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NSFW & Thinly veiled fetish content shows up even with adult content supposedly filtered out

A topic by StudiousHam created 21 days ago Views: 234 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3
(7 edits)

All of these are visible not logged in, or logged in with the adult filter turned on.

Row numbers are current (2024-05-11) and based on 6 items per row

I don't care that they exist, but I would like to be able to scroll through itch in public without worrying about them popping up on my screen. Isn't there a manual review process that should have caught these even if the developer didn't manually elect to use the NSFW tag? If not then do I just accept that itch isn't a safe site to view in public because more will inevitably slip through?

Edit: I also found these (4:47 UTC):

After a cursory check this morning (2024-05-14) it looks like the worst offenders from what I listed have been hidden from public view, Thank you.

Right click on a game link to open in a new incognito window. If the message about 18+ appears, it is marked as adult. If not, not.

And some of those things are not nsfw at first glance. Itch requires "strong adult themes" to be marked as adult. But is lacking a definition for strong, for adult and for strong adult.

The wording with strong adult implies that there are adult themes that do not need to be marked as adult. Non graphic sex maybe. Or naked feet. Cleavage. From the other side, a pure text based game can have strong adult themes too, depending how graphic the themes are.