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A member registered May 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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It is a good idea to indicate the level of improvements. I may add this in a later update. At the moment, building upgrades and siege equipment upgrades still need to be balanced. Considering the new mechanics to be added, I'd say I'm still in the groundbreaking phase. By the way, I want to say that I haven't added anything challenging about village problems and quests yet. The game will not continue in such a simple way :)

Obviously version 0.35 is finished, but I plan to release it as version 0.45. I think a new update may come in 2 weeks. I thought it would be better for people to enjoy the game in one go rather than playing it continuously. So I'll try to add and present as much as I can :P

If you had told me, I could have added a plugin so you could cheat easily 😥.  But I think what makes the game beautiful is that you understand the result of the difficulty you are experiencing. Otherwise, the story is useless other than seeing a few simple adult visuals.

All right, I'll try discord. Thank you.

     When I created a withdrawal request, the transaction was usually completed between 10-14 days. This is a fair time to review this process. But when I saw that it was taking more than 15 days, I thought something was wrong and emailed support to let them know. It was the first time this had happened to me and I was curious. They said there was a series of purchases in my payment that triggered a potential fraud alert. What exactly triggers this? I did some research on this but didn't find much. In the same reply they said my payment had been delivered and to let them know if it hadn't arrived within 24 hours. I told them that the payment still had not arrived, but there was no response. It has been 19 days since the payment request and I am wondering when and how this will be finalized. 

The coding of the game is very simple and clumsy compared to my current work. If you have any questions feel free to ask ☻

I checked the game for you. You can talk to Drake in the first conversation and go back to your tent. In the next conversation, you can talk to Maya and go back to your tent. The game will continue like this. 

Hey, it's been a while, but I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the game. Try talking to everyone in turn.

     Hey, Rolo!

     Obviously the glory hole is something that humans need in part to keep their sanity, so I thought it would be more appropriate to use orcs instead of humans, you know... You don't have to worry about the scenes. Right now I'm completely focused on the story because there's another game coming soon that's connected to each other. In the next update I might increase the visuals and let you choose what you want. After all, you pay a lot of coins for a glory hole upgrade. It shouldn't be limited to just three images. 💪

     Thank you 😎

     20 energy might seem a bit much at the beginning of the game. In the first version of the game we started with 10 energy and frankly the gameplay was really hard. In the future there will be a lot more things to do during the day as other locations will open up. So I think 20 energy is good (maybe not even enough). The short waits in the interaction are obviously to immerse the player a bit more. I think the ctrl key still works. This way you can quickly skip repetitive scenes. Finally, I will revisit the respect and reputation we gain by interacting with characters. I think it would save a lot of time to spend more energy and provide more respect and charisma. For example, when helping characters with their work, we can choose to help them more or less.

     Soon the forest location and other lords' locations will open according to the story. So you will be able to collect different materials in the forest and trade with other lords. I will also let you get random loot after battles with orcs, which will make it a bit easier to craft siege weapons. I'm going to reconsider sending mercenaries on missions, I really want the game to be balanced.

     Thanks for your comment <3

(1 edit)

     The mercenaries you hire will give you money at the first meeting. I did this on purpose, so it's fine. Then when you send the mercenaries on a mission, you won't be able to interact with them for a few days, you will wait for them to finish the mission. I think in a few days they come back from the mission and give you what you requested. If you can request things over and over again before a few days are up, then yes, this is a bug and needs to be fixed. If you are sure about this, I will check it immediately and fix it in the next update. As for other things, I need more time to be honest.  I have a new game coming soon where I will be working with some artists. Once we are organized, I will have time to take care of everything.

Thank you. I've actually hired an artist for a new game. Let's see what it looks like to make a game with drawings. I still need help with the background images if you want to help as an artist.

Thanks again for being so supportive about the progress of the game... Even though I'm late to add some suggestions to the game, there are still things I can do. Adding new battle mechanics is still on my mind. Our relationships with the characters and their story is definitely something that needs to be emphasized. I said that in the current update I will focus on your decisions and the story. As you mentioned, it will be nice to get some bonuses for the right decisions. The game's ending is already ready and I need to move the story forward in a way that fits the ending. I will work on how to bring elves and dwarves into the story in a coherent way. The idea of classifying soldiers is a really excellent idea. It would be much better to use it in another game instead of rushing into the current one. Especially in a game where I'm working with an artist instead of ai. 💪

Thank you. I tried to add moods to the characters as you asked. I got an error when I tried to add them next to their names, so I added them to the stats in the room. I hope you like it.

I think there were a few people who volunteered to translate it.  You can find them if you search online. I don't think there will be more updates for Revenge, but I can translate season 2 Clover Rise if there are more people who want it in Spanish.

I just checked and saw that there are many users who bought the game from Turkey. They usually used stripe as payment method. Maybe you can try it too.

When the game was first released, I installed the free version as 0.1. I increased the free version to version 0.3 so that you can experience it better and upon intense request. If you haven't bought the paid version, don't care about the 1.0 writing around.

You can increase your sanity by interacting with characters or using glory hole. Wait a while if you want. There will be a big update in a few days. You can play the game better in a balanced way.

Maybe in future games I can add an enhancement that will allow the player to play the music they want whenever they want. 🤔

Thank you for explaining it so well. Obviously, after completing the version, your requests kept coming. So instead of releasing 0.15.5, I continued to develop the game. I think I'll leave the story progression for the next update. First of all, this is a good opportunity to see if the system in the game is currently balanced. Thanks to the side quests and main quests, some of the options you will see when you communicate with the characters will start to open in the coming days. In this way, we will also prevent the game from entering the loop. There will be no shortage of food in the first weeks of the game. Many players will try to get through the day and collect money by keeping food around 100. Those who know me will realise this is a trap. In future updates, I still recommend you to have food ready in your warehouse as a backup. The game won't just be about our village. Different battles will take place in different regions. For this, other kingdoms and lords need to be opened. I plan to use these new mechanics that we will use in battles in different regions. I hope you will continue to tell your requests and suggestions in the next updates. Obviously, thanks to you, I have improved myself and I would love to continue to improve...

If you are playing for the first time, I'm sure the game takes 1-2 hours on average. After knowing your decisions and skipping the conversations quickly, it is normal that it takes 10 minutes. Season 2, Rise, will be much longer and more comprehensive, you can be sure. I've managed to add quests and village issues to the game, and you'll be able to see a few of them in the next update. Especially village problems will affect the game very differently. Every choice you make in these unpredictable problems will have different consequences and stories. I hope you will enjoy 🙃.

If you bought the regular version and you want to upgrade to premium, I think there are a couple of ways. One other user in the comments bought premium this way. If you want, you can return the regular version by telling support and get it as premium again. If they don't refund your money, I can email you the game in exchange for the money you paid for the premium version.

Ohhem friends let me remind you again, the game is not on steam yet. I don't want to be misleading...

To be honest, I created 1 to try how it works, so you're the one who bought it XD. I hope you didn't buy the game just for that or I'll feel bad... I promise I'll give you the key to a game I release on steame in the future, just remind me.

I'm glad it worked. Have fun. ✌️

Oh, I get it now, the free version doesn't have those days, so the files are probably conflicted. I think starting the game from fresh and creating a new save will solve your problem.

I actually advanced the game to day 28 just to see if there was a bug in the game. I still don't see a problem. I think your error happened the day before you visited Hudson. Are you sure you are not playing the free version or downloading the game from somewhere else? If you bought the game from this site, you can try to open it from your phone or computer.

Can you send me a screenshot of the error? If it is my fault, I will fix it immediately. I've never had a problem with the game before.

Honestly, even I open it and listen to it. Even though the vocals are free, I'm trying to create a nice music. If you want, I can add all the music as an attachment to the game file in the future.

If there are other languages that are in high demand, I can try to translate them.

The best ending is the one where nobody dies. Charles and Steven aren't so important. It would be great if Noah, Hudson, Remmy, Miliyra and Laura live. Story events of these characters will happen in future updates. The decisions you make in the first season will affect the dialogues and scenes.

I'd like to see translations from different languages, because the game is story-driven and not being able to tell people about it would be a big deficiency. I will try to add language options in future updates of the game, but please don't blame me if the translations are not very clear :D

Honestly, that's why I put Victoria in the game. In the future, I will make her travel outside the village to gather resources and information. I think it would be nice to have a countdown to the blood moon and missions that we can do. I think I can make a place in the room for us to see this information. As for prisoners, we can implement the idea of turning them into soldiers. In Premium I plan to add more detailed and varied sex scenes with prisoners. I better finish the slave trader first :D

Honestly, in the beginning of the game, the energy was enough. Over time I added a lot of things and the energy was not enough. I will balance it all in the next patch.