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Bad Piggy

A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Just played and I have to say that this is a pretty cool action game overall

Great job on this

Getting over it flashbacks oof

I haven't finished it yet ( rage quit-ed a bit hard lol ) but I'll definitely come back and try to

The game is damn good in it's current state. Your presentation is stellar as always. The platforming mechanics took me a little while to understand but I love them tbh. Especially how wall jumps work

My only real complaint is that I'm not really a fan of the chains that are in the foreground and go transparent if you're near. There were a few times that they completely covered my view and I couldn't see the platforms

Outside of that though, amazing work for something made in a day lol. Any chance for a downloadable version ?

This was the highest I could get after a few tries lol. Also, the highscore value didn't seem to update or change

The presentation as a whole was polished and cool, however I feel like the music could've been somewhat more prominent. That said, all the important sound effects were all clearly audible and distinct ( i.e things like  the sound of enemies dying, sound of the player getting damaged )

I do kinda wish the enemies had a more prominent and distinct colour though since it hampered the readability of the game a bit. They were mostly the same shade of orange as the rift on the right and the same colour as the bullets. This kinda made it hard to tell what was a bullet and what was an enemy sometimes, especially when the screen was covered with bullets.

That said, the player was really distinct and felt good to control.

The ability system was cool and interesting to play around with. I do think it needs some balancing since getting the grenade launcher and the ability to spawn big bullets kinda made some waves a cakewalk lol. Still, it's pretty damn cool in it's current form none the less.

Overall I'd say this was a damn good entry, especially considering that you started late. Great work on this

First off, I just want to say that despite any issues I mention here, it doesn't take away from the fact that this game is absolutely amazing

The presentation overall is stellar. I love the grungey cyberpunk art style. Reminded me of BLAME! and hyper light drifter. The audio was cool, but I feel like it could have been a little more prominent. I do love how readable everything was though. Let it be the enemy designs, the bullets, the player herself, etc.

The variety of enemies was also cool. I love how the enemy that spawned a dense volume of bullets close to it it really needed you to go near it to be able to reflect the bullets.

Unfortunately though, it never really became too clear for me how far a bullet would travel when it was travelling diagonally or in any direction that wasn't a straight one. The player's hitbox being forgiving helped alleviate this

I also wasn't sure if reflecting a bullet would go back to the enemy that shot it, or if it would go to the enemy that was the closest to the player. I do wish we had a little more control over that , but the knives did help in that regard.

But honestly, everything I've said is probably just a nitpick or a skill issue lol. All of you have made something really damn good here. Phenomenal work

This was the highest I could possibly go lol

The presentation as a whole was fantastic and everything was always readable, however I think there should have been a little more feedback for when you get hit since I didn't even know I took damage sometimes.

I love how getting new upgrades adds a new obstacle to dodge which is tied to whatever ability you unlocked in a way. However,  I think the ability to go underwater was a little OP since I dodged almost everything using it except for the fish that come from under the screen.

The dash could also feel a little better since it felt somewhat sluggish and unresponsive

The dialogue was funny and engaging though. Good stuff lol

Overall I'd say this a great entry, good going fish

Thank you for playing and for the feedback :)

There's no team or anything lol. It's just me ( although I didn't make the music. Got that online )

As for the theme, the orange and green bullets spawned from your shooting, so the idea was that you had to clear them with the green bullets and special attack, or you'd get overwhelmed

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback :)

Tbh I thought I ensured that the final pattern kills you quickly if you try to move to the left or right, but I guess I got to check again lol

And the super doesn't reflect purple bullets as well because the game becomes way too easy then.

It's more a of a tool to use when there's no green bullets around, or if you desperately need health

This is the highest I could get for now lol. I'll definitely come back to this though

Honestly, I have no complaints about this one apart from one issue. I'm still not sure if this was because of my computer or if it was the game, but sometimes my mouse clicks stop registering and so the ship went back to it's normal shoot state

But apart from that, this was honestly damn good. The presentation was great, everything was readable and it was just damn fun to play.

I also love how certain patterns really force you to teleport around, and having the player ship get a more powerful bullet pattern for as long as you don't teleport is a great incentive to ensure that a player doesn't just keep teleporting around

This game honestly represents and executes minimalistic design at it's best. Amazing stuff here

This was the highest I could go lol. Anything after this point was impossible for me ( skill issue, I know )

Holy heck, this game was punishing lol. You came up with some damn crazy patterns here which required some razor tight precision and dodging. I can already imagine some sort of speedrunner who's a god at this game just finshing the game without any deaths lol.

The presentation was great overall ( video and audio wise ). I loved how despite how crazy the game got at times, it was always readable. The obstacles and bullets stood out damn well and none of my deaths felt cheap since I could always tell what killed me.

Having a high sense of difficulty really only works when it feels fair, and I think this game nails that feeling well ( most of the time ). Every time I died, I just wanted to play again.

I also love how some of the levels later on really force you to use the slow-down power to ensure that a collectible spawns in a position that you can actually collect it from ( the snowflake level comes to mind )

I do think the game could've felt a little better if the margin for error was increased just a little bit, but as a whole, I'd say this was a fantastic unique arcade game

(2 edits)

So far this was my highest score, but I'm definitely going to play more lol

Great little shmup with amazing presentation as a whole. It was pretty fun to focus in on certain targets or go for spread shots outside of that. The ship was also pretty fun to move around in general. The fundamentals of this game are damn solid in general.

It was also fun to increase the difficulty in-between by going for the blade attack. The bullet patterns were also interesting to dodge and damn tight at times lol.

That said, I have one big problem with the visuals. So much so that it kinda hampered the gameplay quite a bit.

As I said before, the visuals look great, but everything has this shade of white that makes it kinda impossible to distinguish between bullets and ships at times. At times, every bullet just looked the same because they were all pre-dominantly that same shade of white. Same for the ships as well. This really hampered the game's readability imo since I couldn't really distinguish between my bullets and the enemy's bullets at times

The above issue I mentioned is probably just a skill issue on my part lol, but it's part of why I just ended up randomly shooting and moving sometimes since things just got too chaotic, rather than being a controlled sense of chaos if that makes sense

But regardless of any issue I've brought up here, this game was still great, and I'm definitely coming back to it. Kudos to your entire team cus you peeps made something damn good which is polished to a damn shine

That's not a bug. 

Just shoot at the boss and the game will continue

That's not a bug. 

Just keep shooting at the boss and the game will continue

I see someone's been playing disc room lol

The various bullet hell patterns were pretty cool and fun to dodge, although I feel like 1 or 2 of them were a little too unbalanced

The presentation overall was pretty damn good ( Both visually and audio-wise ). Unfortunately, some of the colour pallete combinations messed with the readability of the game quite a bit, most notably when the background was shades of orange or red

Also, I felt like the abilities in general were a little too punishing. More often than not I never used them since they just undid too much of the level. It fits the theme, but I think it could've been balanced somewhat.

Tbh, everything I just said is probably just a giant skill issue on my part lol. As a whole I think this game is damn good and very well put-together. It feels pretty damn good to play, and everything feels ultra-crunchy just like your other games. Great job on this

(1 edit)

This game definitely gets intense pretty quickly depending on how you play lol

Great enemy variety and bullet pattern design. Although I feel like the 2nd boss's patterns were a little too tight with higher levels. That said, everything was still readable in general and I really enjoyed the last boss since it felt like it had the perfect amount of balance to it ( even at higher levels of risk )

Presentation overall is fantastic as well. I love the character designs lol

However, the player character feels a little too sluggish at times. It really messed up the feel of the game at first. I think the game would be better if the player's speed was just increased a little more than it currently is.

But apart from that, this is a damn good game overall. Great job on this

(1 edit)

Currently uploading a build with a fix for this

Can't believe I missed it lol

Edit : Should be fixed now

Damn, Really amazing score man. Thank you for playing lol :)


Oof. Amazing score and thank you for playing :)

Thanks for making the vid :)

Thanks for playing and making the vid :)

So far I've only gotten the second summon and got severely lost after that but will definitely come back to this game at some point

Really remarkable how much effort y'all put into this given the time frame

I think the only thing this really needs now is a map, but otherwise, phenomenal work as always

Thank you for playing and amazing score :)

(3 edits)

Solid little FPS. It's definitely more of an adventure game, but still cool for what it is

It goes without saying that the visual and audio presentation here is absolutely amazing. But like others have said, it seems like visual clarity was sacrificed for the visual style

I always love it when games focus on environmental storytelling and this was pretty cool. Seeing the first enemy covered in that slime ( or fungus, idk lol ) was honestly kinda creepy

That said, I think one aspect that could have been improved in that regard was the locations where the keycards were kept. Primarily because they felt kinda haphazardly placed. Now if this was a boomer shooter which didn't really focus too much on environmental storytelling, it would be fine since it's more of a question of level design in that case, but in this case, there didn't really seem like there was a decent enough reason for why the locations of the keycards were where they were ( maybe if you had a dead body or something next to them to imply that someone else dropped them or something, that would be cool )

I realise that was probably a bit nitpicky lol. Take it with a grain of salt

As for the actual gameplay, I liked how it did force me to be play pretty tactically in general. Although I do wish the enemies had some more behaviours or actions. The platforming was cool though. Very Half life-esque

Overall I think this was a pretty solid entry all around

Unfortunately trying to mantle over a big wall with an arrow on it wasn't working so I couldn't continue

Still, what I did play was pretty good. I think the sledgehammer needs a block or something to make melee a little more viable

But otherwise, this is great. Really love the atmosphere

Holy frik lol.

Amazing score and thanks for playing

Yo, thanks for playing lol

ayo, thanks for playing lol

(1 edit)

Neat little game lol. This was my highest score after a few tries

Absolutely love the presentation here. Let it be visually or audio-wise, this had a really cool and creepy look and feel to it.

The player felt good to control and move around, although I wish there was a little more feedback when you attacked an enemy

I think it's cool that you had to fill up a bar from collecting the corpses to heal yourself, instead of just healing on killing an enemy or something. Definitely forces you to try and be agile and not get hit

However, I think my biggest issue was that enemy corpses were basically the same colour as normal enemies, so it was hard to tell the difference between normal enemies and corspes sometimes. Maybe it would help if the corpses were a comparitively darker shade than the colour of the normal enemies ?

Outside of that, I don't really have too many complaints. This is a cool little game for what it is, and good base if you want to add to it later

(3 edits)

This level was the furthest I managed to get lol

Tbh, you should take my feedback on this game with a grain of salt since it ran terribly for me even on the lowest of settings even with shadows off lol ( average fps was like 13 ).

I have the most potato of potato laptops out there, although thanks to this game, it's a grilled potato now kek.

First off, awesome presentation. I won't speak like I understand how you achieved this sort of geometric abberation lol , but it's an amazing effect. And even apart from that, the general colour tones and lighting were honestly superb. Minimalism done right. 

It was pretty cool to see the cube become a sphere overtime until it finally became one. Although I thought it was cool how it would go back to being a square to stop itself so to speak lol.

Sound in general was also great and definitely helped setting the ethereal vibe you were probably going for, let it be the music or sfx.

Unfortunately though, the platforming was a little too annoying to pull off sometimes ( Or more specifically, when it required precise inputs ). Now again, this might be because the game ran poorly on my system, so take it with a grain of salt, but it was definitely my biggest problem with the game. And turning shadows off wasn't really an option because the entire level would go dark and I couldn't see anything

That said, the actual level design and story being told was cool. I like how you implied that you have a double jump with the level where you tell a player to " fly away " lol. Although I kinda wish something similar was done in the level in the above screenshot since I didn't know that you could triple jump until I kept spamming jump lol.

I realise it probably took a really long time to get all of this together, so while I do kinda wish that there were more mechanics in place that made use of the geometric abberation effect, I honestly can't deny the quality of what you've made none the less. ( Although if there is more to the game after where I reached that does do this, then I take this back lol )

Either way, great job on this overall

(1 edit)

Thank you for clarifying and for the ideas. I think I definitely have an idea for atleast one new mechanic now lol

Also, not being able to cancel dashes was intentional ( let it be by jumping or attacking ) mostly because cancelling dashes looked a little weird and honestly made things too easy lol

Currently you can cancel jumps and attacks into dashes though, and cancel attacks into jumps. But if there's an issue in either of these then there's definitely a bug with input delay or something else maybe

Anyway, thank you so much for the feedback :)

I've always wondered what making a movie in Unity would be like. Amazing work on this

Holy heck, amazing score lol

Apologies for any issues you faced, but were you playing on the web build ? That has some performance issues in general

Also I just wanted to ask, but did you throw enemies in this run lol ?

I did want to add atleast one more move in the player's arsenal, but I felt like it might make the inputs a little too complicated for anyone who isn't familiar with beat-em-ups in general. Maybe if I make a post-jam build I'll add something

Either way, thank you for playing and for the feedback :)

( Contains spoilers for the game )

Amazing little game

Presentation was phenomenal all around. Let it be the arcade game aesthetic, or when you enter a room. Took me a solid few minutes to find that plug point though lol ( Not a fault of the game. Just a skill issue on my part )

Honestly wasn't expecting a horror game, but you definitely delivered on that lol. Subversion done right. I kinda wish there were a few more sound effects in general though, maybe some sort of chiptune music for when you're in the arcade section just to add to that arcade feel. ( This is more of a nitpick than anything else tbh )

I felt like the enemies were a little too random in some of their movements though ( atleast until they start chasing you ), but then again, that is how some of these arcade games were like lol. The player character did feel a little too sluggish imo though. Maybe just increasing his speed by a small amount would help there.

But honestly, all of the nitpicks I've said don't really matter since this isn't entirely an arcade game at heart. It's a cool little experience which oozes both style and atmosphere. Great job on this

Thank you for playing and cool score :)

You're right in that I kept most of the variety for the enemy designs rather than the player lol. Personally, those are my favourite kinds of action games.

i.e  Games where a player has a somewhat limited moveset, but there's a good amount of enemy or level variety to keep things interesting ( eg : DMC 3,  RE 4  etc. )

Apologies for the bugs you faced and also for jump not being on Space lol. If I make a post jam version, I'll fix these issues.

But either way, thank you for playing and for the feedback :)

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't inspired by SuperHot lol

This entire game was inspired by Metal Gear Solid V's reflex mode

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I'm personally not a fan of visual novels, or adventure games with only little interactivity

But this was great ngl

It's got some cool lore and stellar presentation, so much so that I re-played it just to see if there were more endings ( got 3 endings )

I'm guessing this wasn't supposed to be funny and was probably supposed to be a jumpscare, but the father telling me I was unworthy made me burst out laughing lol.

Same for one of the er ...... pie endings with the butler if you and try and resist in your room. Not too many games really pull off dark humour well tbh. You definitely did it here

In fact, the atmosphere as a whole was really damn great, specifically because of how good the sound effects were at setting the mood. 

There's not too much I can say since I don't really play VN's much, but I'd say the fact that I was compelled enough to play through and see the other endings definitely means that you did something right. I guess if I had to nitpick, I'd say that the jumpscares ( like the statue ) were a little too predictable.

But again, that's just a nitpick. Great stuff here

Pretty cool game lol

The presentation as a whole was cool. Enemy types were easy to differentiate between and looked distinct

The monster was well animated, let it be the tentacles, or the eyes. And yes, you definitely should check out Carrion since that game was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this lol

But even then, I'd say this is still unique by itself. Let it be the upgrade system or with how combat works

However, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the upgrade system. Sometimes it can kinda screw you over and give you mostly defensive upgrades when you really need offensive upgrades and vice versa.

Speaking of which, the eye lasers seemed a little too underpowered. They really only became useful when I had multiple of them. My winning run had me using only tentacles and a few dashes, so I think some balancing is definitely needed here.

All things considered though, I think this game was pretty damn good for what it is. Great work on this
(1 edit)

Apologies for any bugs, but you can press R at any time to restart.

Great timing and thanks for playing :)

Played twice and got till 100% and I died then and there both times. Is this supposed to happen ?

Either way, cute little game lol. Loved the overall presentation and the designs of the creatures.

However, I kinda wish that the enemies behaved a little differently. They all looked different of course, but because they all acted the same, it felt like I was just fighting the same enemy 100 times.

I was also able to just stay in place most of the time since your melee attack covers all around you. It was only when things got really hectic around the 70-75% mark that I really had to move a bit since enemies also seemed to have a little more health as well.

But still, this was a pretty cool game overall. Nice job on this