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A member registered Feb 05, 2024

Recent community posts

Great! Can u give me your discord so we can talk in person

I am a Unity/C# game developmer who has decent experience! do u want to make a team with me?

I am a Unity/C# game developmer who has decent experience! do u want to make a team with me?

Hello I have decent amount of experience about game development and game jams. I need a team who wants to have fun and gain as much as experience possible together! If you're interested respond so we can talk wia discord!

Hi! I am a Unity/C# programmer. I don't have too much experience on Unity but if u don't care about winning but having fun I would like to be a part of your team! If u are interested please respond.

Hi! I am a Unity/C# programmer. I don't have too much experience on Unity but if u don't care about winning but having fun I would like to be a part of your team! If u are interested please respond.

(1 edit)

Hello. I want to join your team! I am a Unity/C# programmer. This is my first jam and I don't have that much experience in Unity but I can be useful. I don't care about winning but having fun and gaining experience. If u interested please respond

I don't have that much experience in Unity and this jam is the first jam that I am participating in. I need a team that doesn't care about winning but having fun and gaining experience!

ACORN JAM #5 community ยท Created a new topic Looking for a team!

Hi everyone! I am looking for a team! I don't have that much of experience in Unity/C#! I don't have any Jam experience so Acorn Jam is going to be my first! I need a team which doesn't care about winning but having fun!