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Mushra Games

A member registered Jul 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey! We’re happy to announce a big update for the Brown Rock Tileset.

Just add some water

29 animated water PNGs were included!

Shine, The New Brown Rock!

  1. Wood Bridge is now modular and you can make it as long as needed
  2. Desert Road Tileset added as a separate PNG
  3. Rock Textures added as a separate PNG
  4. Minor changes & fixes

Check it out now!

Also, please rate our free project and help us share it!

Thank you!

thank you so much for your response! so, you mean that I need to export each 32x32 animated tile separately, right?

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Hey! I’m struggling with creating animated river tiles:

How would you export these big animated tiles to avoid problems i.e. in Unity? It’s 320x288 I see 3 options here:

  • export the full image (but will it be convenient to use in engines?)
  • split it into pieces: corners and straight pieces (In this way, we’ll make for example 128x128 or 128x96 animated tiles - will this work at all?)
  • save each 32x32 tile (though it’s a lot of work)

Your help is highly appreciated because it is going to be a free asset for everyone

Thanks a lot! Glad you’ve liked it!

Thank you so much!

Thank you! We’ve planned to add a stone golem. Let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas on what types of monsters to add!

Hey everyone! Our free tileset was recently published:

Since it’s an ongoing project, make sure to follow us to get future updates (the first one will be in a week)

Hello, 2 questions:

  1. My new asset pack hasn’t been indexed in 8 days. Please let me know if I can help with the verification somehow. It’s a bit strange that my second pack is waiting for approval much longer than the first one. Will this approval process occur with the next asset packs? I thought this check applied only to the new sellers: “If you’re selling your first project, then your page may be placed in our review queue”. The pack:

  2. It seems that my previous pack wasn’t indexed properly. It shows only if I type the search word-in-word, “Free RPG Piano Music”. If, for example, I type “RPG Piano Music” or “Free Piano Music” - it does not show at all, but there are a lot of inappropriate packs with completely different titles (for example “Retrowave Music Pack”) The pack:

Hello, my asset pack hasn’t been indexed for 7 days. Can you please check the ticket #201406? link:

The same issue, my request was about getting indexed asset pack, and I got the error: The response from the remote server was: 552 5.1.1 Mailbox delivery failure policy error

The first FREE music pack is out:

RPG Piano Music

Hey everyone! I’m Mushra, an RPG/JRPG composer. Here I will be posting my new royalty-free music for your games 🙂

Games that inspired my music: Xenogears, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Breath Of Fire 4, FF6-7, Undertale, Eastward, Guilty Gear, and many others.

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Hey pals! I’m Mushra, an RPG/JRPG composer. Games that inspired my music: Xenogears, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Breath Of Fire 4, FF6-7, Undertale, Eastward, and many others. Together with my brother, a pixel artist, we’re making game assets for indie rpgs/jrpgs, and one day we’ll create our own retro-inspired JRPG 🙂



thank you for the helpful advice!

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Hey everyone! I make music for RPGs/JRPGs (especially retro-inspired), and I feel like need some feedback, so I attached a sampler — it’s a short overview of whole my work.

Also, I’m gonna drop some free music soon, so please follow our project (we make royalty-free pixel art and music)!

We’re working on our first pixel-art pack. It will include tilesets, environmental objects, houses, and some animations. What do you think? Does it look good enough? Also, what kind of pixel art assets do you need the most?
