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Portland Horton

A member registered Mar 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I've been told my production quality is high, but my composition is lacking. Personally, I like where the song is at, but variation isn't always a bad thing. I'll be looking to increase my skills in that area going forward.

Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback. I see what you mean about it dropping off intensity after the 2 minute mark. I took another listen with that in mind. I'm not gonna change it as I personally like it, but I see where you're coming from.

Hey! I actually found a team yesterday. I don't want to spread myself too thin as I have a full-time job to balance. Feel free to add me on Discord and hit me up if you join another jam in the future!

(1 edit)

Edit: I should probably add my Discord, haha: portland.horton

Hey, I'm down to team up. I'm a Musician and I have some Godot experience. I can also do some pixel art, but nothing fancy.
Here's my website:

I would love to make my own game in Godot, and I have in the past, but really only to write music for that game, haha. Because I spent so much time on the game, the music was always lacking and that's my favorite part.

If you'd like to team up, lemme know! I'd like to work on a Sci-Fi game but I'll try my hand at anything. I'm currently working on a game audio section for my website, but this has all the commercial works that I've uploaded to streaming services.

My discord is portland.horton


I was trying to make everything on my own because I wanted a certain aesthetic, but I was very much NOT looking forward to animating. While this is in a higher res than I usually work with, most of it is DONE! You are a godsend. I definitely paid extra cause it's worth it.

I'm a Musician and I like to just have fun. Hit me up if you want me to compose a track and maybe do some SFX for your game.

This is a concept that I have a lot of plans for! It didn't do well in the jam but it has potential for sure. Thank you so much for playing, it seriously means the world to me! :)

Bet, after the jam I'll add it. The only reason I didn't in the first place is for number 6: Discombobulated which switches up to down but it really wasn't a hard adjustment between up and down. More so for left and right. I hope that makes sense

Loved it! I really spent some time trying to figure out who should go where. I thought there we to many random emails but that really didn't bother after a minute. I would love to hear some music too! I added it to one of my public collections, I'll definitely be playing this game later. A true diamond in the rough.

Loved the art style! Reminds of a game I used to play as a kid, and this made me feel nostalgic. Really great job on that!

The idea was awesome, but I found myself mostly just rolling around in hopes to stumble upon the right side. For a game jam game, this was seriously awesome. I'm pressed with the presentation of the game!

I really loved this idea for a game. I would love to see it get expanded upon in the future! It would make a great mobile I feel. And the music was awesome!

Absolutely amazing! I'm adding this to my personal collection! I would love to see more music in the future if you ever continue to work on the game!

I agree. The game could have been way better if it had animations Haha. Thanks for playing though!

That was awesome! Gave me some mind scanners vibes. I would love to see more like this!

For sure


bro I friggin love cyberpunk punk lemme hop on my computer and I'll send you my discord!

I haven't been asked. So maybe ¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯

Yes of course! My bad

Been composing for about 4ish years now. Looking to write some music and have some fun, lemme know if you're down

Hi, I'm a composer/sound designer and would love to work on your team

I love this! but the Windows version won't save the file as a .wav file. is it something that I'm doing?