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A member registered Oct 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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You have to get used to the controls but then its magic :) well done submission with a sweet chocolate lore :). sound is relaxing good

very addicting! there should be warning every 10 levels to take a break :D my finger hurt hahaha good game man good game :) !!!

dude we draw the same mouse pointer sprite :) mine is a little bit smaller and with a trail but thats funny :) 

glad that you liked it.  thx for that feedback!

thank you!!

overall it was nice to play and discover your world. e.g. finding the mushrooms or the walking tree etc .  ah man sound is missing but yeah keep at it! good submission

Really like the background story with the nanobots. kool that you have some puzzles in there. besides some performance/stuttering issues when loading enemies it was a very fun experience. nice!

funny intro :) like poponil mentioned it would be nice to see in game what you hovering over to tell what you actually using. a nice compact game ! good job.

yeah i had it at a hard difficulty at first and  had little time left to balance it.  so i made it a bit easier if you do the right technique which you did :) youre right and thx for the valueable feedback!

This was really good! thx for that :)

Was fun to play! love the color palette :) good job!

simple but fun! good one.

Good short game! enjoyed it a lot!

like Vlosyros said, a little bit of feedback to the player would be nice!  and for a beginner you did a good job. I like that you have an intro scene... keep at it !

thx for the feedback dude! the first screen explains the can drag the cubes with holding down right mouse button.

thx for playing and your feedback! try to find a new strategy with using the microscope then it might get a little bit easier to beat the wizard.

thanks dude!

HawkesJam #1 community · Created a new topic Hyped :)

Dove into unreal the last months but for this jam i think i go with unity again. looking forward to this jam. lezz go