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A member registered Oct 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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centrists do love their coins ^^ but there are only coins until the point where you get past them :)

I eyeballed the timing tbh, i couldnt do many playtests

love the art style and the execution

it's a really smart use of game mechanics, i love it

dont worry it was a lot of fun. its pretty hard to balance a game in the timeframe of a game jam, i also wonder if people can reach the end of my game xD

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im glad you liked it! thanks for playing! There's a bit of hope in there too :) 

Out of curiosity, did you manage to win?

i definitely will they seem interesting! But before that I want to try man other games from this jam because there's a deadline ^^'

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Thanks a lot for playing! You should probably try to play on other difficulties ;)

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not yet, right now ive taken a break after failing level 2 ^^

audio and visuals are gorgeous, the writing is great, what's not to like!

i really enjoyed this game, the polish is outstanding, it looks and sounds very cool!

the controls and physics are pretty fun!

loved this little game! i used the "cops cant stop all of us" strategy

super cool idea, pretty original gameplay, never seen anything like it

takes a bit of getting used to and could use a bit of polish but its one of my favorite games ever, ive set up a wall of shell anticapitalist corporation around greedy ass to capture the cashflow its leaking from the pressure of communism on borders. top wealth redistribution 10/10

i  shot the boss

played it despite not speaking the language, had a blast destroying buildings until the police cornered me against a wall and beat me up repeatedly. pretty great

very weird and full of charm i loved it

i couldnt get past the title page maybe im doing something wrong

super groovy, a bit slow on the second and further tries

a bit short but fun

i was a bit weirded out by the mix of realistic and fictional elements. we're far from having a State in real life ^^ however the struggle of the starving artist is relatable xD

I hope you managed to save everyone in the end ^^' thanks for playing!

i really liked the "quit shopping for fun" message, it should be plastered everywhere xD

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GGP is an interesting metric, did you invent it from scratch or is it inspired by something you've seen?

very cute, love the cyclical and mondrian-ish design of the outside ^^ ive become a super efficient worker!

Very cute, I wonder if this game jam could be our equivalent of a worker's club... 

thanks for your comment xD and don't forget that you too can profit from climate change by making the smartest investments!

hi! I assume your silence means you're doing something else, so I'll shortly start to look around for sfx and music myself, but let me know if it's not the case 

it's really really good but the pathfinding is a bit weird sometimes making it hard to plan around

for what its worth i think this is super cool, I've seen some experimental games where you walk over text but i dont recall any being embodied in space/objects like that. 

do you win when you dont launch the game cause you dont want to participate in the excavation?

hi! I do not have anyone working on audio so the role is definitely open, but I didn't post in the threads about musicians/composers because this is a small scope idle game and I thought it'd be potentially boring for composers. I imagine it's going to need like 1 or 2 background tracks and a few UI sounds at most. If that seems interesting to you we can definitely work together but I wouldnt hold it against you if you'd prefer to work on a project with more complexity on the audio side xD

hi! Your art looks really nice, I can't wait to see what you'll end up with in the jam!

This is the project I'm working on, let me know if you're interested or inspired:

Looking forward to playing it!

that unfortunately is something you'll never be able to prevent 100% i think =/ history of satire is riddled with examples xD

It's a pretty common problem tbh. I think the textbook case might be Starship Trooper. In all honesty I might have missed the point if I hadn't been spoiled beforehand xD

It's especially tricky when it comes to capitalism cause it has the structure of a game. Basically almost all management games are some form of normalization of capitalistic mechanism.

I'd say you're pretty safe within the confines of the jam, the title is fairly explicit, it'll be pretty obvious that it's satire with context. But to be more safe generally, if I were you, I'd put a disclaimer at the start, either on the loading screen like South Park, or on the menu screen, or in the credits if you'd rather be discreet and have your satire be "believable". 

I've been giving this a lot of thoughts so your feedback is definitely valid. I'm hoping to nudge the players through writing a smart description for the difficulty levels and through a few UI tricks. I'm definitely not hoping for a 100% success rate, but would be nice if it was more than 0 XD maybe like 30-50.

I've done a few prototypes of games that had no win condition and people are really insistant on finding the one way to beat the game, usually, so I'm not too worried about that. Worst case scenario I can always add hints if I see too many failed attempts. Actually I probably should. 

thanks a lot for saying this, it means a lot, I tend to work on pretty niche stuff so I'm very happy than anyone else than me is interested :)  I'm pretty sure that I can make something solo in the worst case scenario so you'll definitely be able to play it :)  I've read your project description, it sounds super cool, I'll definitely give it a play when it's ready!


I think this jam could be a good chance for me to tackle a project I've been thinking about for a while, about the status quo bias, i.e. the pervasive idea that inaction is morally neutral when in fact inaction/the status quo/normality is already pretty extreme and extremely harmful to a lot of people. 


Impossible to Fix” (tentative title) is an anti-idle game about the status-quo bias where you try to save humanity from its certain extinction at the hand of capitalism. 

Through classic idle-game mechanics, you unlock more and more progressive fixes to build up your “Reform” score. This score is competing with the snowballing effect of the climate crisis which has an increasing “Crisis” score. You need to get Reform higher than Crisis to stop people from dying before humanity’s extinction. A run is expected to last around 5 minutes. 

Here’s the twist: it’s impossible to do that. There’s no fixing capitalism. The only way to win the game is before you even start: in the welcome menu, you can choose the difficulty (easier times, normal, new normal, post new normal or impossible). Only if you pick “impossible” will the game offer you to completely dismantle the political system and start anew with a non capitalist economy, which is going to be tough but is the only path to victory.


Anyway if you're interested in joining the project or just even bouncing off ideas let me know 🙂 I'd love to meet more like minded people. I have game design, writing and programming experience but not much else. My portfolio is at if you wanna see what I'm about.

I'd like to keep the team and the scope pretty small to avoid burnout. Ideally, it would be nice to have someone that can make things look good cause thats definitely my weak point xD I was thinking of using web tech (like paperclip maximizer) with an artistic direction inspired by early web browser games (like ogame) but that can definitely be changed.