyed your descent into darkness (and ascent of the ladder) thus far, AJB ;)

and, you should appreciate the graphics as much as me since your handprints are on them, afterall. i’ve only chosen how to use them.

thanks for all of that!

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With all you’ve put into this over the years, i’m elated that the Jam served as inspiration to Finish It!

While RPG Party: GR stirred many similar experiences of past games, it’s always nice to see an author’s touch applied to their own Realms like this.

Unlike those others, my very first encounter here was an epic, tactical battle ending with my shining success. A few more and i reclaimed my Veteran title of the past and donned my old hat. Soon after, with only the few, new notches in my belt, i re-learned one of Ultima’s prime virtues: Humility and promptly tossed that old hat into the river :)

This first run was with the WIN build which the game wasn’t necessarily designed for but still played well. The amount of adventure inside is obviosuly enormous (and that was before noticing the size of the .byc).

Thus far, i can only offer obvious suggestions and direct to technical anomolies that i expect you are aware of such as the game allowing a character sheet to be visible for a split second on click when it shouldnt be at all while play was solid, relatively straight-forward and fully functional.

Otherwise, i’d ask for a complete Manual but that’s a whole other project, i know. I will say that in-game explanations and descriptions for skills, items, etc, are essential & much appreciated as it will all help us fully appreciate what you’ve shared.

Bottom line: You’ve hit the mark with Goblin Raiders and i look forward to further exploration of what you’ve in store for me. i’ll be installing this on my phone so the adventure is never too far away (assuming i keep the battery charged :) )

You had me at Party Creation, and thanks for that!

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well-polished strategy game, zx. the attention to details is painfully obvious. play is simple, intriguing & well-executed, and the hand-crafted UI and overall presentation is impessive.


  • record moves of a given game and allow replay for self-critque/learning (perhaps make it shareable?)
  • better document the fact that we can change boards and backgrounds under Settings (and i’m still unsure what the 4th option is there). these are nice touches that players should be made fully aware of :)
  • outline the white tooltip text for readability purposes (thankfully, the darker backgrounds help my aging eyes, there)

these are minor requests as Amoriax is a fully fleshed out game with plenty of heart and soul insde.

nice work!

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excellent news. looking forward to the next iteration!

also, happy birthday, RB :)

great news!

i’ll be making some tweaks to my submission and updating soon. stay tuned!

otherwise, congrats!

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a couple of recent browser releases, both with online leaderboards for you to climb!

Kill the Queen

A Carrom-based attack on the Spider Queen!

Haulin’ Asteroids

Crack Rocks, collect Nuggets in this Retro-Arcade Challenge!

Please enjoy!

clever concept and fun game! will have to play more as i was unable beat the janitor’s closet (where i seem to change from an office chair to a high chair ;)) and assume the final item will be found there. otherwise, nice work, guys!

thanks, PSY. i’ve posted the rest of this response on the leaderboard ;)

thanks, and thanks for playing :)

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hey, kudos :) any chance of a standalone/no-install version? also, your web link about isn’t working. otherwise, shape defenders looks great. glad to be in the smol games bundle with you.

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great game. i couldnt handle the pressure of the golden goal in the final match but had fun getting there :)

classic arcade goodness! 🕹️

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any additional info on the bundle?

you advise that “The revenue will be split between the participants” but now how it will be split? equally or something else?

and, do you have a price point for the bundle in mind?

finally, will all submissions be in the bundle or will you hand-pick some?

any details that you can share would be appreciated.

thanks :)

are there any other details for the Bundle such as Price Point or when and for how long the Bundle will run? trying to save some time where such details have yet to be mentioned and will be deciding factors for prospective participants.

a little confused where if we pay the $6.99 we won’t receive the full game (which is set at an even $7) but just the demo or ?