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A member registered 25 days ago

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Thank you for playing, we're glad you had fun!

The visibility of the small diamond bullets was a major issue since their inception, and it was seemingly coming down to color. It was either well contrasted against the gray part of the background, the white part, or the bananas, but it was surprisingly difficult to make them contrast against everything! We actually went through 6-7 different colors before ending up with the pink gradient. I reckon there's a perfect color for them out there somewhere, and maybe a differently colored border would help too.

Thanks for playing and we're glad you enjoyed it! 

From the game page:

"You are a gorilla who in ancient times escaped from a human zoo. Consequentially, aliens abducted you as a fascinating intelligent specimen who had risen above the expected intelligence of an average ape and subsequently placed into an alien zoo.

"Today is the day. You cannot take it any longer; you must escape the alien zoo and find your way back home. 

"Use your banana beam to fight off the alien zookeepers and win your freedom back!"

I'd sure like to rate games I'm trying but can't because I didn't directly submit the one our team made.