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A member registered Sep 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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My requirements are small teams, musical creative control (per the game's theme), and being the sole sound department. I am not looking forward to working with others in the sound/music department. 

Reach me on discord: vangelisofficial

Refs: Bandcamp

My requirements are small teams, musical creative control (per the game's theme), and being the sole sound department. I am not looking forward to working with others in the sound/music department. 

Reach me on discord: vangelisofficial

Refs: Bandcamp

(1 edit)

My requirements are: Small teams, musical creative control (in accordance to the game's theme), and me being the sole sound department. I am not looking forward to working alongside other people in the sound/music department. 

Reach me on discord: Arnitikos

Refs: Bandcamp

(2 edits)

My requirements are small teams, musical creative control (per the game's theme), and being the sole sound department. I am not looking forward to working with others in the sound/music department. 

Reach me on discord: vangelisofficial

Refs: Bandcamp

I can copy any style, and yes, I will do it for free. Make sure your project has a comprehensive concept and is barely alive for me to take musical inspiration from. Discord: arnitikos

From when to when? what are the times at least?

I'm glad to hear that. Is there an FAQ section? I have many questions about this event. 

I've been composing music for nearly 3 years and released 4 albums, one which for a video game. 

Want to know if anyone around makes music too?