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A member registered Jun 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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Just wanted to mention that I renamed the downloadable file with keyboard support to

There seems to be a bug in that version that after a match ends, the other players can't move their characters and therefore that's why it's "Unstable".

Hello! I've uploaded a new build named which has support for 4 players using the same keyboard. I haven't tested it with 4 players myself but at least with 2 players seems to work fine. Below are the keyboard controls for each player:


Move: W, A, S, D

Attack: C


Move: I, J, K, L

Attack: N


Move: Up arrow, Left arrow, Down arrow, Right arrow

Attack: Enter


Move: Numpad 8, Numpad 4, Numpad 5, Numpad 6

Attack: Numpad 0

You are right, I completely forgot to add the exit button. I shall fix that in the next version :)

Thanks for your comment!

Currently you will need at least 1 extra controller to be able to play with friends. When I have some free time I will investigate adding support for multiple players with just 1 keyboard.
Thanks for your comment!

Thank you for the nice comment! I would have liked to make a build for Mac but my macbook is so old it doesn't run the engine anymore :(

Thanks leafo! I can see how that would work :) the main issue from that approach though is that I would have to keep a local history of all builds published on and make sure I never ever modified them (or lose them).  Out of curiosity, do you have an estimate on when would that roll back feature be available?

How do other devs handle build version history?

How could I keep pushing out updates (v0.1, v0.2, etc..) but also at some point have the ability to revert back to a previous more stable build? ie: Let's say I push a new build (v0.3) and it turns out to contain some nasty bugs that crash the game. Can I revert to a previous stable build (v0.2) using butler or the project dashboard?  

This was quite fun to play. It has a lot of potential both in campaign mode and in local multiplayer. Well done!