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AnigmaVerse Studio

A member registered Aug 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I hope the problem is cleared soon


I've released my game at 29 February 2024 but until now my game still doesn't appear on the search results, but my username appears

I've read the FAQ and double check my settings and everything is correct, so I don't understand what's wrong

The title of the game is "Demyth" it's not NSFW and has 24 downloads from direct link
Demyth by AnigmaVerse Studio (

I already contacted the support at 5 May 2024 but haven't heard back, please I'd be grateful for any help with this.

Thank you

You're welcome and thanks for the response!

Ah that's a shame I wonder why they no longer include Indonesia anymore :( I'd love to chat through discord! :D my nickname is haryo_anigma

Hi! just stumble upon this game when browsing indiegogo, it's a shame you didn't get the full funds.. but I hope the game is a success anyway! :D. I just finished the game in one go and even tho I'm a guy I must say the story is quite engaging that makes me attached with a nice local touch too lol and many charaters are interesting! Arya is an ass tho.. in a fun way but still an ass lol! I like Kahlil joyfullness the best and Guntur composure is also great! Keep it up can't wait for it to be finished! 

Btw I'm Indonesian too! from Depok actually lol, I'm wondering how can you launch a project in indiegogo? As far as I know Indonesia can't launch a project there :"D, I would like to discuss things further with you if don't mind of course :D Since I just started my game studio maybe there's a potential for collabs in the future as well! Thanks! XD