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A member registered Jan 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello everyone, I can call myself Doggy and I’m looking for some work to do with music.

If someone needs a good song on short notice, I’m the right person (I have a deadline of up to 2 days for delivery)

If you’re interested, here’s my SoundCloud and Discord!

Discord: doggy_uwu SoundCloud:

Hey, good? I’m interested in wanting to help with the project, if you still need it!

Here is some of my work, and I recently started using beepbox too, I think I can do something for you!


Is there any way we can communicate? like discord

Hello everyone, I can call myself Doggy and I’m looking for some work to do with music.

If someone needs a good song on short notice, I’m the right person (I have a deadline of up to 2 days for delivery)

If you’re interested, here’s my SoundCloud and Discord!

Discord: doggy_uwu SoundCloud:

Sup, maybe i can help? SoundCloud My Discord is doggy_uwu

Bro, you saved me! Thank you a lot!

(1 edit)

Bro, so far I’m trying to find the password for the fl studio 21 zip file. Does anyone know the password?

I know this is page 20, but page 21 asks for a password, lol

Hello everyone, I’m going to get straight to the point here…

I’m writing to express my interest in collaborating on any project you want.

I’m available to contribute my experience and skills, and I’m open to exploring a variety of musical styles and committed to delivering quality work.

I pride myself on providing a high standard and fast service, with turnaround times of up to 2 days.

To see some examples of my work, you can check out these links:

Youtube Soundcloud

Hello everyone, I’m going to get straight to the point here…

I’m writing to express my interest in collaborating on any project you want.

I’m available to contribute my experience and skills, and I’m open to exploring a variety of musical styles and committed to delivering quality work.

I pride myself on providing a high standard and fast service, with turnaround times of up to 2 days.

To see some examples of my work, you can check out these links:

Youtube Soundcloud

Hello everyone, I’m going to get straight to the point here…

I’m writing to express my interest in collaborating on any project you want.

I’m available to contribute my experience and skills, and I’m open to exploring a variety of musical styles and committed to delivering quality work.

I pride myself on providing a high standard and fast service, with turnaround times of up to 2 days.

To see some examples of my work, you can check out these links:

Youtube Soundcloud

Hello everybody!

My name is Doggy, and I’ve been studying music for about 2 years, and I’ve never been able to use any of my songs in any project, until now.

*Here is some of my work: SoundCloud

If you are interested, contact me on my discord, doggy_uwu

Hello everybody!

My name is Doggy, and I’ve been studying music for about 2 years, and I’ve never been able to use any of my songs in any project, until now.

*Here is some of my work: SoundCloud

If you are interested, contact me on my discord, doggy_uwu

Hello everybody!

My name is Doggy, and I’ve been studying music for about 2 years, and I’ve never been able to use any of my songs in any project, until now.

*Here is some of my work: SoundCloud

If you are interested, contact me on my discord, doggy_uwu*

Hello everybody!

My name is Doggy, and I’ve been studying music for about 2 years, and I’ve never been able to use any of my songs in any project, until now.

*Here is some of my work: SoundCloud

If you are interested, contact me on my discord, doggy_uwu*

(1 edit)

Discord, please


Hello everybody!

I’m looking for someone who is interested in testing my newest game: Eternal Nexus!

This game is still in its base development phase, so you may have a chance to help, just get in touch:

Eternal Nexus Server

Hello friend, are you still available by any chance? If so, would there be a place for us to talk better?

Oh, cool!

do you have discord?

(1 edit)

Hello ladies and gentlemen, if you are looking for good music, for a low price and with a delivery time of up to two days, this is the right place!

Yes, if you would like, just get in touch, and we will discuss the rest of the matter!

My discord: doggy_uwu

My Email:

Do you do voice acting?

Hello, you who love making pixel art! Are you interested in willingly helping a small team produce a great game?

My name is Doggy, and recently my team and I started working on a game called Eternal Nexus, but we are facing problems like lack of artwork for the game.

I know very well how complicated their pixel art services are to do, that’s why I’m just making this post to try, since most people do their services for money, and I understand that.

If you want to collaborate with the project in some other way, we have vacancies open for anyone!

Project server: Server

Owner: doggy_uwu

Hello again!

Yes, I have:

On the topic of songs, just give me how you want them, I always make it happen…


I have a few questions to ask about, if you can.

My Discord: doggy_uwu

Sup, if you want, i can help you

My Discord: doggy_uwu


(3 edits)

Hello, ladies and gentleman!

I would like to inform you that I am finally starting a career as a music producer, and it would be great to earn some initial money.

Well, and here, you can have the music of your dreams for just 1$! That’s right, 1$!

My examples: Soundcloud

If you are interested, please contact:

Discord Server

Discord name: doggy_uwu

Eternal Forever!

Sup! Ok, i can.

Sup! Yes i have: doggy_uwu

(2 edits)

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

My name is Doggy, and I am a person who is starting my career as a composer, and I am looking for a project to work on and increase my experiences.

Here are some of my examples: Soundcloud

Oh, ok them.

(2 edits)

I’m free to produce music for any project, so I can improve my skills.

Here is an example: DogStudio Game pack - Vol.1

Sorry for the late. Json is the rpgmaker language. but now i need for mz.

Okay. Send me this later on my discord: < Doggy >#3938

Sup. There will be many maps, so I have no way of telling you specifically how many. Do you have any examples of his works?

(3 edits)

Hello, RPG Maker community!

I’m currently working on an RPG project called “Eternal Nexus” and I’m looking for a talented and passionate map designer to join my team. Unfortunately, I don’t have financial resources to offer payment for the work, as it is a [independent/non-profit/collaborative] project. However, I can provide recognition in the credits and the opportunity to be part of an ambitious project.


Experience with RPG Maker MZ and solid map design skills. Ability to create immersive maps with attention to detail, gameplay balance, and visual aesthetics. Understanding of basic mapping concepts such as layering, events, and tilesets. Good communication skills and willingness to collaborate with the project team. About the Project: “Eternal Nexus” is an adventure RPG set in a world full of mysteries and imminent dangers. The game offers an open-world experience with a captivating story and strategic combat. The player’s goal is to prevent the fusion of worlds and save the realm from impending darkness. More information about the game can be provided to interested individuals.

If you’re interested in joining our team and contributing your talent to create amazing maps, please contact me through [email/ username].

Note: This is a non-profit project intended to be shared for free on the platform. Therefore, all creations must comply with RPG Maker MZ guidelines and any restrictions or requirements from

Thank you in advance for your interest and willingness to help. I look forward to collaborating with talented individuals and making “Eternal Nexus” an incredible experience!

Here’s my Discord, in case you want to help us: < Doggy >#3938

And also, our Discord server:

Best regards, DogStudio

(4 edits)

Hello, pixel art community!

I am currently working on a game project called “Eternal Nexus” and I am in need of a talented pixel artist to join my team. Unfortunately, I am unable to offer financial compensation for the work, as this is a [independent/non-profit/collaborative] project. However, I can provide recognition for your contributions and the opportunity to showcase your skills in a captivating game.


Proficiency in creating pixel art, including characters, environments, and animations. Strong understanding of color theory, composition, and attention to detail. Familiarity with the limitations and aesthetic style of the target platform (e.g., retro, 16-bit, etc.). Ability to collaborate effectively with the project team and meet project deadlines. About the Project: “Eternal Nexus” is an adventurous RPG set in a world full of mysteries and imminent dangers. The game offers an open-world experience with a captivating storyline and strategic combat. Players will embark on quests, explore diverse environments, and unravel the secrets of the Nexus. More information about the game can be provided to interested individuals.

If you are passionate about pixel art and interested in contributing to our project, please get in touch through [email/ username].

Note: This is a non-profit project intended to be shared for free on the platform. Therefore, all contributions must comply with the project’s guidelines and any restrictions or requirements from

Thank you in advance for your interest and dedication to pixel art. I look forward to collaborating with a talented pixel artist to bring “Eternal Nexus” to life!

Here’s my Discord, in case you want to help us: < Doggy >#3938

And also, our Discord server:

Best regards, DogStudio

Hey everyone!

I’m thrilled to announce the start of an exciting new game development project called Eternal Nexus! It’s an action-packed RPG set in a mystical world full of challenges and secrets waiting to be uncovered.

🔥 Embark on a Heroic Journey: Step into the shoes of Valeria, a fearless warrior, Lyra, a talented sorceress, and Aric, a renowned bounty hunter. Together, you’ll face epic battles, explore breathtaking landscapes, and unravel the mysteries of the eternal Nexus.

🎨 Join the Creative Team: We’re assembling a passionate and dedicated team to bring this unique gaming experience to life. If you have a love for game development, whether it’s coding, pixel art, music composition, or storytelling, we’d love to have you on board! Join us in shaping the world of Eternal Nexus and let’s create something extraordinary together.

🌟 Be Part of the Adventure: Are you ready to dive into the realms of magic, combat, and discovery? Follow our project here on and stay tuned for updates, sneak peeks, and behind-the-scenes insights. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more about the project.

Let’s embark on an unforgettable journey in the world of Eternal Nexus!


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Olá a todos!

Estou animado para anunciar o projeto de RPG Eternal Nexus e estou em busca de uma equipe voluntária apaixonada por jogos para ajudar a trazer este jogo incrível à vida. Se você é um desenvolvedor de jogos, artista, compositor de música ou roteirista, e está interessado em colaborar em um projeto emocionante e repleto de potencial, junte-se a nós!

Descrição dos papéis:

Estamos procurando preencher os seguintes papéis na equipe do Eternal Nexus:

Artistas de pixel art: Se você é talentoso em criar sprites, tilesets, backgrounds e animações, queremos sua ajuda para dar vida ao mundo de Eternal Nexus.

Programadores: Se você tem habilidades em programação e deseja trabalhar em sistemas de combate, lógica do jogo e interface do usuário, venha se juntar a nós.

Compositores de música: Se você é apaixonado por criar trilhas sonoras envolventes e efeitos sonoros memoráveis, sua contribuição será fundamental para a atmosfera do jogo.

Roteiristas: Se você adora criar histórias cativantes, diálogos ricos e eventos emocionantes, queremos sua criatividade na equipe.

Expectativas e requisitos:

Esperamos que você seja dedicado, comprometido e capaz de colaborar de forma voluntária. Embora experiência prévia seja desejável, estamos abertos a trabalhar com pessoas talentosas que estão dispostas a aprender e crescer conosco. É importante estar disponível para se comunicar regularmente e cumprir prazos razoáveis.

Benefícios e motivação: Ao fazer parte da equipe do Eternal Nexus, você terá a oportunidade de adquirir experiência valiosa no desenvolvimento de jogos, expandir seu portfólio e trabalhar em um projeto empolgante com uma equipe dedicada. Embora o projeto seja atualmente sem fins lucrativos, estamos abertos a receber doações e, no futuro, pode haver possibilidade de recompensa financeira para os membros da equipe, caso haja sucesso comercial do jogo.

Como entrar em contato: Se você está interessado em se juntar à equipe de desenvolvimento de Eternal Nexus, entre em contato comigo através da DM (mensagem direta) aqui na, ou no meu Discord: < Doggy >#3938. Por favor, envie uma breve apresentação, seu currículo ou portfólio (se aplicável) para que eu possa avaliar suas habilidades e discutir melhor sobre o projeto.


Desde já, agradeço a todos que demonstrarem interesse e dedicação em fazer parte deste projeto. Estou entusiasmado para trabalhar em equipe e criar uma nova e incrível jornada no mundo de Eternal Nexus!

Mal posso esperar para começarmos a trabalhar juntos. Vamos transformar nossos sonhos em realidade!

Atenciosamente, [DogStudio]

This is good! is there a social network so that we can talk better about it? like Discord?

Uhm, I found your work interesting. still do you do pixel art work too?