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A member registered 83 days ago · View creator page →

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Very nice and well polished. The score as health mechanic was interesting, and I think it worked well. It starts off feeling very forgiving but you quickly change your mind in the latter parts of the game! My favourite aspects were the sprite designs and level design (i.e pacing, mine placement etc)

The art style was fantastic, as others mentioned and I also enjoyed the card combination mechanic. Overall, the game felt very polished. Nice submission!

Thanks, and thanks for playing. Are you sure they didn't kill the player? It cuts to the "Game Over" screen if the player dies or the reactor is destroyed. The reactor itself is pretty tanky, and only the worms target the reactor (and the player as a secondary target). All other enemies target the player

Super creative, and great fun! The art and sound are great but the game design is definitely the best feature.

You know the saying "not all heroes wear capes?" Well, all the best superheroes do, so don't worry about the broken cape checkbox. Seems to be working fine to me lol

A really polished game, with high quality music and graphics. The gameplay is simple yet loads of fun, and the variety of obstacles keeps the game interesting. Great submission!

Thanks for playing. It sounds like the player died as the bots are pretty ruthless, and the player only has 100HP whereas the reactor has 300HP (and only worms attack it). There are 7 waves in total, so more enemies after the first worms!

Given a bit more time I'd have liked to have added a player death animation and reactor explosion for the respective game over scenarios. The game over and win screens were added in the last 20 mins before the deadline lol. I think some audio feedback when the player is hit would have helped, too.

You built a cool game world and environment there. As others mentioned the timer on the minigame was a bit savage - definitely a challenge! Nice submission

Awesome! I liked the artwork and the audio but the writing and general creativity was great. The Russian-Roulette-style mini game was fun

Thanks for giving it a try, I'm glad you liked it. haha yeah... I'm gonna have a hard time beating that record next jam!

Thanks for giving it another try! That's some good advice regarding the full screen setting - I'll take a look

haha, it's all good. it was fun enough that I adapted

Thanks, I appreciate that. It's useful feedback

A nice, polished game. I particularly liked the artwork and animations. My brain desperately wanted spacebar to be jump - which caught me out a couple of times. Great submission!

Thanks for playing! Hmm that sounds like it's an issue with the mouse not being captured properly. If you head into fullscreen immediately and stay in full screen during play, I think that won't happen. I'll be sure to check your game out next :)

For people that want to play the game but are experiencing resolution issues
For anyone having trouble playing it on the game's main page, you could use the direct link to the game ( I pulled it from the HTML source because I wanted to try it. One reason iframes are used is for isolation for security purposes so if you don't feel comfortable then don't do it.

For the dev

I really enjoyed this one. It took me a little while to figure out what was going on (I initially tried to drag the heart), but once I got going it was good fun. The art style is really nice and the music, too. But what I liked the most was how creative it was. Nice submission!

Dude, I thought SCREAMJAM started in 5 months from now!
I appreciated the texture on that "thing". Funny submission

It looks like you've got an interesting idea to develop here. Keep at it!

I made the genius mistake of picking up the tile I was standing on on my first go xD
I then realised I didn't need to even be near the ones I was picking back up!
Fun game, nice submission

The beginnings of something cool. I'm always a sucker for programmer art, so good work there. I hope you feel inspired to keep going with it. Good submission!

Nice submission! Decent for a first game. The graphics, lighting effects and animations were all very nice. It would've been extra cool if when you pick up the last orb the level lights up and all the enemies are vaporized or run away, giving you a win condition

The first time I played I ran off the edge of the world lol
The second time I played I got stuck in a room with a power cabinet and no obvious way out
The third time I played I found more cabinets and started turning them off and then got owned by aliens
I'm pretty sure there's a clever puzzle in this. I might try again later and see if I can figure it out...
Nice submission, definitely interesting!

Utterly brilliant in every aspect. Was it a little repetitive? Yes. Did I play through to the end? Also yes. I loved the music. There were some bugs, but who cares? The overall experience was fantastic. Well done!

A really polished and satisfying game. I liked the mix of 3D elements with top down 2D, it made for an interesting style paired with the general aesthetic. Great submission!

Useful feedback, thanks!

Thanks for playing! Maybe I need to look at the difficulty curve a bit. I'd like to add additional player abilities and powers, too. That might help

Thanks for playing and the feedback -I've added some in today. I hope you enjoyed the game

I thought it was a cool mechanic having your resource for dealing damage also tied to your health. The artwork was nice, and the gameplay was fluid. The sound effects were also cool. Having a couple of checkpoints would've helped a noob like me lol. Nice submission!

Thanks for checking it out, and sticking with it despite the early lag spikes!

I  love the concept - like a city builder but power infrastructure edition. I had some trouble with some of the gameplay elements, but the music and graphics were nice. Cool submission!

A work-in-progress as you mentioned, but I did enjoy the fight mode gameplay (gave it a few tries, actually). Keep it up and well done for getting it submitted with such little time!

(2 edits)

A really nice first JS game, well done!
The artwork was on point, and the music and sound effects were great, too. Keep up with jams!

I had a blast with this one. Brilliant audio-visuals all round, and kudos for doing it all yourself! Great submission

Good to see more robots! I thought the artwork on this one was really nice!  The animations, too (the fountain and the particles effects on the shots). The glow and lighting effects were also really cool. The music and sound effects were also great. The controls for the player were nice and responsive. After beating the enemy robots and wandering for a while I couldn't figure out what to do next, though.

Fun game and nice submission!

A charming game! Hats off to your son for the sound and artwork - especially the sound. The music give a nice ambience, and the sound effects are on point. The game was fun, but a little tricky for me. It might be a git gud issue but I found myself running out of power too often. Great submission!

(1 edit)

I thought the story was really funny and creative. I'm gonna disagree with the last comment about using an asset pack. There's nothing wrong with using asset packs but I always respect people having a crack at the art themselves. I dug the menu music - I reckon it should be on by default as some folks might miss that. As for the game itself, it was challenging but fun. Great submission!

A fellow robot enthusiast. I thought the artwork and audio were fantastic! The gameplay is fun - it took me a while to realise you could hold left click to shoot, rather than spamming it. The map was massive, so kudos for designing that.

There were a couple of bugs I ran into:

  • enemy bots stuck in places they can't shoot you from. This might have been intentional to give a sense of threat, but maybe those bots shouldn't shoot and just watch ominously or shout abuse at you or something lol
  • I gave the game a second go after dying and the canvas modulate effect kept the red from the initial low health/death of my first play

Overall great submission - nice work!

I thought the artwork and animations were brilliant! In my first attempt I got myself trapped in a chamber that I couldn't get out of - I'm not sure if that's intentional. It took me a few plays to figure out where I needed to go, and man does it get a lot harder when you do! Nice submission

Thanks for giving it a go!

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing. Yeah, I had some issues pre-loading some of the assets and ran out of time fixing that. It should only occur on the first instantiation - so typically when an enemy type dies for the first time. So there should only be a couple of big stutters in the first 30 seconds of play.  edit: horrendous lag issues are now fixed.