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Mystery Coconut

A member registered Oct 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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The theme for June on Week Sauce, voted by our community on Discord, is…

🎎 Puppet Master

We accept it all, from traditional Punch and Judy shows, to the more furry creatures favored by Jim Henson fans, from manipulative mustache twirling masterminds, to more or less active rag dolls, games inspired by Metallica albums, or by dubious horror movie series from the 90s. Once more, it is all up to you!

And remember,  if you don't like the theme we totally accept anything else you make for Week Sauce. Let's make some games!

About Week Sauce

What's Week Sauce anyway? It is a jam for people that want to participate on game jams but cannot commit to strict dates or enjoy being judged. It is a very chill, non-ranked jam, that doesn't have a lot of requirements. You only have to make a game (of any type, tabletop games included) in 7 days, and then publish it. More importantly, you don't need to make it in 7 consecutive days; you can decide what days work for you. We also don't care if it turns out to be 8 or 10 days instead of 7. You can work in any engines or programming languages, alone or with a team, and even the theme is completely optional. The only important thing here is to support you on developing and posting a very minimal game. It is a very a chill jam that hopefully helps you improve your game-making skills or break free of a creative rut.

You can join whether you are new to game development and looking for a no-pressure environment to start, or you just have a lot going on in your life and need a more flexible schedule. Although publishing a game on is not a requirement, we have been hosting jams here every month, and almost all our submissions have been through So…

—Miguel Friginal (@mysterycoconut)

Your submission has been disqualified. As stated in the jam's page, "your game must be created during the jam and for this jam only; if you created it or submitted it to a different jam, please don't re-submit it to Week Sauce." Feel free to submit a different game created for our jam, and thank you for your interest.

Welcome to another Week Sauce game jam

If it is your first time joining us, you should know Week Sauce is not really a monthly jam, but more of a work on a project for a few days without stressing about schedules” deal. We are all about having a good time while working on our games, so there is no competition, we are very loose with deadlines (just get in touch if you finish your project after the end of the month), and even looser on judging your work (as in, we will not). Participate, join our Discord to talk with us about your project, ask for help if you need it, and offer advice and cheer other participants. 

Week Sauce is also a super friendly international community, open to people of all ages and levels of experience that just want to have a good supportive environment to work on their little creations, so if you know of somebody that would benefit from that, send them our way!

Anyway, every month the community in our Discord server votes for a (totally optional) theme, in case you need help getting the creative juices going. For June, we decided to go for with…

🎎 Puppet Master

Is this about some devious manipulative scheme, with plenty of twirling mustaches? Or is it about ragdolls being treated poorly as usual? It is up to you, but I really hope to see some good muppets. And hey, if you don't feel inspired by this theme, remember that it is totally optional! **The jam accepts everything and anything you make.**

As always, thanks for joining us, and have fun! 
—Miguel Friginal

Your submission has been disqualified. As stated in the jam's page, "your game must be created during the jam and for this jam only; if you created it or submitted it to a different jam, please don't re-submit it to Week Sauce." Feel free to submit a different game created for our jam, and thank you for your interest.

Your submission has been disqualified. As stated in the jam's page, "your game must be created during the jam and for this jam only; if you created it or submitted it to a different jam, please don't re-submit it to Week Sauce." Feel free to submit a different game created for our jam, and thank you for your interest.

Voting for the jam's theme is happening right now on Discord. Join the Week Sauce Discord server, and go to the #announcements channel to vote.

This game is hilarious, thanks so much for participating in Week Sauce!

Not a problem! Feel free to join again anytime you want, we have the jam running all the time (you can find the latest one at ). We also love hearing about, and helping people with, their game making on our Discord, if you feel like joining. Cheers!

(1 edit)


The theme for May on Week Sauce is…

🤖 Drones, Not Evil After All! 😈

Once again our community on Discord could not vote for just one theme, so we ended up combining 2 of them into this clearly superior, but not bent on global domination, theme. 

What drones are we talking about anyway? Are these Borg drones, but their collective is more about assimilating pastries on Sundays? AI cyborgs fighting not to enslave humans, but to liberate them from boredom with some stand-up comedy? The flying kind, trying hard not to misdeliver your packages? Or the monotonous hum of the most boring professor ever, putting some invading inter-dimensional horrors to sleep? It is again up to you!

And remember,  if you don't like the theme we totally accept anything else you make for Week Sauce. Let's make some games!

About Week Sauce

What's Week Sauce anyway? It is a jam for people that want to participate on game jams but cannot commit to strict dates or enjoy being judged. It is a very chill, non-ranked jam, that doesn't have a lot of requirements. You only have to make a game (of any type, tabletop games included) in 7 days, and then publish it. More importantly, you don't need to make it in 7 consecutive days; you can decide what days work for you. We also don't care if it turns out to be 8 or 10 days instead of 7. You can work in any engines or programming languages, alone or with a team, and even the theme is completely optional. The only important thing here is to support you on developing and posting a very minimal game. It is a very a chill jam that hopefully helps you improve your game-making skills or break free of a creative rut.

You can join whether you are new to game development and looking for a no-pressure environment to start, or you just have a lot going on in your life and need a more flexible schedule. Although publishing a game on is not a requirement, we have been hosting jams here every month, and almost all our submissions have been through So…

—Miguel Friginal (@mysterycoconut)

Welcome to another Week Sauce game jam

If it is your first time joining us, you should know Week Sauce is not really a monthly jam, but more of a work on a project for a few days without stressing about schedules” deal. We are all about having a good time while working on our games, so there is no competition, we are very loose with deadlines (just get in touch if you finish your project after the end of the month), and even looser on judging your work (as in, we will not). Participate, join our Discord to talk with us about your project, ask for help if you need it, and offer advice and cheer other participants. 

Week Sauce is also a super friendly international community, open to people of all ages and levels of experience that just want to have a good supportive environment to work on their little creations, so if you know of somebody that would benefit from that, send them our way!

Anyway, every month the community in our Discord server votes for a (totally optional) theme, in case you need help getting the creative juices going. For May, once again, we had a tie! So instead of giving you 2 different themes to choose from, we decided on combining them. Yeah, that's why this one ended up a bit out there 😆 Get ready for…

🤖 Drones, Not Evil After All! 😈

Are this Borg drones, but their collective is more about assimilating pastries on Sundays? AI cyborgs fighting not to enslave humans, but to liberate them from boredom? The flying kind, trying hard not to misdeliver your packages? Whatever they are, and whatever they are up to, we want to hear about it! And hey, if you don't feel inspired by this theme (!!!), remember that it is totally optional! **The jam accepts everything and anything you make.**

As always, thanks for joining us, and have fun!
—Miguel Friginal

Voting for the jam's theme is happening right now on Discord. Join the Week Sauce Discord server, and go to the #announcements channel to vote for one of…

  • 🗺️ Make a Game About Something You Love About Your Country 
  • 🤖 Drone
  • 😈 Not Evil After All! 
  • 🧑‍🚀 Historical Event or Figure 
  • 💰 More Money, More Problems
(1 edit)

Wow! This is so well done, some of those levels are hard! Really love the floaty pixel effect, the sounds… great stuff! This could totally be expanded into a paid game with more levels. Thank you for participating in Week Sauce! 

Hey, I think there has been an issue with your submission to the *Week Sauce* jam, but I could not read the message you sent me because you removed the submission. If you wanna chat about this, or submit a new one, don't hesitate to get in touch (Discord, Mastodon…). In any case, sorry if this was a mistake on my part. Your game looks cool!

Hey, thanks for joining the jam! You may want to join our Discord, check what other people are working on  and add your info to the #collaborate channel. Cheers!

Hey! Thanks for submitting to the Week Sauce jam! Could you mark the checkbox for Windows (or whatever platform your game is for) in your upload page? Without that your game doesn't open in the itch app. You may need to upload the game again for it to show the checkboxes, see below for where to find it.


The theme for April on Week Sauce is…

🎳 Chain Reaction

This month our community on Discord had a hard time deciding, as there were 3 different themes tied up until the very last minute. Thankfully the last domino fell into a bucket, that made a little car move down some tracks and collide with a lever, that threw a dart towards a rotating wheel of fortune… and instead of getting $100 we got this theme! Yay! 

In any case,  if you don't like the theme we totally accept anything else you make for Week Sauce. Let's make some games!

About Week Sauce

What's Week Sauce anyway? It is a jam for people that want to participate on game jams but cannot commit to strict dates or be judged. It is a very chill, non-ranked jam, that doesn't have a lot of requirements. You only have to make a game (of any type, tabletop games included) in 7 days, and then publish it. More importantly, you don't need to make it in 7 consecutive days; you can decide what days work for you. You can work in any engines or programming languages, alone or with a team, and even the theme is completely optional. The only important thing here is to support you on developing and posting a very minimal game. It is a very a chill jam that hopefully helps you improve your game-making skills or break free of a creative rut.

You can join whether you are new to game development and looking for a no-pressure environment to start, or you just have a lot going on in your life and need a more flexible schedule. Although publishing a game on is not a requirement, we have been hosting jams here every month, and almost all our submissions have been through So…

—Miguel Friginal (@mysterycoconut)

Welcome to another Week Sauce game jam

If it is your first time joining us, you should know Week Sauce is not really a monthly jam, but more of a work on a project for a few days without stressing about schedules” deal. We are all about having a good time while working on our games, so there is no competition, we are very loose with deadlines, and even looser on judging your work (as in, we will not). Participate, join our Discord to talk with us about your project, ask for help if you need it, and offer advice and cheer other participants. 

Week Sauce is a super friendly international community, open to people of all ages and levels of experience that just want to have a good supportive environment to work on their little creations, so if you know of somebody that would benefit from that, send them our way!

Anyway, every month we have a (totally optional) theme in case you need help getting the creative juices going. For April the community in our Discord server voted for…

🎳 Chain Reaction

I am thinking a nice Rube Goldberg machine game would be great. I myself am contractually obligated to never do one of these again, but the good news is that I am not legally responsible if I encourage others to do one! Of course there may be other game ideas that could use this theme, from firefighter/pyromaniac games to ecological balance/disaster games, and other systemic games. 

And hey, if you don't feel inspired by this theme, remember that it is totally optional! **The jam accepts everything and anything you make.**

As always, thanks for joining us, and have fun!
—Miguel Friginal

Voting for the jam's theme is happening right now on Discord. Join the Week Sauce Discord server, and go to the #announcements channel to vote.

Love me some Eye of the Beholder-style first person dungeon crawling! Was a bit confused at first about how to grab stuff until I realized I had to click on it with the mouse. I still don't know how to get up the ladder though. Thanks for participating again in the Week Sauce game jam! 

Ah! That's the beauty of pixel art games. You make them at tiny resolutions, so they don't occupy a lot of memory and they are "easier" to draw. Then you zoom in, render the game bigger. For example, check out this game made with those assets:
Makes sense?

Thank you for participating in Week Sauce! I don't think we have had a raylib game submission before, very nice. The shared github code is greatly appreciated. Hope you join us again this month, and join our Discord!

The theme for March on Week Sauce is…

 Make a Game with 0x72's Dungeon Tileset Assets

We thought this month it would be cool for everybody to try and make different types of games with the same asset pack. After some searching through the itch archives, we decided on Robert Norenberg's well-known Dungeon Tileset. Now the fun of this is not to get stuck on making a dungeon crawler roguelike (although if that's your thing, totally go for it!), but to try and be creative with the assets, and try to put them into all kinds of game ideas and genres. 

As you may know Week Sauce is a pretty loose jam though, so yes, you totally can…

  • Mix and match assets from multiple sources.
  • Forget about this asset pack in particular and try to make a game with some other one you prefer.
  • Create your own additions to these assets: new characters, environments, or whatever you fancy.

About that last one, if you want to share your creations so other participants can use them, this month we are adding a forum to our Discord server for you to do just that. If we have enough contributions, at the end of the month we will put together a totally free asset pack with all these, as a gift to 0x72's great community here in

Just remember it is up to you to decide on limitations for your entry. It can go all the way from "I am ONLY gonna use this asset pack and nothing else! I will make a font out of blocky characters!" to "I am just gonna grab these orcs, and put them in a nice farm instead of a dinky dungeon". And as always, you do not need to use the theme at all (it is optional!); we totally accept anything else you make. The goal is to make some tiny games, we don't care about how you go about it! 

About Week Sauce

What's Week Sauce anyway? It is a jam for people that want to participate on game jams but cannot commit to strict dates. It is a very chill, friendly, non-ranked jam, that doesn't have a lot of requirements. You only have to make a game (of any type, tabletop games included) in 7 days, and then publish it. More importantly, you don't need to make it in 7 consecutive days; you can decide what days work for you. You can work in any engines or programming languages, alone or with a team, and even the theme is completely optional. The only important thing here is to support you on developing and posting a very minimal game. It is a very a relaxed jam that hopefully helps you improve your game-making skills or break free of a creative rut.

You can join whether you are new to game development and looking for a no-pressure environment to start, or you just have a lot going on in your life and need a more flexible schedule. Although publishing a game on is not a requirement, we have been hosting jams here every month, and almost all our submissions have been through So…

—Miguel Friginal (@mysterycoconut)

Thanks! Yes, I would love if people really push what they do with the assets: 3D, board games… we accept everything. Maybe I need to rework that part of the FAQ. Thanks for checking it out!

This is great! Moving the ship around feels great! Stopping development before over-scoping is never easy, it is one of those lessons we all have to keep learning. If you ever get to continue working on this, I feel there is one thing that is more important than the rest of the todo list: have not only the ships, but the bullets that are shot off the screen reappear in the other side. Loving the vector-style graphics by the way! Keep it up Charles!

Hi! I am the organizer of the Week Sauce game jam, a jam about taking it easy and enjoying game development without the usual stress of competitions and timeframes. For March we wanted to give a try to making different games with the same assets, and we selected yours for all participants to use. See here:

Ours is a pretty chill jam, and I was excited to see how many people have expanded your asset pack with their own creations, so I encouraged people to check that list of links in your description.

If anybody here is working on a game next month (March 2024) that they want to contribute, feel free to drop by.

Thank you all so much for creating all these great resources!

(1 edit)

Welcome to another Week Sauce game jam! As you know Week Sauce is not really a monthly jam, but more of a work on a project for a few days without stressing about schedules” deal. However, we do have a monthly (totally optional) theme in case you need help getting the creative juices going. For March the theme is…

Make a Game with 0x72's Dungeon Tileset Assets

This one may require some explanations. The idea for this theme is to be creative by making different games with the same assets. So although this looks like a dungeon crawler asset pack, we totally hope you try and make whatever tickles your fancy. Romance, crafting, racing games… nothing is off limits!

As usual, we also don't want to be restrictive about this; you can use whatever parts of the asset pack that suit you. You can modify it. You can add to it. You can mix it with other assets, whether your own or somebody else's. If you really don't like the asset for some reason, feel free to use a different asset you like better! And like every month, the theme is totally optional, so don't feel restricted by it.

If you have other questions, I have added a little FAQ to the March jam page, but feel free to ask below. In any case, if you want to chat about your take, are looking for help or for a team, wanna vote on next month's theme or share your day to day progress, join our Discord. Did you make a game with this theme but finished it past the due date? No problem! Get in touch and I will send you a link to upload it. 

As always, thanks for joining us, and have fun!
—Miguel Friginal

Thanks for participating once more in the Week Sauce game jam! I love the tight resolution and all the effects, but above all else, I LOVE THE MUSIC! So impressive that it was all done in 3 days. 🙇

Thank you so much for participating in the Week Sauce game jam! I just love your game. The different environments with different kinds of moles and mallets are a hoot, the animations are simple but great, with the little beady eyes looking around and the claw attacks. First time I played I was surprised it even had an upgrade system! Sound effects and music are also on point, really round up the cute style. A lot of neat stuff for this super charming game, made in such a tight schedule. Really hope you participate again in the jam and we get to play more of your creations!

Thank you for participating in the Week Sauce game jam! I love that the bombs fall at different speeds than the rest of the fruits. So many times you think you have time to grab something and avoid the bomb just for it ending in the basket. Great simple game! Please feel free to join the game jam again in the future.