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Pixel Vine Interactive

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This game is incredible

If you wanna do visual code, which is just game creation without the lines of code, I'd suggest either Construct or Gdevelop. I use Gdevelop due to there being a ton of features like controller support, online integration,  2d and 3d game creation, multiple different export options including Gdevelop's own website for games, Steam integration, and much much more. If you do want to learn to code, then I'd suggest either Godot or Gamemaker2. Godot due to it being open source and being the first choice for a lot of people, so there are a lot of tutorials that are being made now, and Gamemaker as I have experience with it and you can either do regular or visual code depending on what you want to do for a system. You should be focusing on the type of game you're making before you dive into what engine to use. If you want to make an ultra-realistic game, I'd say use Unreal, and if you wanna make a simple 3d game, use Unity, but the best thing for you do to is to do your own research, and choose what would help you make your best game. Hope this helps

Thanks! I will admit that I didn't spend enough time on game balancing, so it can get very overwhelming very quickly. I'm happy you enjoyed it though!

Thank you! I'm glad you had fun with my game

This is me and my teams 2nd game jam, and we can’t wait! I hope everyone enjoys themselves during this game jam

If the ball is hit sideways, the ball can disappear. Really cool game other than that

Good luck everyone! Hope everyone has a good time