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A member registered Sep 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your nice words, I have troubles with the animation but I did have some help, so in the next update the game will be much better...

This is it :

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That's cool too

I think it's fine since it's working with the rest 

I did try that, and it gives me an application error

Hi, I liked the intro graphics, it's look like it's anime!!! looked like a lot of work though ^_^

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When I download it for some reason it won't open , so I watched the video , the visuals are amazing I really like the atmosphere , is very different from the games in this jam, and I like the character animation and style, good work !!

(I rated from the video, thought you should know)

Hi, you did a great job with the light, and your art is cool, especially the green grass in the beginning of the game, it's a little bit unusual for the controller to be j and f but it works fine if you put both of your hand on the keyboard, the purple spell is very good !! Cool game overall 

The download is not really working , you might need to talk a look at that 

It's really nice for your game to be this different from the other games , the dash mechanic is a little hard to use like why not use a single key for it , but I like how the world is big and only can see a little piece of it at the time , the art is cool , pixel art always won !! The music is a little noisy but work with the whole game vibes , Good Game ...

Before I download the game I have to ask , what engine do you use ? 

I played your game when you first submitted and I thought you might be resubmit when the jam move forward, but for what I saw there is some glitches with the collision, some time the player go up when he collide with a wall instead of going down, otherwise keep working on this...

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The art is really weird ,  but not in a bad way , it's good to be unusual I think ...

I like the sounds and the little white things go up and down , The boss I  think it's the boss start moving suddenly , it's good !!

Nice game overall ....

This is great, this is my Instagram (laughing_cat_222_222) with the same image, I can send the image to you there, is that cool ? 

I really liked the art is simple and cute, and surprisingly without black lines!!! 

I did this thing in my first game jam where I kept making the level hard thinking that it's not enough while it's actually really hard for someone playing it for the first time and I think you did that, if you added a checkpoint or more soul it's going to be much more smoother ...

Overall I think it's really nice game, especially if you work more on it ... 

I liked the game, collecting colors and the change of the world is cool and great idea, you add a sfx for the jump but there is no music, I usually find that a little weird when a lot of good  things happening in the game, when the player died a corpse left behind I found that awesome, the map is big and I didn't finish it yet, but I liked that you add check points, it keep you in the game longer, really good work

Thanks for playing the game, Godot is an exciting suggestion, I didn't know that it used a similar language to Python, I read that you make good pixel art on your own, are you interested in doing the character animation, I had a hard time trying to get it right...

Good game , I like the art, and the skeleton enemy, I reread the title twice when I first saw it, nice work

You game is good , I liked that the player shoots arrows , for the boss fight I think you should lock the gate so I can only win if I did beat him, otherwise it's a cool game if you put more work in it....

The menu page is simple but nice, I like the character but I think the animation is a bit slow, and the controlling is a little bit hard, but the game has potential..

I like the art, and that when you shoot to the ground it left it you up, good game

Cool game mate !!!

Cool Game, it will help you if you have a thumbnail picture for it...

Hi, I'm a Pygame game dev, to save time and make the game look better I put a fair time to make a good graphics, but I need help to animate the main character, my game will be 2d-metroidvania,  if I finish it and submitted to this jam or after it I'll definitely mention the person and give him the credit.

great job keep it up man !!

of course it will help , keep the good work !

Your game is very nice, The graphics are really simple and cool, the animations are pretty smooth, I like that it is long , I didn't finish it yet, super fun , keep it up !!

The game is fun to play , didn't win yet but still trying , the graphics is very simple you could done better with it, otherwise the game-play is good and I like the music, I hope you try my game !

Thank you ^_^

Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad that you like it...

This is not my game, but I just played it and defiantly need more support , it's pretty good : 

MAN !!! 

This is very cool and perfect, it's completely unfair that you don't have much rating, the art is super cute when I shout the character have a little light, and there is a double jump and wall slide, the enemies does not die from one shoot, music are nice, the whole environment is insanely nice , I'm in love with it, hope to see more of your work !!

There is a lot of things to say,

first of, the dialog has no way to skip at, people usually skip it, and some of it I didn't read because they gone so fast !

when the player die, I didn't know how to restart , so I restart the whole game,

for your first game is not bad, but the music could done magic for you if you added them, good game , keep it up, and I hope you try my game too.

The game is smooth, I like the art, but where is the music, adding them will make the game a lot better,  good game over all, hope you try mine as well.

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I don't want to rate the game while I'm not really understand everything in it, I played a little, it's a good game so far especially when I used the full screen mode, but the space bar does not do anything !! I removed the boxes with the left click and but the objects in the map , what I have to do next ?!

The flow is really cool, how the bird flies is pretty good, and the music is very relaxing , very good game.

I like the music and the smooth movement , but the colors are not 1 bit !!

Hope it does not effect your rating