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A member registered Nov 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Incredible game concept. Loved it on my first play through. will be coming back for sure

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I recognize that loader. Was this made in Godot?? Holy crap

Edit: this is insanely ambitious for 72 hours. nice work!

Wow. Puzzle #4 was genuinely a challenge for me. nice job!

I absolutely loved it. The idea of sifting through AI garbage in a search engine is chilling, because I can absolutely see that happening (read an article headline this morning saying that OpenAI is developing their own search engine...).

Hey there! Yes, I did a big portion of it in C++. I had to roll back to GDscript for many things because integrating with third party addons (such as DialogueManager) was difficult. It is possible, as it mostly interacts with a singleton (Autoload), but in the end wasn't completely worth it. But yes, you can absolutely make and ship games completely in C++ that are exported for the web with Godot 4.

Delightful little game! The cat sprite is cute

I actually found it really difficult, but cool little game for sure :)

Thanks for the feedback!! I agree, the diving is unexpectedly fun :) Honestly that's a good point and it's a game design problem I didn't quite get to. My writer wrote some dialogue to help but it's probably not strong enough to motivate what exactly needs to be done. As you mentioned, goals would be a great idea to implement

Oh wow. Came here from the Youtube video. This has an unexpectedly excellent little game design. From the moment you figure out which little creatures to yeet into the portal you definitely want to finish the round and get that score up. Awesome!

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Thanks for the comment! We have received a few comments now about both the music as well as the walking speed. Believe it or not this is the second iteration of walking speed. But we will continue to tinker to get it right. The music is definitely a work in progress, and we are hoping to get some sound effects in soon. Thanks again :)

A Beaver's Tale

"A Beaver's Tale" tells a story of a single Beaver parent trying to look out for three rambunctious youngsters in the wilderness. It’s a casual, indie RPG, set in a Canadian Maple Tree forest near Wiarton, Ontario. Have fun extracting maple syrup, building dams and bridges!

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A Beaver's Tale

A Beaver's Tale

Thank you for the feedback! Our goal is very much cozy game vibes. And yeah, that's intentional at this point. Dialogue is still a work in progress.

Played it for a little while, what a cool little game! I love the idea of being able to send out pulses to "hear out" the environment. I'd love to brainstorm how this might work with 3D games and 3D sonar/sound effects to give spatial hints. Great work.

The art/writing themes/music create such a vibe. Amazing work!

I'm in the discord as Mike.

Stuff I do:

- Game design/programming in Godot, but can do UE5 and would be willing to learn other platforms. I've got 15 years of programming experience so I can typically pick things up fast :)

- Hard surface 3D modeling

- Music making (typically piano, acoustic or electric guitar), which are all non-synthesized instruments, and sound effect mastering

I'm open to 2D as I know that's a more common format for game jams but if anyone wants to take a dive on 3D please let me know!!