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A member registered Aug 17, 2016 · View creator page →

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Awesome! Thanks for playing! I don't think my high score system saves to the file (I was troubleshooting it for a whole night and it's still broken.) So keep this image as proof of your destruction skills.

Yeah, I don't exactly know hoe to optimize it yet. Glad you were able to run it!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing Stairfall! The first level is really just a tutorial on the controls and those buildings on that one aren't really anything. I should have made it more clear that the fast-walk is activated by holding pressed either thumbpad and taking steps forward. To get to the next level you pick up and "eat" the lava pill thing to go to the next level.

Thanks Xander! Yeah, in hindsight I should've put less boxes in the last level, and I probably should have changed the gun models to magic wands or something. If I knew what I was doing beforehand code-wise I would've spent more time making things look prettier and more varied. This was a really great learning experience and I will take this to grow my skills for the next one.

You need to mark the download as windows compatable so people can download it through the application (which is like a steam library) so we don't have to manually manage files.

Thanks for playing! Where'd you get stuck? Did you try the updated one?

I'll give you a hint that will let you find it way faster, look at your feet at the center of every level and make yourself small to find some helpful little friends.

I think the criteria ratings should be refined and more specific next time. When is the next one???

(1 edit)

I looked at the timer yesterday and I swore I saw 3 days left and I thought, sweet I can wait till I have more time. So I was going to do it tonight but now it's over and the rankings are in! Did I misread it?