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Essix Falcon

A member registered Jun 06, 2020

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Hi, apologies for another reply, but I can't seem to be able to send you a message over discord? Despite you accepting my friend request, it says that my message could not be delivered.

I'm a beginner writer but I have experience in creating detailed characters! I can help out a bit with designs too, though it's been a while since I've touched pizel art beyond GBA FE style. I can also work as a translator if you wish to make the game more accessible in Poland!

Hi! I sent you a friend request over Discord if you aer still in need of a writer!

Hi! I saw someone also say they can be a writer, but if you need another one then I'd be happy to help! I have some experience with writing murder mysteries and other things like that(ranging from a bit over the top like DR to ones that incooperate fantasy elements in it) and can also assist with some character designs, though not in a major aspect.

(1 edit)

EDIT: Currently putting a pause on this as I don't want to overwhelm myself with too may projects! Thank you everyone who dmed me!!! <333

Hello! I'm a recent grauate of creative writing and I wish to get more experience at working as a writer for video games! While I have no experience in writing for video games, I have been writing characters and mystery plots for the past 6 years for roleplays. My speciality are plots with character focus, alongside fantasy, magcal systems and murder mystery(if you are in need of over the top murders akin to Danganronpa or Raincode). I also dabble a bit with character design, though not to the point where I can double up as an asset artist sadly.

 Alternatively, I can also work as a translator from English-Polish and vice-versa! I'm a native Pole with 11+ experience in English.

 If you'd like to have me, my discord is @essixfalcon and I'm very much constantly on there. If needed, I can try and provide some of my previous writings too, though they are very much in a dnd app format if you get what I mean, alongside some worldbuilding docs. But do shoot me a message, I'd be willing to write up something specifically for you as a test!