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A member registered Jan 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the quick response! I totally get that this will take time, and thanks for looking into it. I've actually never gotten motion sickness from this kind of flight game before, so my experiences definitely aren't universal here.

I fly with arcade controls off and need the locked camera to actually control my flight, which is probably a big contributer and I should have clarified in the first post.  In that mode the camera sways a lot. Also when walking while riding Red, the camera bounces a fair bit. Those too motions definitely made me feel a bit light headed. 

I also think mounting/dismounting can cause a big fast swing which is mildly disorienting. I don't think on its own this is a big issue, but compounds with the smaller motions.

Game Version: 1.0.1

First off, I'm really digging the chill fwooshy vibe of the game. That said, something about the camera is making me feel motion sick and preventing me from getting into the flow as much as I would like. I'm calling it jittery, but that's really just a guess. I tried toying with FoV but couldn't really find a mode that helped make things better. I think some of it is motion when I'm flying meant to capture the sway of the dragon (I like how Red's butt wiggles in the air, very cute), and some of it is the camera trying to adjust when I switch from air/ground and on/off Red.

I also noticed that sometimes, especially on the racing rings and the statue of Gabryell, that the sky in the background bleeds through them and appears in the foreground. See screenshot for example:

Thanks so much for this game, and for taking the time to read this! For now, I just need to play in short stretches.

Very cute, if sad, chinchilla. I also really love the spinning top idea and how you balanced the amount of failures allowed.