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A member registered Nov 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Such a cute game! I loved all tje little lava puns in thr dishes and ingredients 💛

Congratulations on winning the jam! I really liked the game 💛

Damn thanks for letting me know! I was sure I normalized the velocity but I just checked and it’s commented out :D No idea why I did that, must have happened at some point when I was playtesting and debugging

Yea I fell I fell into a common trap haha. I’ve heard that from several people so I think I need to work on the balancing.. I wanted to make it more difficult because I thought it was too easy and boring, good thing I didn’t.

(1 edit)

That’s a funny little game, and I love that it has cute funny sheep!

Damn sorry to hear that :/

Thank you! I do have some things in mind that I would like to add, so I will probably release an update soon

Thanks a lot!

Thank you! I’m glad you like it

I liked the animations and controls, it felt really satisfying to run and jump around and fight enemies. There were quite a lot of platformers where you had to escape rising lava in this jam, so it was a really good choice to make the gameplay itself so satisfying! I’m not sure the background music fits the game that well though,

I think the art style and idea of the game have potential, but I couldn’t get past the first level because it just kept reloading the scene whenever I lighted the fire. There seem to be a lot of bugs that would need to be fixed before I can say more

I think the art style and idea of the game have potential, but I couldn’t get past the first level because it just kept reloading the scene whenever I lighted the fire. There seem to be a lot of bugs that would need to be fixed before I can say more

I really liked yow you implemented the tutorial and menu stuff directly into the game! I was a tiny bit disappointed when the game started though, because I thought it would follow the same style. I think you should keep working on this, it’s a cool idea!

I really liked yow you implemented the tutorial and menu stuff directly into the game! I was a tiny bit disappointed when the game started though, because I thought it would follow the same style. I think you should keep working on this, it’s a cool idea!

I liked that the player has to write stuff in the console, I don’t think I’ve seen that in a game before :) The controls were quite floaty though and quickly it got a bit boring to be honest :/

Cool game! Music and sound were great and fit the game really well, that sword swish is really satisfying! I liked the concept too, but I think it would help if it you made it more obvious that the rocks could be destroyed, like making them flash when being damaged or something

Cool game! Music and sound were great and fit the game really well, that sword swish is really satisfying! I liked the concept too, but I think it would help if it you made it more obvious that the rocks could be destroyed, like making them flash when being damaged or something

Damn this is cute! I really like the idea and it was executed really well for such a short time period! The controls were a bit difficult though, I think it would help if everything was a bit bigger. I tried fullscreen but the game window was still very small with the rest of the screen just black :)

Damn this is cute! I really like the idea and it was executed really well for such a short time period! The controls were a bit difficult though, I think it would help if everything was a bit bigger. I tried fullscreen but the game window was still very small with the rest of the screen just black :)

Thank you so much for your feedback, I‘m glad you enjoyed the game! I agree with your suggestions, I want to try working more on the exit area, so that it recognizes when the player enters and displays the number of baby slimes that are inside the exit area with them. The player will then be shown a button prompt that brings up the end screen :) would that be better?

Thank you so much for the kind feedback! I hope you like it better when you try it with mouse and keyboard!

Thank you!

Thank you I‘m so happy to hear that!

Thank you very much!

Thank you! Making assets is my way of being part of the community, since I never have enough time to finish any game projects I start :) I‘m really happy that I took part in this jam, it‘s so mich fun and I love how supportive everyone is

Nice game, I found it quite relaxing after playing many games that had me running away from lava. I did struggle with the controls though, because whenever I tilted the track away from me I couldn’t see what I was doing

Nice game, I found it quite relaxing after playing many games that had me running away from lava. I did struggle with the controls though, because whenever I tilted the track away from me I couldn’t see what I was doing

Thanks a lot! I would have liked some more time to work on the levels, I will hopefully have some time to work on it next week :)

Thank you very much! I think this could be an interesting idea, I’d love to experiment with it! The level selection screen has a very small preview of the levels, but it’s all blurry because I only had time to copy and paste screenshots of the levels.

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! I think that’s a great idea, it would make for more dynamic and fast paced gameplay! I will definitely remember including this in my next update!

I think it is allowed to update minor things during the rating period. If in doubt, you can always ask on the discord server, the community is really nice and helpful

Hmm, would it be a big problem though? They would just come back down a moment later. Or maybe you could draw a ceiling to indicate that the player will bounce against it :)

Thanks for the feedback, but could you be a bit more specific on what you mean?

Thank you, I‘m glad you enjoyed it! I agree about the collisions, they even annoyed me while playtesting 😅

I think it’s ok for 48 hours, but bumping against the ceiling killed me several times which was slightly annoying. I don’t think there should be a collider there.

I had some troubles with that as well, but you can always go back and work on it some more. I really like game jams because of the honest feedback, it extremely helpful

Thank you for the encouraging feedback, I will try to fix these issues in an update once the rating period is over! If I figure out how to make pathfinding work I might even add enemies!

Thank you, I appreciate the feedback! Balancing the game was tricky because i was running out of time, and I thought it helped that the maze only falls apart one tile at a time when once the timer runs out. I will increase the time by a few seconds when I update the game, or maybe I will add an easier mode!

Nice! I liked that the lava turned into a rock when the player touches it, and health is like a resource that you can use to create new platforms