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A member registered Jul 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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absolutely! thanks

if not, it’s no big deal. I can always make an update after the jam

am I allowed to have a brightness control in-game for players who can’t handle the high contrast with flashing lights and such? seems more convenient than having people mess with their monitors

great work! I’d love to donate a proper theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.

great work! I’d love to donate a proper theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.

great work! I’d love to donate a proper theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.

awesome! I love that. I don’t know how to contact you other than through here. Would you mind sending me an email to so we can work out what style you have in mind?

great work! I’d be happy to donate an original theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it. If not, I’d love to do something for your next game.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it. If not, I’d love to do something for your next game.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it. If not, I’d love to do something for your next game.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it. If not, I’d love to do something for your next game.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song and some sound effects if you intend to keep working on it.

new update! ending cutscene and better levels for sfx

I understand entirely. It’s good to learn to do everything yourself. Either way, I’ll be keeping up with this sweet project.

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song if you intend to keep working on it.

yes! I figured as much, which is why I felt compelled to reach out. but no pressure. I’m still stoked on the project

great work! I’d be happy to donate a theme song if you intend to keep working on it.

great work! I’d be happy to donate an original theme song if you intend to keep working on it.

I love when a game is made with enough love to deliver slick screen transitions! Great work. can’t wait to see what you come up with next.

I loved the clever use of quick time events, as well as how the game has more to offer than what you might immediately expect. Great work!

I very much loved the look and feel of this game! on full screen it had this jpeg-style shader that gave me a very nice feeling. I look forward to see what you come up with in the future.

Marty is easily one of the best I’ve played from this Jam. Both gameplay styles have very solid implementation, with no wonkiness. The graphics could use more refining, but it’s not like that matters in a quality game. The HUD (especially in the vertical shooter section) could use some kind of border, to remind us where we can an cannot go to avoid enemies. Sure, there could be more enemy variety but maybe in a later version. The soundtrack is Awesome. Keep up the great work.

wow! thanks so much. this may be the best review I’ve ever received. the sound effects will be Very easy to address in a post-jam update, so I will certainly do that!

thanks so much!

wonderful concept for a shmup! is baldness a curse? Hair is such a pain.

I love Pinball games but can’t figure it out. which button is A (for holding) on the keyboard?

Sadly, this is all I got from my VisualBoyAdvance emulator. Is there a preferred method for playing this game?

Beautiful game!

very nice asteroids-style gameplay. particles and palette are on point! It’d be nice if some of those particles were integrated into the explosions.

Absolutely adorable. Love the cloud shapes and the doggy music.

I would definitely leave out the web player option, since it’s so bare compared to the download. That being said, the mechanics are Pretty rough. I like the vibe and concept. Certainly worth putting more work into.

certainly hard to tell immediately which player you’re controlling. otherwise, it has a great look and overall vibe. makes me want to play with love2d some more.

I love the sound effects! Doesn’t matter that it doesn’t sound at all like a gameboy game. Looking forward to your next ’venture.

thanks so much. I’ll definitely be doing an update with your tips in mind!