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A member registered May 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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A premiação é o conhecimento adquirido durante a JAM

Negativo, veio diretamente do Chat GPT 4!

You're welcome!

Enjoy your meal, I think that is important for someone like you... You can't even read my name properly and it is only 5 letters. No wonder why you hate capitalism and probably hard work

How much is the money prize?

Just a remake for the atari 2600 Grand Prix Game.


Well. The sound was the last thing i implemented in a hurry. I Made this game in less than 2 days.

thanks. I didn't had time to make a better one but it's kinda fun 

I'm going to participate Solo but I'm not sure I'm going to win hahaha,

Entendido, obrigado.

Olá, Eu não acompanhei a era Atari mas eu sempre gostei de ver como tudo começou, tenho algumas dúvidas com relação a Jam.

1 - Eu preciso pegar um jogo de ATARI e refazer de alguma forma?

2 - Eu posso fazer um jogo de ATARI 3D?

3 - Posso usar Modelos 3D pagos? como faço jogos só e não sei modelar, costumo usar os assets que comprei em promoções.

Obrigado e abraços.


What about a game jam where men needs to be at least 51%?

A Year that a man from Brazil can't participate in a game jam for fun BECAUSE he is a man.

Ok! Boa sorte a todos!

Mesmo que eu fique em 1º pode me desqualificar, posso participar mesmo assim? não sou da faculdade

I wish the best for you 🙏


Em que sentido? na simplicidade rs?



Olá, sou Brasileiro! não tenho twitter mas pode promover sim :) é um jogo ONLINE então precisa de 2 pessoas.

I'm from Brazil and I don't have twiitter but you can mention my game! It's a online game so you need  2 people to play

Soy de Brasil y no tengo twitter pero puedes mencionar mi nombre! Es un juego en línea, así que necesitas 2 personas para jugar.

Olá, Tenho assets de modelos 3D que comprei na promoção, posso utiliza-los na jam?

I'm not good with scarry games, I tried to create a good and simple one

I'm a little confused about the theme, do I need to create a game about a Tradition? Like giving present on christmas?

I thought about creating a dynamic camera but I have no time. But I made an Android version.

I could have done better, but I didn't have the time.

(1 edit)

I created this game in 3 weeks for the game Jam and published on playstore, fell fre to give me feedbacks.

It's a tower defense with a summon that changes the property of the bullets, It's very standard but well made!

If you like Tower defense, you're goint to like this game.
Android Playstore:


(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback!

I thought about that but I was not sure if it was a good decision to close the upgrade/sell after  clicing anywhere. Thanks!

That's right. I added a different audio for that but seems that I did not explained properly on the tutorial

Tamashi, and you need 1000 g Gold to summon then. That's very expensive because they are very powerful

That's ok, updated!

Take a look at the credits sections inside the game


Thank you

Added, thanks!