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A member registered Jun 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your feedback. I will optimize the auto-adjust UI feature in the next version. 

I am currently busy with my studies and unable to make adjustments at this stage. Please understand, thank you.

(1 edit)

✨🌟 Welcome to the Ultimate Adventure Game! 🌟✨

🚀 Ready to Forge Your Destiny? Embark on a journey where you are the hero! Navigate through mystical lands, forge alliances with captivating characters, and etch your name in the legends of this enchanted universe. Sharpen your mind and let your story unfold!

Game Link:GPT-World

What if she took a different path? How would the movie's plot twist? Can I become the apothecary from the novel? 

Welcome to GPT-World, where interactive fiction is powered by GPT-4o. Here, you can inhabit any world, embody any character, and undertake any action. Discover new environments, engage in conversations with NPCs, tackle challenges, and anticipate thrilling new adventures!

Game Link:GPT-World

Research indicates that while games based on large language models (LLMs), such as AI Dungeon, have made progress in increasing interactivity, these games still suffer from issues of inconsistency and unclear logic. The innovation of the GPT-World project lies in its ability to generate both textual and visual content, and by quantifying game assets, it enhances the logical coherence and playability of game mechanics. Moreover, through a archive system based on JSON format, the LLM can access and integrate previous game content when necessary, ensuring story coherence and logical consistency.

Devlog Link: Long-term stable AI game world development - Quantitative\Achieve\Multi-agent

(1 edit)

🌌 Your Adventure Manual:

Creating a new game may take a few minutes. We appreciate your patience as we prepare an exciting adventure just for you!

The game is powered by our unique Multi-Agent Modules:

  • Teller: Immerse yourself in vivid scenarios and hunt for clues.
  • Talker: Engage with NPCs. Every conversation can alter your path and relationships.
  • Challenger: Are your decisions wise? Test your strategies and solve puzzles to progress.

When your solution is exceptional, you will receive a souvenir. Rolling a 20 earns a card that boosts actions of the same type.

  • Playwright: Watch as new chapters and challenges are crafted just for you.

💥 Encounter a Bug? Display the red bug from the deep blue console window to me. Your feedback is invaluable!

📜 Gameplay Formulas:

  • ActionType ∈ {Harvest, Produce, Invent, Buff, Combat, Military, Commerce, Communicate, Manage, Discover, Stealth}
  • Efficiency ∈ (50, 150), based on the creativity and efficiency of the problem-solving approach
  • DeBuff = 1-ActionRepeatCount*0.2
  • ActionScore = (50% * abilityA + 30% * abilityB + 20% * ability) * Efficiency % * Debuff
  • D20Difficulty = (Difficulty - ActionScore / 10.0)^3 * 10 + 10;
  • EXP Gain = (D20Difficulty / 20.0)^3 * 100;
  • EXP Threshold = Abs(PlayerLevel^2 - 5 * L + 5) + 20;
  • Success in an action increases Health by 1, failure decreases Health by 1; if Health ≤ 0, the game ends

🌌 Notes: The game fosters creativity and diversity in problem-solving with features like Efficiency and Debuff, making gameplay engaging:

  • Realistic Challenges: D20Difficulty mimics real-life unpredictability. Match the challenge for a fair chance, excel to ease your path, or face tougher odds if you're underprepared.
  • Rewarding Growth: EXP gains increase exponentially as you explore new strategies and challenges, encouraging you to venture out of your comfort zone for greater rewards. Simple, repetitive tasks offer less EXP, promoting variety in your approach.