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Super Games Studios

A member registered Oct 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Tear you apart: OST

thank you man, it's very good to see someone how actually arrived to the final chase, the game was made in 2 or 3 days for this gamejam and that's the reason why the game has very bugs, btw sorry my english

maybe cuz some people have played the game while he was free

You go to steam/play store/playstation/Xbox/switch, search for Super Dark Deception and then download it


yup i guess

is from Google Forms

What is your specific area? In my profile description there is a questionnaire called "To Work With Me" try this and I will check if it is acceptable


Super Dark Deceptio n is free

Hello again, i finished the game now, the game cust 1$ but is free for 1 mouth so try to claim now, bye!

(1 edit)

i will put the game free for one mouth so please claim the game now

Another thing, how many songs do you make for free and if you don't make them for free, how much do you charge per song?

hello, I'm making a dark deception fangame, do you know how to make tense chase songs?

What is your graphics card and how much ram do you have, because I had left the recommended settings for running the game on the game page, in fact you can change the graphics to low or medium

that is the true page lol

ok, i'm developing the game and probably i send it this week

Did the winner get some reward?

ok, good luck!

did the game have already a release date?

It looks like great

Hello, don't worry the game have no sexual content, thank you 👍

Hello again, yes i will try to expand the game

hello, yes the game is a little demo and when the boo catch you he takes you for a random place and teleports so you just need to escape from him

please open the page to play the complete game is free for a few days  yes they have youtube channel

did you talked the site of Mascot bro studio? Because they can help your project publishing it on Steam and making market

yes i guess


O mascote verde é bem parecido com o mascote que eu fiz 😂😂😂

i hope your project get popular, good luck

just because i created some stealth games \__(0-0)__/

please  here you can find a team

joyjoy land from dark deception?


i forgot i even submitted 4 games in that jam 💀💀💀