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A member registered Jul 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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A solid advice 😁

Love the minimalistic style!

Very interesting concept!

Nice concept!

A piece of true art 🤌

An insane combo of cookie clicker and one-armed bandit 😁

Nice and addictive game, and very sexy font :)

Oh yes, the ageless classic :)

I’m getting the following error:

standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found
  for module path: parendown/lang/reader
  collection: "parendown/lang"
  in collection directories:
   ... [166 additional linked and package directories]

Do I miss some kind of package? How do I install it?..

Readme mentions that I have to correctly install EON framework, but framework’s github page is missing installation instructions 😔 So I’ve just run the windows version using Wine.

That’s quite couterintuitive that menu items should be activated with X key instead of Enter, and hitting Esc seems to make it hang.

Overall, it was quite fun and addictive to play. Congrats on doing 3D game in CL, that’s a rare achievement!

Nice concept, and quite addictive game!

How do I get to level 2? I’ve climed up to the top ladder but nothing happens.

Anyway, loved the visuals, and running away from enemies was fun :)

Nice visual style!

Very interesting physics-based gameplay, love it!

Owl is an interesting lisp indeed :)

Cool idea!

Nice one, loved the overall rogue vibe and characters 😊

Amazing Dwarf Fortress-ish vibe! And I loved the font you’re using :)

Unfortunately my small party of two died in Lvl 1 dungeon, so I might be lacking skill 😅

Loved the vibe! 🤩

Amazing idea, loved it!

(Oh, and it works just fine on Chrome for me btw)

Visual style is very cute, puzzles are not very hard and Undo feature is very convenient 😊

Loved the concept of text adventure with 3d visualization!

Ooh, nice, another strategy, and with an awesome vibe! Unfortunately, trying to fight some goblin (by the looks of it), I got this error.

Thank you so much for the whole video with your look on installation process! I’ve even updated installation instructions a bit in a git repo.

I’m sorry the game won’t build for you. By the looks of it OpenBSD does only have ancient version 4 of liballegro as a binary package, but there’s port of allegro5 required for the game, so you might have luck with that:

As to discussing Lisps, I’m always ready for that 😊 I gather you have a podcast of your own, so perhaps it’d be nice place to talk things?..

Oh, the infamous Wayland. I guess you’ll have to build from source, here are the instructions (the instructions imply you have installed on your system SBCL with Quicklisp, libffi and liballegro). Sorry for the inconvenience!

Those Motherland references huh.

Thank you! I’m already halfway through writing it 😅

Oh, you’re so kind, thank you 😊

The secret is to scavenge a pieces of code from your previous projects 😅 Thank you!

Thanks, I didn’t know you can just willy-nilly make a post not attached to a game 😅

As a demonstration of what could be achieved using this template (and a handful of other libraries), here’s my own entry today’s progress (I have no idea what the game would be called, hence no game page to post devlog to yet 😅)

I think it’d be great to have ability in one way or another to post some progress within some jam when you do have some progress, but you still have no idea what the game would be about, let alone its name (and hence there is no game page you’ve created yet).

(3 edits)

Oh, and if you’re having problems with recent SBCL version and dissect package, please install LukyLambda Quicklisp dist by running

(ql-dist:install-dist "")

Note that it is already included in automated build system. Cheers!

Hey! This is gentle friendly reminder that there’s Common Lisp game project template that features choosing back-end media library of your choice (one of liballegro, raylib or SDL2), some basic scaffolding in form of main game loop with interactive development capabilities and automated build system for Linux, MacOS and Windows (only if you host your repo on Github). You can find all of the information on template’s page (tl;dr version: run cookiecutter gh:lockie/cookiecutter-lisp-game).

If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to post ’em here or in Github issues 😊

Thank you! I’m slowly working on it 😅

Awesome, you’re welcome :)

Thanks a lot! Glad you liked it 🤗

I think you’re describing an array of structures, and you’re one step away from greatly increasing the performance — if you just reverse the storage and have a struct of arrays with the same semantics, the whole thing would be much more cache friendly (unless, of course, there is value boxing in play, which could be avoided at least for some values in Common Lisp, but is generally a PITA for performance).

The comparison of the syntax for defintions also might be fruitful, I still haven’t figured the perfect way to define entities, components and systems in code. Here’s how your example will look using my library now:


;; provided myentity, position and sprite components are defined elsewhere
(ecs:make-object `((:myentity) (:position :x 1 :y 1) (:sprite "path/to/sprite")))

(defsystem render
 (:components-ro (position sprite))
 (draw-sprite :x position-x :y position-y sprite-path))

Note how in defsystem macro I just write the body of code to process the single entity with no looping logic (it is kinda embeeded into macro itself). I also use quasiqoute to build an object spec to be passed to make-object (kinda similar to your create-world, but for single object). I can’t remember, does Scheme has quasiquoting?

cannot query on component values

This is correct for most of ECS implementations there are, but I went ahead and implemented hashtable-based indices in my library, akin to the ones in relational databases. They allow to answer the question “which entity or entities has this specific value as this component’ slot?” I think it might come in handy in implementing things like entity names or prefabs. I’m already using those to e.g. distinguish different images in texture atlas:

Thanks, glad you liked it!

Sorry about the crash, I’ll try do dig into that. It was going to just display a message box, you’ve missed nothing fancy :)

Played it using the alternative link. A lovely puzzle indeed!