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Spectacled ape

A member registered Sep 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm not sure what is the Russian team that's concerned about results, but that's what I wanted to post about, so I guess it fits. The situation is worth the attention both of all Russian teams (who may feel sad about their ratings) and the organizers.

It looks like someone rated every Russian entry 1 star, likely without playing. Maybe on every but one, I didn't check everything. I hope the organizers can see the ratings in detail to check.

  • Look at the top rated Russian entry. It has 6 ratings and 4.33 average score. You can get this result with five 5-star ratings and one 1-star rating (26/6 = 4.33).
    • Yes, I understand you can get that result with two fives and four fours. But I genuinely believe that version is one of the best, if not best one I played. It deserves five 5's out of give more than four 4's out of six.
    • It also generally tracks for other entries, even though we can see only the average and the number of votes. Even in dubious cases: I made a mistake of doing everything by myself and missed the meaning of a couple of phrases, so I think the rating of 4 is exactly what I deserve. But I have 3 with 3 ratings. It could be 3+3+3 or 2+3+4, but given the other evidence, I find 4+4+1 more likely.
  • I believe, on the first or second day of voting (I don't remember for sure, but I only played a couple of entries then) all the Russian versions stopped being listed on the "Entries requiring ratings" page. At that time I thought someone rated everything 5 for the effort :/

Testing locally and then checking various submissions I found a freezing issue that seems to appear for some languages or for some submissions in those languages, but not others (and not in the original version). Russian (what I worked on) seems to be universally affected. Could be a font issue, not sure — I tried to look at the code and didn't find anything suspicious.


  • load a localized version
  • change the language, clicking on an arrow
  • hover other buttons above
  • return to the language selector and click an arrow again

That's it. The game freezes. Giving a heads-up to anyone checking on others' games so that the issue isn't attributed to localizer's efforts, it's something out of our control :/