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A member registered Feb 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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Got it! I'll go with the object then, no sprite change uwu thank you again!

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Thank you Ekkoberry! >w<

1- I meant that they handed the object to the MC, it would change the pose of the hand minimally, that's why I was asking... but I can do it without if it's not allowed, having it with and without the object would be fine already

Edit: I read in the other reply that hand movement if I don't change the angle of the arm is allowed, so I can do it right?

2- Yes just decoration for the room, they will not be referred as characters... it will probably be just 2-3 because I don't think I will be able to sketch that many but the intention is having them as furniture 

Hello! I have two questions because I've been brainstorming the project...

1 I read that minimal change of object is allowed, so if the sprite has an object in hand / no object in hand / handing the object without pose change is it allowed?

2- if I have mannequins or skeletons in the background, with them being just for decoration, would it be okay? 

Found this via the twitter meme about friendship you made, it's a little but good game! 
I wish i the story was more expanded upon, the characters are likeable and I got invested in them pretty fast. Keep up the good work!

(Also, there's a softlock that might occurr if you try catching the ingredients for broth in another order than the one in the tutorial and then exit the room immediatly: the dialogue will restard and Fergal will auto-move locking himself into a wall)

Hi MissCandy! 
Thank you so much for playing Deep Inside >\\\< it starts to be an old game but I'm happy that it still receives love! 
The way you described the progression of discovering about /him/ being gay and realizing what was going on in the plot is amazing, it's exactly what I wanted to convey ahah! And also I'm glad you liked the characters and the little twist in the plot! Thank you again for your kind words, I hope you'll like the other games too >\\\<

I think both Koi and Emerald Wasp are on Joiplay too, but I'm not sure! I know though that there are ways to emulate them on mobile... and some add-ons \ secrets I made are specifically for Android eheh!

Hi Nixluna! I apologize for the late reply ;__; 
I wanted to thank you both for playing Emerald Wasp and for leaving your comment, it made me really happy... I couldn't put a finger on it, but weird characters who do not fit in is the perfect description for them and knowing that somehow I make them work is so cool! 
Thank you again ;\\\\;

Hi Dancingdarling! Thank you for playing Emerald Wasp, I'm glad that you liked it!
I'm planning to do a steam release once the CGs will be all replaced, which I'm in the process of! Keep an eye on the updates >w<

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First of all, congratulations for the release of the demo! 
I didn't expect a point-and-click game and I'm so excited, can't wait to see the full game! It's so, SO GOOD! I think you can excel in basically any genre you're getting your hands at, it's the 3rd change of genre in the saga and your love and care poured into the making of My Wishmaker shows a lot! 
Also, I know Reggie probably deserves all that came unto him, but I couldn't help myself but feel sorry for the arm! ;__; 
The demo is really well done, the art is fantastic, but there are some tweaks that might improve the experience. Mind that I really liked the game and I think it's impressive! It's just that I'm really bad in explaining myself in short sentences:

>>> SPOILERS <<<

1- allow the player to set the speed of Reggie; personally for me he was too slow; in some turn of events like redoing cutscenes and paths or the getting the lightbulb sequence (multiple times) going back and forth it feels sluggish

2- the QTE takes you too much by surprise! Especially Twila's: I panicked and started mashing while reading the instructions, and of course failed... I didn't understand that 1 the QTE would start only if you mashed a button 2 that you didn't need to use the sequence in a specific order but it was smash-smash-smash... I repeated it so many times because of this, cutscene and all... 
The way you anticipated the player in "My Neighbor Enide" that there would be QTE was perfect with the little minigame at the start, if you'd add an innocous one at the start of My Wishmaker it would be helpful

3- hybrid system of WASD, rpgmaker inputs and mouse movements gets confusing; since it's a point-and-click I'd suggest to encourage the mouse or the touchscreen instead, having the keyboard only for QTE. I never used WASD for movements because to get through doors and stairs you're forced to use the mouse

4- sometimes Reggie spawns in front of the doors and you have to move him manually with WASD to click on the door and exit - otherwise you keep clicking on Reggie and nothing happens

Keep up the good work, you're amazing!

Thank you, Doc! I'll be looking forward to see your work!
If you want to, you can link it to me >w<

Hello and thank you for playing >\\\<
Unfortunately I'm aware about that bug but I'm not able to fix it atm, I'm sorry for the inconvenience! 
As for the lenght did you find the secrets...? There are... things... hidden in the game, I can give you a hint!
Last week was the game first anniversary and I made a riddle special video for it:

A little late but... thank you Cryptid ;\\\\;
Over 4K downloads sounds huge to me, you know like when you watch quiz shows on TV and the numbers are so high they seem abstract!
It'll take time but I hope it all goes well, I like how the new CGs are looking so far!

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Hi Hermetics! I apologize, I missed this message ;__; my discord is [edit] although I don't need the translation I'd like to stay in touch! And since you offered to help me, if you need help from me for something let me know!

Hi CastleGamer! Thank you for reporting this issue, I was not aware of this ;__; I'm so sorry for the inconvenience!
I don't have a mac though, so I'm not sure how to test this... I'll look for a solution in the meantime! Thank you again!
And also thank you for playing Deep Inside, I'm glad that you liked it regardless >\\\<

Thank you Chiiaki! I'm glad to hear that ;\\\\;
Hopefully I will be able to do it within the second anniversary!

I loved the representation, it comes so natural which is something I don't see many people being able to do. The gameplay was fun too, I aced jacks and later it was important! Thank you for making this game!

Hi Miles! Thank you for playing Emerald Wasp, I'm glad you liked it!
I'm also sorry that you encountered those problems ;__; unfortunately I still can't fix the first one, I know how to but my computer crashes when I try... as for the other one, you mean the ladders of the hidden tunnels right? So I can check the code (those ones require you to use the flashlight, but they shouldn't lock you in one direction so this is to fix)

Hi Dev! I'm coming from the other comment, thank you again ;\\\\;
I didn't know about the issue of the archive but I have an idea of what causes it, thank you for reporting it!
As for the windows closing and all progress being lost I though I got rid of that bug (screaming internally: OH NO) may I ask in which part of the game you closed the window? So I can check the script... I'm sorry this happened during your gameplay!
Thank you again for playing Deep Inside >\\\<

My my >\\\< I'm so happy to read you liked it so much!
Hello Dev, thank you for playing Emerald Wasp and for writing this message! 
Glad to hear that you liked the bad endings to ahah! Did you get to the secrets of the game too?
Again, thank you so much for your kind words!

Hi HermeticsPontified! I apologize for the late response!
I'm really glad to hear that you liked the game ;\\\; the mechanics are not aging well I see, I still have to find a way to fix them unfortunately.
Thank you for offering ;\\\; at the moment there's a person doing the translation already, but could I keep contact with you if needed?

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Oh my, thank you again >\\\< but I definetly shouldn't be on a pedestal, I'm flattered really but I'm a normal person ahah! I hope I won't disappoint with next games then!

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Hello Jam! Thank you so much ;\\\\;
We could you discord if it's ok with you! My handle is [edit]

Hi Notleander! I wish I could convey in English how surprised and honored I am to read your message ;\\\\;
I'm flattered, really! And I'm so happy to hear that you liked the game so much, and that I'm one of your favorite devs! This is something that, to an indiedev like me, still look incredible to read and it made my day ;\\\\; 
Thank you so much for your kind words! And yes, of course I'm open to that, I'll write you on Twitter and do the best I can to help!

Ciao Bomber Pigeon! 
Appena ho letto il post ho fatto la corsa su Twitch a cercare il VOD e... siamo italiani entrambi ahah! 
Ti scrivo in italiano perché rispetto all'inglese posso esprimermi meglio, ma non hai idea di quanto mi ha fatto piacere leggere il tuo commento! Sapere che Emerald Wasp sia diventato uno dei tuoi giochi preferiti è davvero tanto >\\\< ti ho lasciato un follow intanto, mi sto divertendo un sacco a guardare il gameplay! Grazie per averlo giocato e streammato!

Hello! The game is not an APK for Android unfortunately, it's for PC\Mac\Linux only.
I haven't tested it myself but you could try to use the Joyplay Emulator to run the game on your Android, let me know if it works!

lmao xD might add another cipher for this in the future! 

You're welcome! I hope it works ;w;

Oooh >\\\< I'm really happy that you like it! 
And that the wholesome vibe was a good ending for a game like this <3

No need to say sorry, it's ok! 
And I'm glad it helped >\\\< I'd love to hear your theories, please share them! As for Rule of Salt I started development just recently so it will take time, I hope not as much as Emerald Wasp but I share the progress on Twitter and Bluesky

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Hi Chimera! Here is the file, I hope it helps!
Thank you for your patience ;w; 

OH MY ;\\\\\; thank you so much, Cahise!
Your art is lovely! I love the expression and especially the way you drew the nose and the mouth.
I'm so happy to hear that you liked the game and the characters ;\\\\\; thank you for playing the game!

(Italy mentioned, so...)

Oooh questo mi rende un sacco felice T\\\T
Sono davvero felice che ti sia piaciuto così tanto EmWa (addirittura uno dei giochi migliori che hai giocato) e anche Deep Inside! Il tuo commento è tipo una delle cose più belle che un dev possa sentirsi dire. Grazie per averli giocati T\\\T e spero ti piaccia anche il prossimo gioco che sto sviluppando!

Yes, that! I'm preparing the savefile, is it ok if I link it on my google drive?

Hi La1n370wo! I admit that's an interesting take, I don't mind it! Epyks made a very cool video, I liked it a lot. Here are some clarifications to your questions:

Béla (read Beela) is a Hungarian male name, meanwhile wasps have different structures depending on the species. Just for him I used the role of the Emerald Wasp, which is an antisocial wasp (no hive, no workers, etc). Parasitic wasps, when parasiting other wasps, can alter their host function from worker to queen, usually to infiltrate hives and take over. Béla is basically an exception in that hive, loyal only to queen but having none of the social roles of the other 'wasps'.

I hope it helped! And if you play the game I hope you will enjoy it x3

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¡HOLA Saerabel! Perdón por el error ;w; 
¿Puedes describirme qué sucede exactamente o tomar una captura de pantalla del mensaje de error?

Hi Pivo! Thank you ;\\\\;
I don't know any Russian translators at the moment unfortunately... but if you're with it I can reply under this post when a translation is in the works!

Hello Hqllo Dolly! I'm happy to hear that you liked it ;\\\\;
I made another RPG maker horror, Emerald Wasp, and I'm currently working on a new one too!
But if you want I can suggest also games from other devs, also free on this platform!

¡HOLA Crys Love! Tienes que descargar el cuarto archivo (hice una captura de pantalla)

I'm sorry for the inconvenience ;__;
Did a bit of research, it's apparently due to a save file malfunctioning. What happens if you load a previous one and go through the scene?
If it doesn't work please tell me which choices you did \ how many medals you have, so I can make a savefile past that scene and send it to you... I'm sorry, it's the first time ever that this particular error occurs ;w;

Hi Chimera! Thank you for playing Emerald Wasp, I'm glad yo hear you're liking it so far >\\\<
About the black screen: are you playing it on Mac, right? In that case, are you using the Mac version or the PC version on Wine?
(I'm searching for a solution for the error)

Happy New Year Lien! 
And thank you >\\\<  it'll take time but I hope you will like this one too! I'm starting to show some pictures on twitter and bsky at the moment, it's unfortunate I can't make separate devlogs \ blogs on Itch without opening the game page