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A member registered Sep 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks!  Will aim for the original deadline, but really appreciate the exception to the rule.

Good Day,

Is there any chance of moving the deadline a little out?  If not, I totally understand--I just figured it'd be worth inquiring.  Time got a little ahead of me on this project and I'm scrambling.

Good luck everyone!


Thanks Kenneth!  While I did want the player to experience a sense of being lost in the woods, I can see where this design choice was ramped up a bit too high.  Your "less is more" philosophy will be strongly considered for future releases on the system.  You do have me considering new possibilities for a more robust adventure game.

Thank you for the feedback!

You've got the idea!  I read the story for the first time and my mind replayed our exploration of this abandoned house along the Iowa-Missouri border.  My mother had photographs from that experience and so it was simply meant to be.  Thank you for your feedback.

This doesn't appear to be an Arduboy game, with all due respect.  Looks fun though.

Thanks a bunch!  We'll be developing more for the Arduboy--adventure games and such.  This was a nice proof of concept and I think it stands alone in its own right as an interesting addition to the games library, but there are some things I might do differently for the next release.

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Thanks so much!  This was our first attempt at an Arduboy game and so your feedback really gives me a boost of confidence to continue developing on the console.  I encourage you to go down the Arduboy rabbit hole, if you hadn't already.  :)

Many thanks!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing!  The visuals are best with a smaller resolution, but also there is the sensation of being lost innawoods that I was aiming for.  Glad you liked it!

It should be good now.  Thanks.

Nice work! You've survived Troll's Tale 2023... lol!

Thank you for playing!  I've always been a big Carroll fan and really enjoyed reworking it.

Thanks for giving it a spin!  Tried to capture a mood if anything else.

Mission accomplished!  Thanks for playing :)

Thanks!  I've been waiting for a jam like this to pop up.

May I submit multiple games for this jam?  I have a couple of ideas brewing.  Thanks!  Very exciting.

Very fun engine! I made a lichen hunting game for a mushroom jam:  MGE is the perfect little solution to capture the vibe I was going for.  Looking forward to using it for other little projects.

Thanks for playing!  Some of the treasures are quite elusive, I will admit.  :)

Nice job guessing the outcome!  Thank you for playing.

Thanks for playing!  I hope that I was able to convey the right mood... sort of a mysterious, dreamlike feel.

Thank you.  :)

I had the same experience when I first read the story.  I'm glad that I was able to convey that sensation for you!  Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on our submission "A Moonlight Fable":

I am impressed by your game's clever use of a black hole to aid the player in the levels.  Very nice touch!

Very cool!  Thanks for giving it a spin!

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This game does something different and I like it.  The music and overall vibe is lazy and hazy, which frees the player up to really think through the puzzles. Nice work!

I like the simplicity of your game which does a lot in a small environment.  A reminder that awesome things can be achieved in just a short amount of time.  Very cool!

Sweet game!  The sound and music is what really carried it for me and I like its overall mellow objective.  Just a nice little romp around an island with new friends.  Nice work!

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing!  We used Game Maker for this game but attempted to capture the look and feel of the old Game Boy.  We might attempt a port over to Game Boy via GB Studio, or maybe a sequel with more levels.  :)

So sorry about the glitch!  I tried to reproduce it but wasn't able to.  Hopefully we can figure it out and release an updated version.  Might be a collision bug.

We appreciate you giving it a spin and providing such thoughtful feedback.

I loved this game and spent a long time grinding, however it seems there is an impenetrable barrier between rocket achievement and spaceship?  The only reason I know there is something after rocket is after I took a peek at the game assets.  Did spaceship and space station make it into the final release?  My resources cracked the billions and trillions and my workers weren't exactly unhappy, but I don't think we ever made it off the planet.  :)

This game has a beautiful ambience to it with an alien worldmap and sweeping sound effects.  You've captured the mystique of this world wonderfully and I wanted to stay in it for a while.  Who is the enigmatic Mr. Z?  I would pay for a sequel that explains the origins of this mysterious stranger who seems to have a stake in humanity's ascent into the heavens.

Loved the game.  You've inspired me.

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Too hard for me, but I like what's going on here.  The music fits the game scenario.  Graphics are appealing with the particle effects and the detail within the gauge itself.  Great attention to detail on things like rising water level linked the player's performance in real-time.

This game mechanically feels like something out of the Atari 2600 era, which to me is always a plus.  You've demonstrated the versatility of the incremental clicker game genre to also capture the essence and gameplay of other genres.  I do believe the game suffers from a lack of sound and a static background that strips the player of orientation when navigating, but you've indicated that this is a prototype.  Lots of opportunity to build on top of this.

This one kept me occupied for a bit.  The music and sound fit the vibe well.  I think you kept to the theme (another direction) with the clicker's randomized direction keeping the player on their toes.  The graphics are nicely done as well.

As I was playing, I had an idea of a direction that you could possibly take with this.  Imagine with each new threshold achieved, the background changes to being further out in the stratosphere, eventually showing a zoomed-out view of the Milky Way galaxy.  A little aesthetic touch like that could serve the show the scalability and magnitude of the universe in a compelling way.  Just a thought.

I found this game to be quite enjoyable.

Beautifully done.  Has me daydreaming about potential directions for a casual RPG.  You've struck a nice balance between RPG elements and the minimalism that comes with the clicker genre.  A low-stakes game experience that keeps me yearning for more.  Awesome work.

Oddly satisfying!  The choice for sound could make or break the game, but in this case it works really well.  Procedurally-generated bubbles are pretty.

I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but I like the aesthetic and I am interested in figuring it out.  I wonder if a little more explanation on how to play the game would improve it or only end up hurting the mystery behind the game (which I like).  I feel like you are on the cusp of exploring a new genre.  I dig it.

LOVE the backstory--too funny!  Visually very smooth and nice on the eyes.  The music and sound fits in well.

I want to know what happens after I manage to destroy 5 million artifacts, but it'll probably end up being the game that got away.  :)  Nice work!

Cool concept.  The gradual decline with each missing arrow brings finiteness to the game which is not always encountered in idle clicker games.  Graphics are nice and simple.  I'm not sure if when I played it the sound wasn't working, but this small addition was missed.

Thank you for playing and taking the time to share feedback.  All great points which I will be sure to consider for future releases.  Providing clear instructions is so critical and I see where I missed the mark there.