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A member registered Aug 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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PsyCam (part of Plisitol Jam Collection)

We just released a short point'n'click adventure as part of our jam games compilation, Plisitol Jam Collection!
This compilation features our games in the state it was at the end of a jam, as well as an improved version of each game, because we can't just abandon our projects like that :')

PsyCam is a point'n'click adventure game with a supernatural premise: you can interact with the world as you see it through a bunch of CCTV monitors! Explore this compound without leaving the comfort of this desk!

More information about this game and the last update here:

You can find all the games here:

Have fun!

(1 edit)

A new game that we'll add soon to Plisitol Jam Collection


It's been a few weeks since the release, and we still struggle to even attract views on our page ^^'

As I said, I realized after the release that this compilation is kinda hard to sell; the only people who could care about the games making it is the forum where the original jams took place. And describing every single game would be kinda overwhelming, and each one is so different from the others that it's unlikely someone would be interested enough in all of them.
I sometimes advertise the games separately on social media, but if someone is interested in a game, and they realize they have to buy a whole compilation to get it... What happens?

I think one thing I could do is release at least some of the games separately - I believe they're good enough to deserve their own release, but with slightly more content for each game -, at a lower price (~ $2-$3). So I could go more in depth about why each game is cool, on their own page, with more screenshots and videos.

I would like to have your opinions about that?

I'm still taking feedback regarding the game's page, etc. if you have any. Anything that can help :)



We just released Plisitol Jam Collection during the week-end, a compilation of jam games bundled with a launcher that allows you to launch the games, while giving a little description and some history about them.

It would be precious for us to get any feedback regarding the project page, the price, the video, the games themselves or anything else.

I think the main issue is that it's hard to come up for a story to make visitors care for this project: the only place were people were somewhat caring about these games was on the original forum the jams took place, and it's hard to add the history of how this compilation came to be, and add details about each game so that anyone who comes on the page can get their interest piqued by at least one of them, without creating a huge wall of text.

Plisitol Jam Collection


We are Plisitol, made of Guntha (the one writing), mainly coder, and Biiscuit, on the art side.

I'm a programmer who tries to follow the Handmade principles (Handmade Network); I've been working on a custom engine for years now, which I've used for quite some game jams already.

Biiscuit has quite some experience as an artist, both in physical installations and digital.

We often get so attached to the games that come out of the jams that we keep working on them, adding features, refining the engine, making them prettier, to the point that we realized we had quite a nice little catalogue of polished games, that we decided to release in Plisitol Jam Collection, our compilation of jam games that got improved through the years and for which we are already planning updates, adding more games and improving the current ones.
As Plisitol is our very first commercial release, we would be infinitely grateful if you had any comment regarding the itch page, the price, the video, the games themselves or anything 🙏

We are also planning to release bigger, individual games, which as everyone here knows is challenging to handle when we already have a day job, but we have some ideas that we just don't want to let go!

Guntha and Biiscuit, the two members of Plisitol are proud to present Plisitol Jam Collection!

We've been taking part in game jams for more than 10 years, and because we kept ourselves attached to the games we made, we couldn't help but keep improving them, until we had a nice little catalogue of polished games!

There are many different concepts, from endless runners, to adventure games, graphical experiments, a shoot-them-up, clickers and some others we don't even know how to describe!

We haven't stopped taking part in game jams, so you can expect updates with new games and the ones already there will keep improving!

Have fun!