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A member registered Oct 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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It was, indeed! An absolute blast, with two jams for the price of one! Thank you so much again to the developers for sharing with us the full soundtrack and allowing for us to play around with the music.

Thank you so much for your message (and your game!). I managed to get it working. No errors at the console and the game was running fine except for no audio, so I guessed there must be a problem in my Fmod bank. I repeated the process of replacing the assets and a little change seemed to solve the issue: importing them directly in Fmod (instead of replacing the files in the folder at Windows file explorer).

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Thank you so much for sharing this!

I am totally new to FMOD and from the project you shared I modified one of the assets and built a new bank, but it seems the game has no audio output with this new bank. Is it necessary to make any other export or change in the code in order for the new Fmod banks to work?

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Thanks a lot for sharing this. In Trados I also managed to include the comments as non-translatable tags this way:

- Change the closing pattern of the file type to: $

- In "Inline tags" > "Add rule..." 

Rule type: Placeholder

with rule regex: "  --.*}

In Advanced... choose behavior as "Include".

(Note: it is the first time I try using inline tags generated by me, so please take this with a grain of salt! I am still in the middle of the translation, and while I tested exporting it and it seems to work fine, it might still fail somehow.)

Hi, guys! Nice to e-meet you, Guillermo and Nazarena! @Alba, it seems finally the team can get bigger than we thought! I think I did not receive any message from you in Discord yet. Did you send it to me? 

Awesome! I'm sure we'll learn a lot.

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Hey, Alba! Maybe we can go ahead with a team of 2? I looked at the deadline and wordcount of the project to be translated and in fact it could be completed by just one localizer, but of course the review, testing, potential image editing, etc. would also rest on the shoulders of only one person, so it would not be ideal. Being only two has the advantage that we both can experience all the stages of the localization, for instance translating half of the text and reviewing the other half which the other person has translated, then splitting the testing (or both doing a full testing), and it can also be easier to manage the project and reach translation decisions. What do you think?    

Great! Yes, you can find me as "guille" with username "kirrifant".

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Hi, Alba,

This is Guillem. Nice to e-meet you! I am also looking for a team to attend this jam in this language pair. I have 10+ years of experience as a freelance translator and proofreader, but I have never had the chance to work in videogame localization, so I would love to give it a try. If you are still looking for teammates, count me in!