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A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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hey! i’m not sure what you mean here - my game Soft Underbelly does not feature any animal neglect or vet visits :(

thank YOU <3

thank you for playing!!

thanks a lot!!

thank you!!


thank you for playing! <3

thank you! :D

thank you so much for the kind words and for playing! <3

thank you <3

thank you for playing! :D

thank you so much <3

thank you so much! <3

thank YOU <3

thank you for playing!! <3

Oh this is so lovely!!
Thank you so much ♡

thank you!! <3

thank YOU for playing! <3

<3 ty!

thank you so much for the kind words! <3

thank you so much <3

thank YOU for sharing this with me and for the kind words! :)

thank you so much!!

thank YOU for playing and for the kind words! :D

thank YOU so much for the kind words, it means a lot! <3

thank you for the kind words! 

thank you <3

thank you very much!

thank you! :D

Thank you very much! :D

Hi there! Thank you so much for the kind words!! It means a lot. I'm glad you enjoyed it <3

Thank you so much! And also many thanks for including it in your video!

Wow, thank you so much Arah - this means a lot! <3 xx

Wow - thank you so much!! That means a lot! :) 

Lovely game - I really enjoyed this! 

This was lovely. Thanks for making it!

Thank you!! :)