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A member registered Apr 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sorry my bad, fixed it

(1 edit)

Emily_ is a game about a mysterious AI and the secrets that lie behind her creation

Discover the truth by chatting with her and by uncovering many hidden files

Emily_ is a game about a mysterious AI and the secrets that lie behind her creation

Discover the truth by chatting with her and by uncovering many hidden files

Hey thanks for the feedback and for putting in the effort to beat the game!

Did you know that there's a type of bass calles Giant Sea Bass that can reach a size of 8.2 feet (2.5 m) and a weight of up to 562 pounds (255 kg) ?

Hello Yeah

I really like the idea and the visuals are nice

very clam and zen game

I like the visuals but I'm not sure how the shop works, also the text speed is really slow

(1 edit)

hey thanks for taking the time to give some feedback! I understand that the game isn't really straightforward in terms of controls, the pan is used to block the gun, the cat is there to be cute

by the way did you know that the european seabass was one of Europe's first fish to be farmed commercially? they were cultured in coastal lagoons and tidal reservoirs before mass-production techniques were developed in the late 1960s

Reply with a screenshot of you beating my game to recieve a cool bass fact!

And while you're there why not rate and leave some fishback?

(Yes this is a Shameless plug, but do you want your cool bass fact or not?)

thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately the controls seem to be a pretty common issue

yeah the controls problem seemr petty obvious in retrospect, thanks for the feedback 

there were some issues with upgrade screen, this was during the game, aside from that the game could be improved a lot,  but it's nice


yeah the game is pretty hard, also thanks for the feedback

I already knew about the bug and I know how to fix it but I admit I left it in because I found it funny

I'll tell cat about the compliments

Yeah maybe the buttons aren't the closest, if I ever work again on this game I'll fix that, thanks for the feedback

(2 edits)

You can only bock the gun, the cat is does his best 

(I'm going to make that more clear in the game page)

[thanks for the feedback]

I'm in love with the visuals and the music, also pretty fun

The game looks really good and is pretty fun, sometimes the fish would get stuck and get stretched but it didn't happen often, only issue is that after a bit the music stopped playing, overall pretty good

fish :D

love it!

very fun game, if a bit challenging,  but that isn't necessarily a bad thing

the visuals are but maybe the music could be improved

the game is pretty short but nice, the visuals are appealing and the music is catchy (maybe it loops too fast)

however there are a few things that could be improved

- ctrl is a bit awkward for crouching, I would map it to S or something closer

-I would add some sort of effect or small animation when you die, you respawn too fast if that makes sense, you don't have the time to process your error

-the UI and the main menu in general could use some work

Thank you for playing and enjoying our game! we hope to be able to meet your expectations with the full release

Thanks for playing our game and thanks for the feedback! we plan to expand player's choice in the full game, especially with the hidden codes and what you'll be able to find

the game is pretty fun and I love the art style, only complaint I have is that the shop feels pretty useless right now, or at least it could be more interesting, you could add a couple more items and have each shop a random selection of them or make it so items can be randomly discounted

aside from that the game is great

the game is really nice but I feel like the UI could be better, aside from that it was fun

small sidetone the giant unit sprite looks like it was scaled wrong, it's not as clean as the others

I would add some sort of screen when you lose but the music is really nice and the game feels good, maybe you should just speed up a bit the spinning

punching the bullet is nice but the damage the player deals is too low and lacks feedback ( some sort of effect on hit would be nice)

yeah I can do illustrations, if you want I can show you some of my stuff on discord

hey if you want you can contact me on discord @filx180

hey, if you're still looking for someone my name on discord is filx180 

We've just released our first public demo for 'Emily_'

>> <<

Emily_ is a game about a mysterious AI stuck in an old computer who seems to know more about you than you do about her

unravel the secrets behind Emily by chatting with her and by finding secret files hidden behind various passwords t

hat you'll need to find to progress

This demo only covers your first chat with Emily and has a bunch of secret files for you to find

thanks! I struggled a bit on the tiles because I didn't want to add to much details as I felt it would contrast with the rest but I ended up having the opposite problem, I'll probably fix it once the jam is over

Thank you!

thanks! maybe when the jam is finished I'll go and fix the shading on a few sprites, thank you for the input

btw I've found a small bug, if you die while shooting, when you respawn the basic wand gets the fire rate of the wand you had when you died (you can give the flamethrower fire rate to the basic wand)

Thank You! Can't wait to hear the finished result

pretty simple and fun, love the music