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A member registered Aug 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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thank you!

thanks! It's not a platformer, it's metroidvania. Thanks for reviev!

yes game is not ended but i will develop it.

yup, got it.

yes only because i'm 11 years old

I'm see where i will login to your discord channel, but i cant login because i get banned from small age.

did you need artist?

if we use this topic like discord or telegram i can help because i good pixel artist

(1 edit)

sorry. But i may not come help with drawing 💀. I have another jam started.

hope you enjoyed! Made in 2 hours because i dont have time to develop so i develope something small.

hope you enjoyed! I make game in 2 hours so i make something wrong but very happy to hear you enjoyed my game!

thank for review! Hope you get fun playing your game cool too.

Hope you enjoyed!!! Please rate my game if not rated still!

(1 edit)

wow! It's very cool game!!! Prerequisite not in but the game, i love!!!

I have to say i is partipricated a lot of jams. That is another one. So good luck i very want to see what next!

i dont have telegram

i have uploaded

sorry but time i dont have enough so making something not so interesting...

LOVE beetle sprites! All of your awesome!

what i will paint? I dont have discord so let's talk here.

I'm 11 years old. Can i help you with art? I'm good pixel artist make arts of all my games

i had 1, and it's me

yes it's strange but 3 day i dont see it! There is URL of my gam

hello, it's not about micro jam. Just want to ask how to make jam visible for all? I'm making my jam but it's not on calendar, why?

if we get prize okay!

can i use your sounds to develop? Will i pay if i use? Will prize halfed to you if i use your sounds?

Please join my jam. I making him to at least one peaple joined him. Please join him if you not already join him!

In cyber jam no. But in micro Urban jam yes. And i glad to hear that! I realy enjoyed your game. It cool and fun. Cant wait to see your project!

I think crocotile3D is not bad tool to 3D modeling. Think i will use it later.

hello from cyber jam! Have to say i love your project!

If you make efforts to win, i am sure that you will win!

Cool game! I love it it looks pretty odd and not like the sprites and left wall hitboxes, but gameplay is good! Love this shooter.

and my record 500...

i create my first game with 6 days and beat it with 30 days.

i realy hard working on sprites scripts and design. Hope you enjoyed have a fun playing!

i made a double jump

You can kill it when you stuck, and jump from it. Mouse - shoot. Thank for review! But i planned EVERYONE will use it. But it dont...

cool simple game about slimes! Like the art love the gameplay!

Cool game! It very enjoyeble and cool controls!

Thank for feedback! Hope you enjoyed