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A member registered 68 days ago

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Oh i hope it is in good conditions because it looked very interesting .

Um hey where is Choo Choo Charles: The Forgotten Ones i really wanted to try it out but it seems i need permission to download it.

ok oh hey i saw a person play on of your games called go get johnny and purge but did not offer a download link i found it on the wayback and discovered that it is not available anymore what happened?

you have gmail?

Hello sorry for disturbing you but i heard you had originally some games that you deleted from your itch page  like 

King of the Graveyard



and several others do you still have them because i am collecting some games to preserve them if you still have them please let me know.

Oh yes that would be very good.


is there an exe for this game i really am not a fan of browser version.

Think you can make an exe for this i prefer an exe than browser.

Is there an exe for this?

Think you can make some kind of exe?

Think you can make an exe.

Oh okay cool.

oh no because i wanted to try the game out but i have no money on itch only on steam i will just wait i hope is not to far away though.

Um hey your planning on putting your game on steam right?

Sorry for bothering you but when will you put the game free to play?

Oh darn no combat against the demons that the player is supposed to be facing?

Game felt alright i mean i did not encounter any bugs or game breaking glitches the goal of the game is simple and easy to understand and by the way thank you for adding combat in your games rarely do i find a horror game with combat alot of people avoid that because it makes the game less scary but with combat it gives the player an addictive replay value you know what i mean

And one more thing when will you put the game for free because  the price really does not feel right when all one person is getting  is 5-10 minutes of gameplay like 2$ dollars seriously oh and one more thing will you also have 1940 for free as well?

Oh no well thanks for making a game that does not revolve around walking around and trying to hard to be scary games like yours offer a more addictive replay experience you know.

are you gonna put the gam free or on steam?

oh my what offer but what about something underrated like the breed on exclusively.

thanks for the offer but buckshot roulette is not so much combat focus since having the shotgun is part of the roulette gimmick of the game after all.


Think you can make an exe version of your game because the page on my end does not seem to load.

Is there an exe version of your game i prefer to play in exe form than html.

By some chance are there horror games with combat mechanics on

I wish man i wish but not good at game.

Nice game reminds me of buckshot roulette wish there was an exe version of this game it feels like it could be better if it had an exe version instead of html because with html there is a chance that the page or html may not load that happened to me a few times until i was lucky and manage to play this wonderful little gem.

I send you a message on your gmail.

cool game by some chance your planning on putting on steam or some free discount or something because i would love to play this game.


Is there an exe version of this game? because i prefer to play this game in exe form instead of browser form.


Oh good because i played your game recently and i though to myself why do developer make something clearly horror themed and yet do not bother put a tag on it or something and here you are telling me yes that it is i am glad that you tagged it as horror because the game present itself as a horror game or horror themed game.

(1 edit)

I love it when a game has a heavy horror themed to their world reminds me of some family friendly horror games from the ps2 era like gregory horror show or the haunted mansion.

loving the psychological horror of this game.

Is this a horror or horror themed? because it sure looks like it is presenting itself like a horror game the isolation the lack of defense the grotesque creature haunting you down the encroaching darkness not knowing where to go you name it.

exe is there version of i?

ok i will try.

I hopes soo because my browser does not seem to boot up.