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A member registered Dec 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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I got it :) it is funny and unless i get to many others complaining i will have to reduce it :( but I am very excited for what i have in store for you guys and look forward to receiving critiques and compliments

(1 edit)

Thank you for your Review, i will cover each of these issues in detail 

  • you can't move while jumping until player reaches max height
    • Thank you for pointing this one out, I will see if i can make the jump movement more responsive, on occasion i find this annoying also so this is most certainly going to be looked at
  • Shooting while running will give the player momentum that will persist for a good couple of steps
    • I believe this issue has been mitigated in the next version which i will upload as soon as the voting period is over, if i still find this happening i will see what might be causing the problem and fix it
  • shooting at the top of the jump consumes 4-5 bars instead of 1? Is this a bug
    • Ahh yes this was 100% a bug, in fact there was allot of issues with firing and i have since recoded the entire system, you now have a faster fire rate, jumping and shooting along with running and shooting is fluid you can now shoot multiple times in the air as i have also increased its speed, the player does shoot slower when running however, this is due to an animation issue, but its still fast enough. 
    • *hint* The Cannons that are over the map have a limited shooting range but Blaze has a further shooting range, so if you can make this distance then destroying these is not to hard, each successful hit also resets their fire timer.
    • I have increased the shot count to 6 
  • Using shift to climb ladders is a tad annoying as others pointed out.
    • I see this one allot, this is a deliberate feature and as the game develops you will see why this is the case, However i might set the climb button to something different
  • does the game have checkpoints?
    • Rightfully so, there will be checkpoints and in fact as i saw this message take a look:-


The Active Save Point WIP

  • I got hit by the enemy carrying a bat and i got shot into orbit. This reminded me of getting hit by the giants in Skyrim, 10/10 would get hit again.
    • Yeah he hits a home run with you, originally i was going to fix this but i kept it for comedic value, however if this becomes too annoying i will reduce the force
  • I also didn't see any indicator of which movement mod I have equipped
    • This is because we are not meant to have it this early in the game this will be a mod you get from one of the mech bosses of this zone 
    • This is the journey I'm hoping to take the player on for the next SMVM.

Overall allot of things are being polished and in 8 days i will upload the latest dev build and continue working on it throughout the next 3 months jam hopefully with a far more complete project. I really hope you guys stay with me during this development as with myself i will continue following all your work, I really want to be part of a great MV Community

Ah this game looked so promising, nevermind the next smv jam is coming up hopefully you will be able to get a feasible game out, unless this is a wrong upload. Good luck next time

Thank you for your honest review, though this was a 3 month Jam, there was allot i wanted to get done before the deadline and in most cases i did get the majority of what i wanted done. as in my dev logs during this development stage i have been contending with the jump and enemy issues and i promise when the lock down is finished and the results are in I will be making allot of changes to the way the game controls, in short I am completely in aggreance with your critique and i made the decision quite early on to focus on getting a playable game up on to the jam and possibly resubmitting it in the next extended jam, my game is playable throughout the jams and all feedback during development is taken into consideration. 

Yeah the controls issue again 😅 this game is controller playable. However I do agree, when I was developing the game I didn't pay too much attention to the controls scheme. In fact just used unity's default system. For future versions I am going to switch to unity's new input system for a more customized experience. overall I'm glad you like it and blazes journey has only just began

To get the Grenade here is the way to get them

A great start for a platformer, there are a few things to consider the first is Graphics consistancy, throughout this demo your players pixels are unfiltered as well as enemies but some of the tiles for the castle were bilinear filtered which is quite jarring against the crisp pixel based tiles this made some of the areas look blurry, the boss of this level was far easier than the smaller enemy counterparts in the level i believe this is to do with the boss being so big and its attack check being small perhaps adding obstables to the fight or giving the boss multiple phases could aleviate this and make this a satisfying final battle

overall your use of combo skills makes the player feel good in fights and overall the enemies are pretty satisfying to fight

A beatiful looking game, the use of 3D makes this one stand out over many of the others the search and collect idea makes this a very good MV Game, wish you the best

Yes the game is controller compatible, i will be playing more in to this as i develop the game further. I just wish i could upload a bug fixed version as today i have resolved the jump shoot problem and now the game plays as expected (somewhat). 

I fully am devoted to developing this game further i have a lot more features coming and the all important narrative element which is demostrated slightly on the opening cutscene

so stick around as soon as voting is over i will be updating the online version and soldiering on with development. This game has proved to be quite popular and look forward to continuing on with it

I love this game, I enjoyed playing this one from the very first time i saw it. I really want more of this game but there are some critiques one as mentioned in a previous post was there is no visual effect when hitting enemies this could add more impact to the game I also find the music on default overpowers much of the sound effects (but this may be a speaker problem my end)

Otherwise a solid entry and i am following this project to see where it goes

A Fun little submission, the idea of a drunk hero was quite amusing and i was belly laughing at the intro cutscene overall great game, look forward to seeing more 

Nice addition, Was set aback initially with the super pixelated closeup but i got used to it, I concer with Straz the desktop version is much better as all of you ui is displayed and its not super filtered like on the web version, overall great prototype look forward to seeing how it develops over time

this game is also controller compatible if you have one, that will help with the control problems unfortunately I'm using unity's old input system so its very much default keys sadly

ahh yea the controls are something I didn't get round to improving, in order to use the grenades you needs to defeat the rat boss who gives you this upgrade when it is defeated ,you will find hin on the far left of the map, I was meant to put some narrative in game but time constraints meant I had to put this on the future build,  the idea is to continue development after the ratings are finished

(1 edit)

Hey guys I done it, there is 2 versions now the online demo and the offline SMVM 23 version

Thank you very much i do like these sets allot

I like this game but I do find that the sequences are difficult to achieve sometimes as they're not very intuitive as an example double jump is (Down, Forward, X) I think (Forward, Up, X) would be more logical imo, but I guess it will come with practice I suppose. I do love the idea of using sequences to perform actions as this adds a layer of challenge that's really cool

I also like the on screen controls  as this makes the game accessible even when using a smart phone (which I should really consider doing myself)

Overall had great fun playing this look forward to seeing how it grows

A genuinely great entry, my one is starting to look more and more inferior :) this is great

A great game, this is definately a potential winner in the Super MV Gamejam. I love the animated cutscenes, if I was to criticize anything and this is pretty much a preference thing is the controls are awkward for me, but i have odd control preferences :) Keep it up 

That would be great wouldnt it, lets see how it goes though. I am so glad you like my project as i have enjoyed making it.

(3 edits)

Thank you for your feedback, all of the concerns regarding the map are being taken care of, this version is far from the final product and obstacles, traps etc are all in the works 😄

Regarding the controls all of what you said makes perfect sense and I have to understand that though it is a preference if mine it's not to say others agree so I will certainly work on fixing these controls up, 

Game development is an iterative process and this is the purpose of early releases to get a feeling for what works and doesn't, thanks for your feedback

And by the way don't worry about rambling, I'm not exactly the most to the point person 😄 besides I like to read

Thank you for reaching out. Though when the project is complete i will have the inputs as customizable but for now what suggestions do you have that i can possibly incorporate as this will benefit the overall development 

thats great, i messaged you on Discord looking forward to working with you. 

Hi Just listened to your music on soundcloud, i am currently looking for a composer for my own project Neuronet 2090 for this Jam and would like to ask if its a project you would be willing to help me with. I am a musician myself but as i want to promarily focus on the project i would like someone to com on board to help ease the load off me, Even after the Jam i will be continuing on with this project and if we get on well i will commission you in future. I am looking for a composer who is comfortable creating Dark Synthwave music (like cyberpunk) and based on my listening i think you could be very good at that 

Let me know I am on here quite allot of late so i will get back quickly, if you get a chance why not check out my game so far, I have also followed you on sound cloud 

thank you I too am hoping I get this finished or at least playable soon I'm planning to have a demo ready before the end of the super jam

(1 edit)

Hi guys

I am glad this jam has been created as i love the genre and had a really cool idea for a MVM game but as is often the case with me i had planned a grand scope and not considered the timeframe. I am working on a cyberpunk themed game that is based in the year 2090, where cybernetics and AI have turned people and animals into AI Slaves being controlled by the great Intelligence. You are an ex marine turned punk who has set out to find and destroy the great intelligence to free the city from the clutches of the AI.

when I originally made this project i had graphics assets ready but no clear goal and as time went on the scope became greater and greater, I am a musician but by the end of the jam I hadnt even started any sound design. I unfortunately gave up on the jam 2 days before the closing date with a shell of a game and just forgot about it. Recently however this idea came back to me and i was going to continue to work on it then i saw that Super Game Jam was happening and decided that i owed it to the community to bring it here first.

If anybody would like to get in touch I would be happy to reply as if i can get more hands on this the more likely il have something by the end of the jam

il consider

Level Designers
Sound designers

I have all the graphical elements but if someone is able to manipulate pixel art to allow me to create more animations for skills i would be very happy. 

This is the page for this game

Sorry for such a long post but i am quite excited to get feedback on my game and to get in touch with like minded individuals

I might require your skills, I compose too but i dont have time to do both, I listened to your Demo reel hit me up and we can chat

I'm a jack of all trades, I program mostly but I can produce music, 3d art and game design I'm mostly a lone shark but would love to join a team to help give me focus if your interested let me know

I have finally uploaded an early alpha of my remake of the Classic Arcade breakout game Arkanoid.Im hoping to get some interest in this game and some feedback, im going to be developing this as an ongoing project and hope to get some ever useful feedback from you guys.

Play this game now on my itch page Here

Here is a video of me playing the latest version.

I would like to know your thoughts on this game please check it out and let me know.
(1 edit)

I have finally uploaded an early alpha of my remake of the Classic Arcade breakout game Arkanoid. I will endevour to get a video soon.Im hoping to get some interest in this game and some feedback, im going to be developing this as an ongoing project and hope to get some ever useful feedback from you guys.

Paranoid 40xx Early Alpha

as someone pretty experienced with RPG maker I think you have done a good job so far, I am just really sorry i didn't discover this sooner as I am a huge fan of Guildwars in general and saw this appear on a really prominent Guildwars chanel (of course its wooden potatoes) and to hear his enthusiasm over it IMO is no small feat. 

Im looking forward to seeing this project develop further and if i can suggest anything I will

I like the concept of this game, fitted with the theme, 

Not sure if its deliberate but the last 3 lives in this game dont give me a chance to move as i am blasted by 2 robots at a time, maybe a small invinsibility at the start would make this more fair, but in regards to the game i like the aesthetic and it matches the theme very well 

Thank you for the reply, this was unfortunately cut so i could release it to the GameJam as soon as this is over I will be uploading a new version with an extra power up (Laser Aim) and a crosshair , im not sure of the rules of updating the game before the end of the Jam

Best looking game so far, love this games style and music the challenge is real in this game especially as you progress. Only one suggestion, sometimes as the pressure grows i forgot how many taps for what colour maybe some sort of indication would be cool. well done

Cool Game and your first Game Jam welcome to the club, took me a while to work out how to switch minions but all part of the challenge, reat job

Beautiful Graphics and decent gameplay, an interesting choice of movement quite unique. great Job

Love this Game even though I read many times I still tried matching with the tape colour but in actual fact it is the Package colour. Well done Why not