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A member registered May 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Reanimated is here!

I'm so happy to announce that Reanimated is finally out for download!

You can download it here for free:

The official trailer is also out!:

A hugggggggge thanks to everyone who followed my devlogs and supported me throughout the development of this awesome project!

Also special thanks to my friend Chillitch for giving me feedback on this project!

Now I have one last request:

Please Enjoy!

Hi! I have a few new questions:

-Are you planning to release a complete product & never touch it again (like Undertale) or release it and then keep updating it with new content? (Stardew Valley for example)

-After this project, are you planning to move onto a more complex game engine like Godot, Unity & GameMaker or stay with RPGMaker?

-Are you a hobbyist or do you want to take game development seriously and consider it you job?

-What kinds of marketing will you do for this game? (& do you have any advise on marketing)

Feel free not to answer some of these questions because they require a lot of planning ahead.

Thanks, Without your help I couldn't make it this far!

I'm really excited to see what you're cookin' up!

Anyways, I have a little question:

Does the game have music?

If it does, do you make it yourself or commission it or use royalty free music?

(2 edits)

Welcome to this corner of the internet, again

The game is kinda, complete now!

I just have to add some more tasks and that would be it!

The page is up!

If you want to know more about the game, checkout its Itch page!:

Let's don't waste anymore time and get into the goodies

As I've said, I have a lot of work to do so I will not be able to achieve great progress quickly. So this devlog will be a bit short, but hey! That might be one of the last devlogs of this game!

Changes and new features:

1. Quite a few environment changes and new assets!

2. The last and the hardest incident is done!

3. The page is up

What else is remaining?

After finishing the last incident, now that I take a look at my 'To Do' list, there is not a single checkbox remaining! So, this means that I just have to add a few more tasks to the computer and Reanimated is basically done!!

-The music box (last) incident!

As always, I love to hear your opinion of the game so feel free to make a reply or add a comment to the Itch page.

B  y  E

You're right. I should add hints about the world, inside the house. I had that idea in mind since the first day I started working on the game but gradually over time I completely forgot about it.

Thanks for reminding me!

I'm glad you asked.

I will move on to another project which I'm excited about. If Reanimated gets famous then I will probably remake the first one instead of making a sequel, because if I want to make a sequel then I will have to expand the lore (which I'm not a fan of doing that).

The next project that I have in mind have a much smaller scope compared to Reanimated. And for this reason I'm a bit worried that I will get burnt out midway into the project. The thing is that I LOVE world-building & environment design, and none of the games that I've in mind will have any sort of world to explore. So, lately I've stopped working on Reanimated and I've been trying to solve this problem for myself.

I mean just think about it for a second, Reanimated is entirely set in a small house and the next project will be set in an even smaller world...

That is painful for someone who got into game development because they loved world-building.

(1 edit)

Yes, I'm probably gonna make a Youtube channel To upload the trailer. I decided not to explain her because explaining any of her past would spoil the entire story.

But I will still spoil a bit of her for you:

1. She shows up in one of the incidents.

2. She is not a rabbit, that's a mask.

3. Her actual name is mentioned in the game.

4. She doesn't attack the player directly.

5. In her first design, she was supposed to be wearing a police outfit.

6. She is a hallucination.


Hello everybody, It's me again!

We are getting kinda close to the release of Reanimated!

We have had so much progress in the last few days:

1. Ambient audio system + more audio
2. 6 new incidents!!! (Incidents are events which can happen during a run and are not limited to the start of the run)
3. Improved Game Over screen
4. Added splash screen
5. Improvements to some assets
6. Produced & added title screen music!
7. Finished the garage!
8. Few important bug fixes

Now, I also have a Twitter account!

There, I will be posting fun things about my game development journey & sharing my art pieces!
You can check it out on:


-The garage (Finished!)

-One of the incidents!

Sorry, but I can't spoil any more of the incidents!

Anyways, thanks for being here!

This is the biggest project that I've ever worked on and it's thanks to you guys. I hope this game finds success because I have SO many other horror games planned ahead that I want to share with you guys and gals!

See you soon!


Hopefully you will get well soon!

I have a few questions:

1. Are you doing the art of the sprites by yourself?

2. If yes, is it the same crayon art style?

3. When you think this game will finally be finished?

4. Have you completed writing the story of the game?

5. How many years of experience do you have with game development in general. (Feel free to ignore this question)

Sorry if I've asked any questions that you have already answered in previous devlogs.

Hope you the best

Long time no see!

Welcome back to another devlog, I'm writing this in a rush because I have a lot of work to do, so sorry If I misspelled something!

Official Poster!

*I will explain this gal in the next devlog!*

-Completed 4 new models related to events!

-Implemented flashlight! (took way too long because I wanted it to be very realistic)

-Few bug fixes

-Many more audio

-Jumpscare & death screen! (I won't show a screen shot of the jumpscare because that would spoil it!)

I would like to explain the new features a bit more but I don't have much time


\/\/\/\  M A J O R   P R O G R E S S  /\/\/\/\

Hello everyone! I'm happy to announce the new major progress devlog!

You know the drill!

Boring stuff:

-Bug fixes

-Implemented settings

-A lot more audio

-Minor but important improvements to the menus

-Minor but important improvement to timings & level transitions


-The pause menu no more freezes the game


-Power system



The power usage is calculated from the amount of lights that are on. The amount of power remaining, is reset after completing each level but if it hit zero during a level, power will be gone.

When the power runs out, every light in the house will be turned off, putting the player in the Lights Off mode and also disabling the computer.

If the player still has tasks remaining when the power dies, it will basically be a game over. But if all tasks are finished when the power dies, the player must survive until the timer runs out in order to progress onto the next level.


The first event ever designed for Reanimated. The events are one of the core parts of the game, explaining them would spoil it. So I'm not going to be straightforward.

"Lightening after lightening, who knows what each one does? Some are just an energy hitting the ground while the other ones... Shatter The Trust.

Nobody exactly knows what they do or what they want. But, p-please be quick, do your tasks and go! You don't want to waste anymore time! If the next lightening that strikes, is one of 'those'... God knows what will happen..."


"Hell On Earth, people say. But no words can truly describe this night.

Legends say: Blood Moon rises when somebody has been murdered and disposed at the same night under the moon's supervision. This angers the moon, it can't do anything by itself, so it paints its body with red to resemble the blood of the victim and to ask for justice."


"Uhh, nothing special here, you forgot to pay your bills.

O r   a t   l e a s t   t h a t ' s   w h a t   g o v e r n m e n t   w a n t s   y o u   t o   b e l i e v e ."


"A day darker than the night.

Sun, The most powerful object is now enraged. It knows no peace, answers everything with violence & kills every single entity which dares to cross its sight.

You better not move an inch when it's watching!"

That's it for now!

Thanks for reading my devlog! I really appreciate it!

I really like to tell you guys and gals about what I'll be working on, but it's 10 pm and I'm very tired right now. So I will stop yapping for now,

See you later, Bye!

I've already removed the freeze when pausing for the same reason you mentioned. It's interesting how we had the exact same thought. Let me explain the timer:

In order to win a level and progress to the next one you have to:

1. Do all your tasks before the deadline.

2. And after finishing them, survive until the timer runs out.

I have decided not to show the state of power to the player. It is not usual for the power to run out. Turning on all lights or using the computer drains the power slowly. It is meant to catch the player off guard. After it runs out, the player will not be able to use any electrical device (including the computer)

I'm going to write the next devlog, soon. So wait for it if you want more details about these!

Hey guys & gals,

Just wanted you to know that I'm getting very close to the final exams and I will not have many hours to work on our project.

I will try my best to maximize the hours of work, even if it means cutting from my free time & forgetting about my hobbies.

I really want this game to shine one day, it is my passion project after all. I can't sit back and watch it collect dust. I have to work on it.

Just know that I may update y'all less frequently and try to make more significant progress before sharing the status of the game.

Thanks for understanding.

(1 edit)

Uhh, Hello again!

So, uhh... another unfortunate event. I got sick, v e r y   s i c k. I had to go to the hospital.

Anyways! Let's forget about my near death experience and move on to the fun stuff. I lost most of my time due to my sickness, but I still managed to achieve some good progress!

In Short:

-Improved some old code

-Added more sound effects

-Added 4 new tasks!!

-Added level progression system!

-Implemented dynamic scaling for the canvas to fit different resolution monitors

-Added title screen! (Advance settings not implemented yet)

-Added pause screen & volume slider!



-Title screen

-Title screen in action

-Pause screen

-Pause screen in action (The GIF seems to be a bit glitchy near the slider, but it's fine in game)


-Tasks in action

That is it for now! The game is getting very close to a playable state.

Tomorrow, I will implementing settings and a proper save system. After finishing those I will have the following tasks remaining in my checklist:

- Events ()

-Tasks (X X X X)

-Models ()

-Death System ()

After I do the Death System and some modeling, the only things remaining will be Events & Tasks. Both are limitless, meaning that I will add as many of them as I want.

These two will take a lot of time but after them, by doing some final touches the game will be FINSIHED!

Thanks for being here! When I started working on this project, I wasn't sure if I would even be able to pull it off. But now that we have reached so far, I want to say, Thank You <3   This is the tankest tank you that I have ever tanked! Seriously! It can't get more tank that this! Without you guys, I wouldn't have the passion to continue this project.

This is not my project. This is OUR project!

It will cost 0$. I'm doing this because I need to build a reputation and get feedback from people. After that, I can move on to bigger projects and my dream games. I will start charging money for my games when I'm 100% sure that they meet the required quality.


That thing is 80 bucks.

If I had 80 bucks I wouldn't be developing games... god damn I'm broke

thanks god you don't live in 1800 💀

edited it and added 'past'. you're welcome.

(1 edit)



I'm very excited about this new update. It scared me about four times already even though I was testing the features and knew they were going to happen! I call that a success!


-Added footstep sound effects

-Added audio to 'cursed' props

-Added the prop charge system

-Added the prop aggravation system

-Added the timer countdown application

-Added The™


-A lot of bug fixes

-Upscaled the resolution of the monitor screen

-The base of the prop AI is completed

-Finished the Lights Off Mode

-The game is close to a playable state

-A GIF of the Countdown application.

I haven't updated you guys and gals about the prop AI for a while, so I'm going to do that now!:

-Sneaky closet.

-Prop getting aggressive in Lights Off Mode.

-Prop charging after a failed stare. (yes, that made me shit myself)

I have a lot of work to do, but I will try my best to push out the next update tomorrow.

Have a great day/night/noon/afternoon/sunday/monday/friday/yesterday/september/june/july/future/past/.

Thanks a lot!
There will be a few items, the flashlight for example. It will be in the garage. However the garage door only opens in certain events.

I'm not sure if I want to release it as beta or completely finish it first. The last game I published was kinda buggy so I most likely will release a closed beta for this one before publishing it. I may even publish a demo for it and if it gets attention, I would expand it beyond my current scope.

Uhh, hello there...

So... I told you guys and gals that I will be making significant progress but my computer got corrupted and I was in a lot of trouble for around two days.

The good news is that the project & my development tools aren't corrupted! In short nothing of value was lost!

Now I have Windows 11 installed.

Unfortunately I'm not sure if this is 'Windows 11 pro' edition or 'Windows 11 pro free no virus please' edition. I hope it's the first one...

I couldn't do much, but I will update you about it anyway.

Now we have camera shake!:

The light system is also here:

If you don't know what light system is, let me explain it real quick:

If you turn off all lights in the house, you will enter Lights Off Mode.

While in this mode, if you stare at an object for a long time, one of the following events will happen:

1. If you were staring at a 'cursed' object, it will die and turn into a normal prop.

2. If you were staring at a normal prop, one of the 'cursed' prop will get aggressive and move towards you even if you're looking at it (It will not play hide&seek anymore). This aggravated prop will not die, if you try to stare at it in Lights Off Mode.

Anyways, from now on, I'll try to update y'all at least every two days (unless I have a lot of work). I also want to know your ideas about this game. If you feel like you have a good idea that I can add to the project, please comment it under this post.

Bye Bye For Now!  \(QωQ)/

Hello there!

First of all, the project has officially been named 'REANIMATED'!

I've mostly been setting up the new map, and preparing it for future development.

To be exact, I have:

1. Tweaked the map layout

2. Set up colliders, joints, sound effects & masses

3. Added some post-processing filters

4. Made the garage

5. Improved lighting

6. Improved performance

7. Improved the atmosphere

Without post-processing effects:

With post-processing effects:

Outside of the garage:

Inside of the garage (Work In Progress):

The clock:

Now I have to set up the prop AI for the new props and test the game.

After that, the fun part will begin!

When I finish setting up the AI, I'll start working on the events, making the AI more advanced & finally starting to add the horror elements!

See you in the next devlog, have a great night! Also I'm in your walls.

Hello everybody my name is welcome. w h a t ! ?

Sorry for being gone a few days and not posting any updates about the game.

I had to make all the 3D models for the game, which took a while. I want to be honest, in my absence I wasn't working on the game that much. While making the models, I unfortunately got burnt out and took a huge break.

However, the good news is that I didn't waste this time doing nothing. I worked a lot trying to expand my knowledge of programming and it certainly worked! I feel a lot more comfortable writing code compared to when I left the project.

I also finished all the models and textured them! They look exactly how I wanted them to be!:

-Image of the environment before completion.

 Finally, after a long time I felt happy again. Seeing how much the environment is close to my expectations gives me a very cozy and happy feeling.

-Image of the meat grinder. "Very important to the lore so take notes, kids. In fact count every polygon on it."

-Image of the kitchen. "See the meat grinder chillin there? It now has textures, so count every pixel of it. It's important to the  l o r e."

-Image of the main room. "Can't find the meat grinder, can ya?! It's because you ARE the meat grinder! Calculate the angle between the meat grinder and the blue trashcan, it is important to the L O R E."

-Image of the computer in its new place. "Nothing important to the lore. Ignore this image."

-Image of a gentle man looking at you from outside. "I hate you, why aren't you leaving me alone? I thought you were just an innocent rabbit."

For the next update, I will tweak the map a bit and also make a custom post-processing shader.

See you later!

(1 edit)

I agree with you, crayon art style mixed with the imperfections caused by cell animation sounds very fitting.

By feedback I mean, anything that makes player's input, more impactful. For example in Buckshot Roulette,  If you successfully shoot the Dealer, he gets thrown out of the camera view for a few seconds. Or when you fire a blank at him, you hear the trigger going off but nothing happening to the Dealer. These are both feedbacks that the game sends to players, one is for when you do something correct, and the other one for when you make a mistake. 

It's a great beta, I really like the art style. I know this is still in development and many features will be later added but I would like to share my personal opinion:

1.It needs more feedback & sounds for when the player or the "Dealer" make a move.

2.I think it would be very nice if you could add mid-combat dialogues. So the player could learn more about the intentions of the "Dealer" (It would also make it a lot more distinguishable from buckshot roulette)

3.A few animations would be a nice touch too. I have no idea how hard implementing animations in RPG Maker would be, but I'm sure that it will make battles much more intense & immersive.

I know you have probably thought about implementing these features before I mentioned them, but it is still a good reminder.

Anyways, good luck!

1.It's endless & there will be an offline high score system.

2.Yes I showed a picture of level 100 on my devlog but that does not mean that is the last level. In level 100 the difficulty is set to maximum & beyond this level, the difficulty will not increase. I used it to showoff the difficulty system. I don't think a normal player would ever reach that level (Player's will probably lose at level 10 or sooner). The gameplay loop is kinda similar to Lethal Company, you try to progress as much as possible but if you lose, you go back to the beginning. The levels are also randomized.

(2 edits)

Hi there!

First of all let's start with the boring stuff!:

-Bug fixes (a lot of them)

-Dynamic collision sounds (Based on the velocity of objects upon contact)

That's it, boring stuff is finished! Now let's go back to the goodies:

-The computer is now interactable. By that, I mean you can now open application and drag windows around

-As you can see, the computer can also be turned off. The player has to turn off the computer & hide when encountering some events.

-The game now has a logic and difficulty system! This means that the game is actually playable now! I'm so happy to see my game in this stage. from the day I started, this is the first time I feel like I'm actually getting close to what I was hoping for!

Let's first talk about the Logic Script:         The job of this script is to randomly choose props and 'curse' them on each level. This script also changes the behavior of the props (Aggressiveness & etc...). The Logic is influenced by both RNG and difficulty (Which increases after completing each level).

As you may know RNG is the main mechanic of the game which makes it fun and worth playing again. if the player loses, they will go back to the first level of the game. So this game is mostly about beating yours and others high score instead of just progressing through the levels.

Now let's talk about the difficulty:          Difficulty increases the more you progress. Difficulty by its own, increases in a linear way. But when mixed with randomness the results are only kinda predictable and most of the time, just random. Let's say for example that the speed of 'cursed' props in level 1 is 10 and in level 2 is 20, but with RNG in level 1 is 10 +or- 5 and in level 2 is 20 +or- 5.                        D O N ' T A S K A B O U T T H E - 7 D I F F I C U L T Y

Props behavior on 6 difficulty (Level 6):                    

Props behavior on 100 difficulty (Level 100):        

See you later!

Good questions.

1. It is not exactly like FNAF, you can still move but the space you're in is really small and you won't have much time. So the player will learn that moving around isn't always a good idea & they should stay behind the computer. However moving isn't completely useless, there are certain random events that can happen and force the player out of the sit, or when the 'cursed' props get too close, the player has to leave the computer for a few seconds.

2.If the props sneak their way behind the player and make contact with it, then it's game over. Some events can also kill the player.

3.haha, no. The computer is one of the core gameplay mechanics of the game. I made the computer model early in the game to make the devlogs entertaining. This doesn't mean that the reason computer exist is to be entertaining for people watching the devlogs. Each level the computer will be filled with some tasks that force the player to finish them before the deadline while avoiding props.
In summary, the computer is mostly a distraction that forces the player to look at it, in order to let props get closer.

I'm glad you asked.
This is a Unity project that uses HDRP (High definition render pipeline)
What engine where you thinking about?

Hello once again!

First of all, I modeled the computer, monitor and table:

Now the computer can be turned on. I also added some sound effects:                                                                                     

Added some AI to the props:                                                                                                                                                                                                    

The AI is in its early stages. I spent most of the time figuring out how I can set up navigation mesh for the props. It was really difficult because NavMesh agents usually stick to the ground and slide on it, but I wanted the props to have physics and be moved around with forces to act more natural.

I've implemented most of the major features. After this the next big thing is to actually randomize how the levels generate. But for now, I'll take a break and work on some applications for the computer.

See you guys and gals later!

It's Okay! Take your time, we'll support you no matter what!

Hello again!

I just implemented the movement system & the computer's cursor.

I know this doesn't sound like significant progress but it is!

From the day I begun working on this project I was worried about how I'm going to make the cursor & now that after a lot of work it's finally over, I can continue working on the game with more confidence.

Now I'll probably make a computer model to make the devlogs more appealing for you guys & gals.

After that, I'll make a prototype of the props' AI & showcase it here.

Please write a reply to support me, See y'all in the next devlog!

Thanks, it's finally indexed :)

Hello again!

I haven't really been working on this project in the last few days, I've been busy.

I have about 10 days of free time to work on this project, so I'll try to make significant progress!

For now I've made the working computer screen:

It was really painful to make because of the lack of tutorials, however I somehow managed to pull it off.

Now, I'll be working on the movement system (Yes I know this is a sit & survive game, trust me!) and after that I'll be coding the props' AI.

Sorry for the lack of visual quality, I am trying to make a simple prototype of the game before modeling any assets and building the atmosphere.

I'll be posting devlogs more frequently and giving you guys & gals much more context about the game's progress.

Thanks for reading, please write a comment to support me and my game!

I've published my first game 2 weeks ago but it hasn't been indexed yet. I know first projects are manually reviewed and can take some time, but I don't think it should take this long.

I have made some edits on my game's store page, I'm worried that those changes have put the project off queue, or have sent it back.

Thanks for taking your time.

(3 edits)
EDIT: Reanimated is now out for free!:

I've just started working on a new 3D horror game about props. It's like prop hunt mixed with sit & survive horror. I think it'll be really fun!

The core idea of the game and what makes it stand out is that, the gameplay has a TON of RNG elements. So EACH run should be UNIQUE!

The gameplay is like this: The protagonist (Player) should do some tasks on his computer. He doesn't have much time, so each and every second is important for him. Some of the props around him are anomalies for unknown reasons. They try to get closer to him when he's not looking. And if they get close enough, you know the deal...

The player should memorize the location of the props and if they move, try to break their curse. The props are smart, if they think the player is suspicious about them, they may not move for a period of time or they may ram at the player, next time he turns around.

Some more thingies: The game has an uncanny atmosphere. It will have a lore & a story. It will have a LOT of easter eggs. It will be released for FREE. 

I'm kinda new to game development & marketing. The thing I need the most right now is your support! Please comment, tell me your ideas & share your feeling about it. I'll read all of them! Each comment is important for me!

... oH, wait, right!1  This is a devlog so I should tell you guys & gals the current state of the game...

For now, I've modeled this car in ~2 days. This is the first vehicle that I've tried modeling. This model is actually supposed to be for another project that I want to work on (That would be my Dream Game!). But I'll also use it for this project. What you guys think!? I think it turned out great!


Oh, I thought that is only for people who want to sell their game. Thanks, I'll wait.

I know a lot of people have the same problem. I've read the docs & a lot of discussions about this topic but I couldn't solve my problem.

When  I search for my game on Itch, it doesn't show up but when I search it on Google, it shows up.

Also when searching up my name, I can find myself but it says I have zero projects but when I click on my name, my game shows up.

This is my first game and I've released it for about a day and half. I'm not sure if it is not indexed yet & I should wait more or there is a problem with it.

Thanks for taking your time & reading my question.