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Incredible concept and a great execution, especially for only 72 hours. My one thought is this: should the player be force to start at the beginning of the maze each time? I realize that by traveling to adjacent tiles I accumulate more points but it felt like I could negate some of my bad decisions if I wanted by placing easy tiles down, whereas if I was forced to start at the beginning each time, it might make me play through my decisions (good or bad). Either way, this is a fantastic entry and you should be very proud!

Love this idea for a top-down rogulike brawler. Really fresh and unique, and an addictive gameplay loop too. A couple thoughts. I wish there was a little more impact to the combat. Like a slight knockback or stagger to enemies or a just something to feel like my punches were really hitting. I also wish the new weapons and progression happened a little faster. But all-in-all, this is incredibly impressive for 72 hours! Nice work!

I'm not the developer, but I just wanted to say I think this is a really cool idea!

Nice, this was really unique and I love the fresh perspective on a classic prison break. I think this game could benefit from a short tutorial or just some general instructions to help get the basics squared up. I know a big part of the game is logical deduction and figuring things out for yourself, but things like knowing you can click on the guards to damage them, etc. could be helpful to know upfront. Otherwise, a really strong entry!

This is a game that takes a couple tries to wrap your head around, but once you get it, it's really enjoyable. Some of the mini games are a bit difficult to understand at first, but it definitely comes into its own once you take the time to learn them. A bit more of a tutorial or a more forgiving onboarding process might've helped, but for only 72 hours, this is awesome! Nice work!

This is sick. The beginnings of a really cool roguelike here. The bat enemy felt a little overtuned, but otherwise I thought this was a really enjoyable game. Would've liked to see a leaderboard implemented but the gameplay stands on its own for sure.

Really cool idea, love the mix of platforming and the slingshot bomb throwing. It took a second to get used to, but became more intuitive once I figured out the slingshot mechanic. The art here is phenomenal too. I felt like some of the cannon shots were a bit too fast, but other than that, this is a really strong entry. Nice work!

Really cool, love this rogue-like style mix between an arena shooter and a bullet hell. The worldbuilding is great too. There's really not much to critique here other than to say I think this could be fleshed out into an even bigger game. I know the requirement for this game jam was to add a leaderboard, but I think this could be a story-driven roguelike too with more lore around the enemies and why you're trying to fight for your freedom. Nice work!

Simple but fun gameplay loop. I felt like the controls were a little delayed/unresponsive, but otherwise this was a fun and unique maze runner. Nice work! 

Love that you went for a rhythm game. Super cool! I think there's a ton of potential here, and the game is undeniably addictive. Two things I did want to mention. To me, it felt like the claps weren't always synced to the beat? But maybe it was a problem with my audio? I also think you should've only had one difficulty. Hard is definitely the most enjoyable way to the play IMO, and I think the differences in difficulty may make having a consistent, even-playing-field leaderboard a bit of a challenge. Incredible work though for only 72 hours! Well done!

Simple, but surprisingly addictive. I do wish the camera was a bit wider and we had a little more time to react to the obstacles. The gnome asset is super fun, and I love the old-school 3 letter name submission to the leaderboard too. Nice work!

Simple but very enjoyable. I like how the ammo slowly regenerates. It's an interesting way to handle reloading. I think if there were more enemy types, weapons, and level layouts this could be a really fun game. Like what if there were catwalks that allow you get above enemies or a weapon that's super powerful but has a finite amount of ammo, etc. Thanks for sharing the game. 

Really cool game. The artwork and world building are phenomenal. At first, I was a bit frustrated with not being able to do much else other than move left and right but once the other abilities become unlocked the game opens up a lot. Nice work! 

Really unique and a clever twist on a leaderboard-driven game. I really liked the overall aesthetic and I found the mini games to be enjoyable. The connection to the theme feels a little loose to me but nice work for just 72 hours!

Outstanding artwork and incredible world building. Really phenomenal for only 72 hours. My only wish is that the camera was pulled out a touch, felt like I couldn't always see what was coming next and would occasionally jump into an enemy without realizing they were there. Nice work overall!

Escaping from a maze feels like a really frugal territory for this jam. I was a bit confused how the leaderboard or score would be implemented, but I think there's the bones here of something interesting. The sound effects had me in stitches haha

Incredible artwork! The theme, music, and overall vibe of this game are spectacular. I've never seen such spectacular worldbuilding from a game jam game made in only 72 hours! I did struggle a bit with the controls (which I understand is the point), but I could never really tell if I was actually doing the right thing or just getting lucky. Nice work overall. 

Nice! I could see this becoming really popular on mobile. A really clever twist on the classic infinite runner genre to make it pirate themed. The ship steering felt great, and the overall gameplay loop was simple yet effective. I had a little trouble with aiming, but hey, I'm sure it wasn't easy to aim cannons back in the Golden Era either! Great music choice and fantastic 3D models as well. Outstanding work for just 72 hours!

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This would be really cool with some more complex puzzles. The planet's gravity is really fun to experiment with. I feel like there could be a world where you have to almost like slingshot the frog off different planet's gravitational pulls. Lots of potential. Also, love the name ;)

Very cool, thank you for explaining. I'm relatively new to the world of programming, and don't know how to use many data structures beyond arrays, lists, and hashmaps, but I've been trying to experiment more with Linked Lists, Graphs, and Trees recently. I'm familiar with A*  and I implemented it into a small top down fighting game I was working on, but I (sort of) cheated and used a Unity package to make it easy on myself. I think I need to experiment more with BFS and DFS before diving into the more complicated algos. Really cool though. Nice work, once again. 

Beat it! I love that you played around with Dante's Inferno lore. Very cool idea. The jump button took me a while to get used to. It seems like there might be a bit of a delay in the input? Also took me a while to figure out the boss fight. I spent a while on the boss head racking up a giant combo thinking I was doing damage when in actuality I needed to kill the adds. Really cool game though, and an incredible job for only 72 hours!!

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OMG this game is awesome. The music had me in stitches. Sounds very Marc Rebillet. The overall gameplay is quite simple but it works well, and I like the general aesthetic. One thing I think this game deserves credit for is that many games I've played has the player being the one "escaping". It was really smart to make the player the one chasing instead. Nice work. 

Wow! Awesome work. The 3D models are phenomenal. The gameplay reminds me of Crazy Taxi a bit but with a more physics based driving system (I mean that in a good way). Did you use a pathfinding algorithm for the mini map? Great work!

I like this twist on the classic "Frogger"-style gameplay loop. One small thing that bugged me was I felt the sound effect for the points pickup to be a bit loud overall, but the gameplay was great. 

Really fun. A clever and simple yet highly addictive gameplay loop. The game really opens up a lot once you get some of the other gadgets. Do the ants have pathfinding? Maybe it was just my playthrough, but some of them seemed really smart. Nice work!

Simple but incredibly addictive. Really nice work here. Good aesthetics, and the gameplay loop is solid. My only thought is I wish the camera was pulled back slightly more so I could see a little more of what's coming. But maybe that's a skill issue on my part haha. Nice work! 

Nice! Love that you went for a horror-based game. Really fun and unique. The flashlight mechanic is great, and I love the overall aesthetic. I know the game jam required you to implement a leaderboard but I actually think this would be great as a story-based game with lore around the mansion and ghosts. Really nice work! 

It might have to do with the Update method in Unity (which is framerate dependent). You may need to multiply your speed variable by Time.deltaTime (which is a pre-existing type in Unity) in order to make it framerate independent and run consistently across platforms and machines. Or if you're using Rigidbody for the movement, you can put your movement method in the the Unity FixedUpdate method which will also have the same result. Or maybe I'm just preaching to the choir here and you've already tried all that. 

Pretty simple, but still fun. I think adding the leaderboard would help elevate this and maybe giving it a few other jumping mechanics would help too. Like a double jump or a mid-air dash. Maybe it doesn't have an ending and keeps going infinitely too? Just some thoughts. Nice work!

A backrooms-inspired infinite runner is a great idea. One thing I noticed is that the player jumps out of the level when you jump. Maybe this was intentional? Otherwise, a simple yet fun game. Would love to see this fully blown out with all the different rooms and SCP monsters. Nice work!

Beat it! The mechanic where you have to wait for the enemies to reveal the portal is super interesting. I've never seen anything like that. The game felt like it switched genres around level 5, I think I preferred the earlier levels where it's more of a platformer than the later levels which felt more like a general puzzle. I'm not sure the leaderboard is working correctly (or maybe it's a problem on my end). 

Nice work! I love the simplicity. The auto-shoot feature reminds me of Vampire Survivors in a good way. If you were to continue working on this game, I think you could implement different randomized upgrades you get from each blob monster you shoot. Upgrades that affect fire rate, the type of laser, speed, etc. My only critique is that sometimes the monsters spawn on top of you and you automatically lose health without getting a chance to shoot them. Nice work overall. 

Love that you guys went for a horror themed runner! Really cool art style and overall, an original idea. My only critique is that it feels maybe a touch too fast for me (or maybe it's a skill issue haha).

Nice 3D models. The camera took a second to get used to, but overall, it's a fun and enjoyable gameplay loop. 

Wow! This is awesome! Great visual presentation paired with a simple, but unique, gameplay loop. It's challenging but rewarding if you take the time to learn to physics. If you get the chance, would love to see an online leaderboard implemented to see how I stack up against others. 


I got 2nd! Love that you went for a leaderboard-based stealth game. Was hoping to see something like this! The controls took me a second to full grasp, but once I did, it was a fun experience. Would love to see different levels with different stealth-oriented puzzles to try and solve, if you were to pursue this game further. 

Really unique idea and your daughter's illustrations are superb! Tell her she's a natural! One thing I wanted to mention is a found an infinite loop glitch during the frog part where I could continuously increase my score while never losing any brain power or health. Really nice work though. 

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Really clever twist on the classic infinite runner genre. I think maybe the visual cue that the keys are about to change could be a bit more clear but otherwise really nice! Also like the art style and music choice. 

Thanks for playing and for the kind words! And congrats on making top 10!