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I guess I'll keep waiting

😔 Okay, although I've already read the rules many times and have followed all the steps, including the quality guidelines. Thank you anyway 🥲

Good afternoon, I apologize for posting again on the same topic, but it's been almost a month (23 days to be exact) and my game still hasn't been indexed. I even contacted technical support almost two weeks ago and they haven't responded yet. I understand that the number of games and assets being published is probably overwhelming, but I would like to know if my game could be indexed soon. Thank you in advance, have a great day.

This is my game:

Oh okay, thanks for responding so quickly 🙂

Hi, good afternoon! I published my first game on 8 days ago, but it still isn't showing up in search results or with the tags (and I checked that I put the correct ones). I also read the troubleshooting page and checked everything else (like the display options), descriptions, links, and other details, and I think everything is fine. I even posted about the changes in this version. I would really appreciate any help you can offer. 

Thank you in advance!