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Polyspice Games

A member registered Jun 15, 2016 · View creator page →

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It would be absolutely awesome if you could test our game "Bunny Bunker"
I will contact you via mail!

Kind regards

Than you a bunch for the feedback! 
Is this your game that can be tested?

Our game is moving forward nicely, and we are getting to a point where the nighttime needs to be considered. 

What do you think about the current nighttime gameplay, and what would you do in order to improve it?

Link to game:

If you test my game, I will test your game :)
Post a link to your game and where you want feedback, and I will give it :)

Glad that it helped :)

Hey, Lance wanted to play your game as well, So here is a bit of different feedback :) 

Sorry, I am in a bit of a hurry, so no elaborating text this time ;) 

I made a quick video showing you how I solve the UI problems you are having. 

Absolutely no problem. And thank you again for playing and testing my game as well ;)

(1 edit)

Hi, I have now played and tested your game, and I created a video with some feedback. 

The game concept and core loop is super nice, and it really works, and I have to say that I enjoyed it. 

There is currently to many small things, bugs and gameplay balancing issues, for it to be working well. I would maybe reduce some of the things that I have to do in the first couple of levels, as it starts out with "everything" enabled, and core is fun as it is, so if I were you, I would focus on what you have and make that super nice. 

What I liked about the game: 

  • The core loop is super nice, and it reminds me of the old days where I would play "Roborally" with my friends, planning ahead and see the consequences. 
  • As soon as I understood the planning, it was really working. 
  • The mana and health was a nice touch and it made the puzzles a bit more "complex" without really showing anything (nice supporting loop)

What I would improve on the game

  • The most important thing I would improve would be a small introduction, fewer elements to interact with in a first level, just to help me understand the game. 
  • It was quite overwhelming with everything exposed all at once. 
  • A thing I forgot to mention in the video, was that in the UI when hovering, two pieces of interface that belong together, are updated seperately, this is normally considered bad UI. You can look up Gestalts law of proximity. In essence, it means that the closer objects are to each other, the more we percieve them to belong together.
  • With that in mind, I would also make sure that the "planning tools" and the "plan" UI elements are close together. 

All in all, this game is really nice, and I would definately recommend that you keep working on it, it have great potential! 

Thank you so much for testing my game Infinito Projects It was really helpful ;)

That sounds like a good and fun plan, count me in. 

I will be traveling for the next week, so I will not be much available or answer many messages. 

I will add you to discord, so that we can arrange something. 

my discord tag: tabunuf

Thank yo uso much for this feedback Avocado Smoothie, really nice. 

We are working on a tutorial, and hope that it will be available in the coming weeks. 

The UI bug have been fixed, thank you so much for reporting it. 

We will add a "Speed up" button within the next few weeks. 

The story.. yes, we will be working on making it a bit more engaging.. but, you got us :D We are mainly focusing on making the gameplay fun. 

You forgot to post a link to your game test page: I think other would like to play your game! 

I have played your game, and I have to say that it gave me a throwback to the good old "Paratrooper" and "Ganja Farmer" days :) I played that and similar games quite a bit! 

I found a DOSBOX version of the original Paratroper game here:

See my playthrough here

The game as such is a really good start, and the general gameplay loops of the game is solid and are working. Where you could put a bit of work would be on the balancing side. Maybe descope it a bit, and only have 1 difficulty mode, and really work on getting that in a perfect shape. 

What I liked about the game: 

  • The core and supporting loops where really nice, and have what it takes. 
  • The combination of moving and shooting I have not tried in this genre of games, and I liked it. 
  • The reference to space invaders was cool 

What I would improve: 

  • There was a few obvious bugs that should be fixed (Upgrade menu and scale)
  • A intro tutorial is needed, it took me a long time to realize that I could roll with the cabbage. 
  • I would put a direct link to the "upgrade" shop in the game over screen, instead of only play again and main menu.
  • The balance was somewhat off, it felt to difficult and chaotic to begin with, I would really try to make a slow progressing here. 
  • Add some aircontrol of the cabbage, it was super frustrating to be unable to control the cabbage while in the air. 

Thank you again for testing my game:

And as I also mention in the video, I have a podcast about design that you can listen to here:

Hi, and thank you so much for your feedback. 
Sorry for the slow reply, I have been away on business travels, and just came home ;) 

I have ceated video for you, and will be giving you some feedback on your page in a few minutes ;) 

We are working on some tutorials to make the entry to the game a bit easier to understand. 

A new version is coming out soon, (in the next few days) that have a few of the corrections that you are asking for ! 

I dont undertstand what you mean with the last comment though? Is that the problem, that when you are scrolling the joblist, then the camera will also zoom?

Absolutely my pleasure :)
Sorry for the late reply, I have been out traveling, and came home late last nigh :)

I am really glad that you liked it!

I played your game, and I have some feedback for you :)

I recorded the session, and you can watch it here

All in all, its a cute little "ACTION PACKED" game.. there is not a moment of silence, and it seems like to carry through the game as a whole, which is nice. 

What I liked about the game

  • The action packed feeling, something is going on, and there is some tricks to be found on how to play the game. 
  • The pickups were super nice, and that there were so many that dissapeared was an interesting take
  • The "unknown" upgrade really made me curious, there is something interesting that can be used her, I am not sure what. 
  • The enemies where clear in what they did, and it did not take me many seconds to understand the different enemies. 

What I think could be improved

  • The whole experience was a bit messy, there seems to be going too much on in the beginning, and I would work on decreasing difficulty
  • The UI of the upgrade was confusing and I really missed that I could see the cost and what I could upgrade. I would look at other games and how they do this, and start there. The idea we the star with the upgrades coming out from the middle is good, and you could work on making what is what more clear. 
  • The controls were to "wonky" - I did not feel that I controled the situation, rather the situation controlled me. This is something I would work on if I was you. 
  • You spend a lot of time on the intro tutorial, but did not mention all of the important things that the player should know. "How do I complete a round" and what is a "wave" I felt really confused at times when playing. 
  • There is no counter or anything that tells me my progress, adding something like this, might solve the "What is a wave" problem. 

If you have any time, tell me what you think helped you in the video, and where it could be improved. 

Also, I have a game that I am developing. If oyu have time to test it, I would really appresiate it

Hope this was helpful to you :)

Absolutely no problem - Let me know when if you make a new version, and I will give it another run

I really enjoyed this, and the visuals were really nice. The core idea was solid and fun.. it kinda reminds me a bit of "line wars" and some of the variants of this  in the good old Warcraft 3 days :) 

I think though, that you should try to play the game through yourself though, that is always a good idea ;) There are some gamebreaking bugs, and I was not able to win, nor loose the game. And that is pretty fundamental 

Here is a video recording of me playing your game while speaking out loud of what I am thinking.

Things that I liked: 

  • The visuals were great, and it was clear what I was supposed to do. 
  • Once I had it figured out, it was quite enjoyable, and I started putting down strategies. 
  • The depleting sheep resources, puts a limit to the tame and how long I can sustain myslef
  • having to plan a strategy and balance my resrouces was fun

Things that I would improve: 

  • I would play the game as a player a few times, there were some obvious gamebreaking bugs that you should have fixed.
  • There is the laying issues, characters going behind and in front of trees and objects.
  • The price on things should be a small tooltip, or it should be clear what things cost, I had no idea what warriors were costing, and how to plan ahead, if this is a "strategy game" then I need information that can help me create and plan a stragety on how you use my workers. 
  • I needed some sort of indication of how durable my soldiers were, adding a simple healthbar would be fine. 
  • The archers did nothing.. or at least I did not see them do anything, so I quickly stopped purchasing them. 
  • There was no indication of how durable the goblins were
  • I was unable to win the game.. or loose it, and at the end of the level there was some really though bugs that broke the game
  • The pacing ofthe game was a bit off, and I believe that increasing it so that as a player I am not ideling just as much
  • You should think about when things are automatically deselected, when puchasing new workers, I would like to buy 3 in a row, but I cannot, I have to do 3 clicks for each. 

All in all a good and cute little game, there is some obvious polish that you need to do ;) 

If you have time to return the favor and play and give feedback on my game, I would really appresiate it:

Demo of our game Bunny Bunker -

Just to make sure that we did not miss this. This issue was fixed a while ago :) Thank you again.

About the puzzle platform, I understand. I think what I was trying to express, what that the constraint and inability to control at all once I have taken off made it feel like I was just watching, and being not able to fulle take advantage of the different mechanics that you have in the game. 
Ideas like, hold down to decide how much force I jump with, 1 second second jump.. or similar that could give me some bigger feeling of control. As right now it just felt like I was watching and hoping that my jumps worked. I dont know if my suggestions will work with the game, but it was what I was thinking while I was playing the game. 

I was looking for the controls, so I guess that I was unable to find/understand that this could be done :)

Thanks for sharing your game

I tried your game, and this was really fun. And I have some feedback for you.

Things that I really liked about your game: 

  • The core idea of jumping from planet to planet really worked. I had a lot of fun with this. And to some extend, it reminded me a bit of the "Super mario galaxy" which I had a lot of fun playing with my kids when they were smaller. 
  • The gravity around the planets was fun and engaging, and I was looking for ways to use that to have some fun. 
  • I dont know why, but it somehow reminded me of playing Star Control II when I was younger.

Things that I think could improve the game

  • I was missing a bit of flow - the linear approach to "there is only one planet I can jump to" felt restrictive, and I would have prefered if I could have had a bigger map zoomed out a bit more, and had to find my own way instead of following a specific path. 
  • The gravity fields were extremely fun, and I would think that if you made them a bit bigger, they could be used a bit more effectively. 
  • I missed a bit that if you missed your target, then you would just fly into space. A small jetpack or something that could give you temporary control while between planets would be nice. 
  • The planet controls were a bit odd.. there is only left or right that the bird can walk, so why not leave it to left and right arrows?

I really enjoyed the game, and I believe that it have great potential for something bigger. 

If you could spare a few minutes reviwing my Demo, I would really appreciate it :

This was fun. Thank you for sharing. Great vibe!

This was a really funny little game, and I liked it a lot. 

Things that worked well

  • The "on/off" feature of the game which made me have to remember the path was really fun. It felt great when I remembered the path, and when I missed it, the fact that you just start over was good for me. Just the right amount of "punishment" 
  • The "circle" at the end, for some reason, I feel that the visual structure of the game told me excatly what to do. The skulls are clear that I should avoid them, the rocks are also clear that I cannot go through them, and the circle indicates that I need to go there. 
  • The music is nice, and fits the theme
  • The story being told in the beginning of the game was nice

Things that could be improved and ideas

  • The game is not saving my progress,  and it was annoying that I could not replay a level against my own time. When I went back to main menu to replay a previous run, I lost all my progress. 
  • It would be nice with some soundeffects when you die and move 
  • I dont know about the red color, I understand its purpose, it just feels a bit flat (this is probably just me)
  • Some moving or more advanced pieces
  • Some powerups that will allow you to jump out of the water and across rocks. Extra fish or something else that can be collected while playing. 
  • A time pressure and maybe playing against a ghost fish or two to reach to goal first. 

thank you for sharing your game

If you have time to play my game and give it some feedback, I would really appresiate it :)

Thank you so much, this was amazing feedback !!
The night ending is spot on, and it is nice to see you confirming that this is a weak spot. In the next version, the night will end as soon as you have killed all of the enemies. 

The pacing of the game is something we need to find out how to fix. I have a few ideas on this, but my current main idea is to have rocks, wood and carrots on the different empty tiles that can be picked up in the beginning of the game, this should give you as the player something to work on to gather resources fast to begin with, while the bunny colony builds. 

I had not thought of a "speed up" button - which is super silly :) We even have a "Speed up game" hotkey in developer mode  - I will add this, thanks for that suggestion. 

I will also definately follow your advice and put some of the story a bit more into the game, and try to push it a bit more. 

For the gameplay comments: 

  • Thank you - this is a good idea. I have been thinking alot about wether we should have bunnies perform tasks, or bunnies just doing things. The feeling we wanted to give the player in the end is that you are just assisting the bunnies, and not controlling them, so we ended up with just setting up jobs, and then letting the bunnies figure it out themselves. We will add better and slower tutorials.. inspired a bit by yours in your game. 
  • Definately will make sure that the bunnies are going to be vissible and not stack on top of each other.
  • We want to add additional buildins for sure - we just really wanted to core gamplay loop to feel good and see how it will work before pushing further and adding more buildings. 

Thank you so much for your feedback this was gold. Let me know when you have the next update of your game, and I will give it another round of testing and feedback.

This was a fun little game, and I enjoyed it. I have filled out the form.

Here is my feedback

Things that I think really worked

  1. The inverted, build an army to kill the goblins lair was fun, and after the first round, I was ready for more
  2. Being able to control the units and attack the towers was fun and interesting
  3. It was really fun to be able to build my units and set up the right combination of units
  4. The guides were helping me great, and I liked it

Things that I think should be improved

  1. The building the setup of units was really fun and showed great potential, and I would work on making that work better
  2. The controling of the units did not have a lot of visual feedback and the "dragging" around the units gives you individual control. But to be honest I would have been just as happy to just be able to select the unit and control that. Chosing individual soldiers seemed a bit to "detailed" 
  3. My units got stuck behind the fence because I tried to attack a tower, so they stopped attacking the fence.

Thank you for sharing your game! 

If you have 10 minutes to spare to test my game and give some feedback that would be really great:

(1 edit)


We have been working on a small game for a while now, and would like to get some feedback on the core loop.
The game is about small bunny rabbits, trying to escape the planet by building a rocket and flying to a different planet. 

We are looking for feedback on the following topics

  • Did you understand the story of the game, and was it appealing to you?
  • What aspects of the gameplay did you like, and why?
  • What aspects of the gameplay would you improve, and how?

If you have any other comments you are of course welcome to share them as well.

You can find the game here:

And if you want to join our discord server:

In the end, if you have a game that you would like tested, please just let me know, and I will "Test your game, if you test mine" ;)

(1 edit)

Ohh, I think you are missing out on the maintenance cost. There is a need for 3 Carrots for each Rabbit for them to survive. We will make sure to make this more clear in the game and the interface. 
Thank you soo much for testing our game!! This is AWESOME :) 

We will make an update in 0.1.3 soon

I have just released a new version of my game "Rabbit Rocket Racing" - And I call this version the "Leagues and Online Play" version.  This release includes.. surprise  :) ... Online matchmaking and a League system, both to improve the game experience and add a new dimension to the game.

In many ways classic, this game is inspired by a combination of the old “Lunar Lander” game, “Super Off-road racer” and “Super Cars 2” for the Amiga, all from the 80s.

Rabbit Rocket Racing, is a fast paced intense Racing game taking place in space, super easy to learn, but equally hard to master. This is a game for the hardcore gamer that want some challenge, and have a competitive gene.

Rabbit Rocket Racing is hard merciless fun!

Itch page here:

Video here: 

Rabbit Rocket Racing - 1.8.0 Online Leagues

You can download the game directly here:

Any feedback on the Tournaments, how it works and what you would improve would really help me! 

Thank you for your time. 

Help me test my game, and give me some feedback on what you think :) 

Download for Android here:

Gameplay in the video

Race your own ghost, and see if you can beat your own record in this fast paced action packed Rabbit Rocket Racing game.

In this Epic Rabbit Rocket Racer, you will be controlling your space rocket, flying through space competing to reach the goal as fast as possible. Once you are good enough, you will be traveling to exotic planets to take the racing to another level. On the moon made of Cheese, don’t be fooled by the delicacy of the Cheese, if you stop to eat, you will for sure loose the race. The planet made of delicious Gummy candy is a bouncy place, don’t bounce to much though, or your space rocket will fall apart.

The following have been updated in this release

  • An amazing game over screen.  
  • Equipping Drones and Equipment is now more clear. 
  •  There is now a Power meter showing power and speed. 
  •  Tutorials are now up to date, and helps you more.

Thank you for playing the Beta of our game, this means the world to us!

Do you think I went a bit overboard with the waypoint effects? There is enough particles on the screen at least.. and this might.. or might not be a bug 🙂

I am looking for feedback on how the game plays, obvious problems and ideas for improvements are all welcome.

In this Epic Rocket Racer, you will be controlling your space rocket, flying through space competing against other Rabbit Pilots to reach the goal as fast as possible. Once you are good enough, you will be traveling to exotic planets to take the racing to another level. On the moon made of Cheese, don't be fooled by the delicacy of the Cheese, if you stop to eat, you will for sure loose the race.

The planet made of delicious Gummy candy is a bouncy place, don't bounce to much though, or your space rocket will fall apart.

You can download it here for Android: