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A member registered Jan 07, 2024 · View creator page →

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COol love the animations as well as the procedural generation and just being able to jump in a 2d topdown is cool, but also make it more forgiving as the gap is too big for jumping, sick game!!

THe artstyle has it's own charm very cool, love the goofy shoes

DAMMMNN very good idea!!!! thanks so much I will expand to it as I have plans to make it commercial!

Yea for me too the lava part is a bit laggy I don't know if it's because of my low Graphics Card because some people doesn't have the problem, I will fix it tho thank you!

thanks so muchhh

Thaankss, I'll have to rethink what to do when you die thnk u

Thank you so much!

pretty unique love how as you move up the camera follows which is cool

LMaoo this game so chaotic it's so fun, love how you can see the sodas from far away and the grasses only generates when you are close which made my game run fast, sick game!

pretty spooky I love your artstyle so much and low bit music adds to the low graphics of the game but it still lags my none graphics card pc I don't know if the walls had Noise it might've been the cause, still keep on doing the artstyle and vibe it really feels awesome!!.


No way tha k you so much!!, the Tile Map/Y sorting was chaotic and I'll fix it soon! thankss

Hehe, I'll update it ofc I'm considering on making this commercial, thanks!!

My Theme:::

Game Idea Jam 2024 community · Created a new topic NO?
do I just say No even if I added the image of the generated idea on the game's description, help

sick ass heck, how'd you make the floor vanish

Yea, I didn't get to finish it! I'd love to continue making this tho! thanks!!

Yea, I didn't get to finish it, got busy 2 days before the deadline, this was supposed to be a demo lol, Thank you!

yea zombies turn into mirrors, only 2 mirrors are present everytime so zombies that were turned into mirrors before disappears, mirrors just lets you teleport to one mirror from another, no strategic things to use the mirror for tho, thanks for playing!!

haha thanks so much lol, the lights lighting up was just a happy lil accident thx!!

lmao, thanks for trying to win!!!!!!!!! it seems that the mirror mechanic was counter intui

tive lol

thanks!, yea pretty dumb game it's very unfinished

Pretty Brainy but probably too hard for me to beat, The artstyle is so good and the theme and object implementation is the best so far

Pretty Brainy but probably too hard for me to beat, The artstyle is so good and the theme and object implementation is the best so far

gotta love all these story games man, 3rd fight feels unbeatable  tho but I love the card game

AYOOOOOOOO hope ya'll finish this game, best use of the theme and special object!!!!!

Pretty cool, i love the UI and the shader for the smoke!!

oh lmaooooooooo, im so washed loll

oh probably after attacking, it's a one time thing after you attack an enemy it doesn't freeze the game after

So Fire, feels very Nostalgic, it's been long since I played stuff like this <333

The character sprite artstyle has some charm to it, I also liked that you can actually try to dodge the attack pretty cool

(1 edit)

glibb glob gloob tbh, I love the sounds especially the laughing one

I like that you pause the game when pressing esc, idk if the score still runs after you pause the game because I am currently top 1 on the leaderboard, I really like the UI!!

woah thanks for the comparison!, it looks like a great platformer

thank you!, sorry for the frustrating gameplay!!

I shouldve really lerped my horizontal movement, and I didn't have time to add sounds I didn't know it was part of the rating in a game jam, I'll be sure to add next time!

Very informative quote, I'll try and stand by that quote next time !!

I'm so happy fr

Super satisfying momentum! actually love the controls amazing!

Pretty solid and a good simulation game!, so much variety and the game page bacground was a good touch!!