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A member registered Oct 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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"Is it even in?"
Hits too close man

That would be helpful, LimeZu. There's not much tutorial on it as well on reddit. Would help a lot of people, especially beginners out !

LimeZu giving updates like crazy.

Mean while in my world I'm stressing over how to do tile rules xD

Keep it going!

I guess it was a right choice to buy this pack given the amount of things & love being added into it. Thank you

I can't help but realize that there's no idle animation for player

You guys have to wait for them to spawn lmao

  • I think the pay point for restart is a mistake, it shouldn't request payment.
  • No enemies left? That's weird because they should spawn infinitely over a period of time.
  • You're talking about the special enemies eh ;D thank you very much :3
  • The original attempt was to make what you suggested, but I had little time to do all of it so I cobbled up everything. And as for the music, I never thought about it :D thank you for the suggestions as well with the title screen
  • Overall, thank you for the kind reply :D

So now that the procjam is "over" - you can late submit. What now? I feel like I'm waiting for something