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A member registered 78 days ago

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After a cursory check this morning (2024-05-14) it looks like the worst offenders from what I listed have been hidden from public view, Thank you.

Thanks, I think I'm going to step away from the keyboard and touch some grass.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry for getting a bit aggressive, I see what you're getting at.

 Part of the frustration for me here is the lack of a response by moderation and the fact that it's been days and there's still been no response and hentai is still in public view.

(1 edit)

I Really don't understand why there is such a lack of a response to outright pushback when people just want to go about their day without being randomly hit with anime tiddies popping up on their screen. 

edit:And yes, I'm clearly frustrated right now

This is clearly relevant to the discussion of OP not wanting to see adult content and wanting to filter it out. They are having the exact same problem and I merely pointed out that the filter wont help them completely. Why is that hijacking? Because I mentioned having the problem as well?

Heck I even mentioned I reported it "since I reported it for being miscatagorized three days ago" why remind me of doing something I have already done to clearly no avail... It doesn't work.

And yes I made my own post about it, which I have also already mentioned "made a post about it and other items that slip right through the adult filter 2 days ago..."

(3 edits)

That setting doesn't work, want proof? in an icognito window or with an account with the setting unchecked go to "new and popular" with paid turned on and scroll to the ~7th row (6 items per row). That has been there since I reported it for being miscatagorized three days ago and made a post about it and other items that slip right through the adult filter 2 days ago...

(7 edits)

All of these are visible not logged in, or logged in with the adult filter turned on.

Row numbers are current (2024-05-11) and based on 6 items per row

I don't care that they exist, but I would like to be able to scroll through itch in public without worrying about them popping up on my screen. Isn't there a manual review process that should have caught these even if the developer didn't manually elect to use the NSFW tag? If not then do I just accept that itch isn't a safe site to view in public because more will inevitably slip through?

Edit: I also found these (4:47 UTC):