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A member registered Aug 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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Collect raindrops made of food paste from magical clouds 

Play as a butterfly fairy and fight against bosses

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Awesome, thank you!

There is another jam that will start at the same time. I was thinking about working on the same game for this and that jam. Is it ok? 

Hello! Is there a discord for this jam?

Thank you for the feedback! If I ever make a sequel/remake, I do plan to include single player content like an adventure mode so it will include variety of enemies as well as the ability to unlock new skills like new moves. This game will just be a versus mode. As for a description of the moves, I might come back to describe what each moves are suppose to do in the game page. 

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Play as the copycats who can transform into many things and fight against each other in mimic battle!

Hello! Sorry about not including the game, I thought I included it.  Anyway for the questions, I have been working on the game after the jam is over so some stuff may not be accurate to the game description. The Copycats have there own stats and the mimics change the stats based on it.  BB Players can multiply the strength of  a character. Clouds are quite slow so it would decrease the speed of a character. The moves depend on the mimics, the copycats don't have their own moves. Copycats can become any mimic. To have good stats you have to choose the right combination. Each copycat appearance of the mimic is different. The low attack is just an option if you don't want to use PP since the specials take up lots of PP. I am not sure if I answered that question correctly.  Skipping a turn is needed in case you can't attack the opponents. Though now that you brought it up, I might just remove it. It's more helpful to just defend. It was really only helpful for testing. The add button adds a character and mimic once you select them. Selecting Done is when you finish selecting your team members. I am currently adding a computer player and the arcade mode so it won't be just a two player game. 

As someone who knows BST, this is a really creative game! It was a lot of fun! If I have any problems, when you choose the wrong numbers and you need to find a small set of numbers between them, it can take forever waiting for the right one. Of course, me choosing those wrong numbers isn't the games fault, more so me.

As someone who knows BST, this is a really creative game! It was a lot of fun! If I have any problems, when you choose the wrong numbers and you need to find a small set of numbers between them, it can take forever waiting for the right one. Of course, me choosing those wrong numbers isn't the games fault, more so me.

That was some simple fun! I like the art style! Swinging is fun! Music you chose is good! 


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Defeat your opponent by getting their number down to 0 and keeping yours above it using basic math!

Survive in the forest by scavenging the squirrels daily meal of acorns while avoiding their enemies.

Explore and find the door that will take you higher in the tower. Can you beat Dr. Seventy-Five's Training Tower?    

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A short game where you drive until you reach your destination.  You have to deal with the obstacles in front of you whether it be by dodging or shooting.