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A member registered Aug 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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nagato! i loved curse removal service

Thanks for playing! I'm working on a lowpoly follow up, check it out if you want to spend more days with them:

Really appreciate that's a possibility. Thanks for the work!

Can we submit a game that it's going to release on May 24th? Or does it need to be already finished and released by May 1st?
Thank you so much.

riley<9, u're the future of gaming!

Me too...Thanks escapinglife

Under the orange tree...Thanks for playing it, Kastel.

Thanks you so much for playing!!

always! she's really active on twitter, so please follow her if you want to keep updated with her work:

thank u MrButtercup, I hope it can be early this year.

It's so powerful!

Thaanks! Wishing a good start of the year for Janet too!

Wooh, this was marvellous. It was like playing a first person sequel to Queer Man. Why did I felt so emotional saying goodbye to the little pink rock. Thank you so much for this!!

yaaai, congrats

Thaanks! If u enjoyed it please check the work of Maki Kusumoto, it was the main inspiration for the characters and her stories are really beautiful.

thank you for sharing the warmness! chapter 2 is already out if you want to check it out, it should work with the save you have:

Hii! Thanks Taylor, glad to be around.

like the energy tomorrow is my birthday was giving back! thank you for that!!

Yaii, that sounds fun! Let me know when u get there!

I'm using the Dialogue System from Pixel Crushers and trying to work from there. I totally will, thank you so much for the support!! Hope life and the development has being treating you well!

thanks for checking in!!  i've been working on it nonstop!

such a warm night

it keeps getting better

thank you for making it, this was so beautiful! made me want to know more about their carrot's story


and then Janet's time 

so charming

best game ever

thanks Luke

Filling it with many beauties! Hope the travelling is treating you good ♡

Thanks Taylor ♡

Can't say enough how eye-opening Queer Man was! Fills me with energy reading you. It looks this game it's taking me through a long road and I was at a point I needed to vent about it hehe. Crazy to think Disco Elysium used the Dialogue System too.  Hoping the best for you on IGF, big, big hugs!!

thx riley! the next one is a bit more polygonal and i hope we finally can walk around their world too

meow, meow! thx MrButtercup, it's always nurturing reading your opinions. hope it's a good year for both us!

that's so pretty, looks like they floating with vib ribbon


such a beautiful tale, stunning art and characters.

it's a joy to be around these demons.

it's a bit hard at times but even myself that i'm not that skillful or patient, could beat it! thank u so much for making it.

(1 edit)

that was beautiful, thank u so much

(in case is useful for others, i couldn't load it in a safari's browser but after loading it in firefox i could play it with no problems)